George Herold
Phil Allison wrote:
"> The signal voltage at a virtual earth is virtually zero."
Oh really? You must have measured this. 'virtuallly zero' may only
be 1mV or so but it's still 1mV. How about trying both circuits?
They are both quite simple.
George H.
Hi Phil,"George Hairoil is Bald "
( snip actual question)
Personally I like the inverting, but I worry that I'm missing
something obvious.
** The fact the op-amp has to drive a possibly large value cap in one
but not the other ?
I've never had any problems using opamps as integrators with
the cap tied to the inverting input.
** Integrators are not filters.
Very different situation if the cap was to have one end grounded.
** The cap IS grounded at one end.
The minus input is a virtual earth.
Hi Phil, I hope you don't start swearing at me. But 'virtual earth'
is different than real earth.
** Fraid it is not - pal.
The signal voltage at a virtual earth is virtually zero.
The op-amp in your "inverting" schem as the entire capacitance as a load to
be driven.
..... Phil
"> The signal voltage at a virtual earth is virtually zero."
Oh really? You must have measured this. 'virtuallly zero' may only
be 1mV or so but it's still 1mV. How about trying both circuits?
They are both quite simple.
George H.