rickman wrote:
You don't need VHDL, just Verilog 2001 and use `default_nettype none to
prevent auto-wire generation.
On 12/1/2015 8:55 PM, BobH wrote:
On 11/30/2015 5:34 PM, rickman wrote:
On 11/30/2015 6:44 PM, BobH wrote:
A mistake that I have made, is to mis-spell the wire connection and
there is no user for the outputs. The easiest way to check that is to
inspect the simulation at the inputs to the next stage that uses the
data and make sure that they are wiggling as you expect and not showing
undefined as they would for an undriven wire. The second easiest way to
check that is to eyeball the naming for this problem.
If you make a spelling error, won't that be flagged because that signal
hasn't been declared?
Often the auto-wire "feature" will generate a replacement. If you go
through the logs, it is noted, and usually the auto-wire will be a
single wide signal instead of a bus, so it shows up that way too.
That is why VHDL has strong typing, errors like this are made *very* clear.
You don't need VHDL, just Verilog 2001 and use `default_nettype none to
prevent auto-wire generation.