Sham "Training" Courses Sprout Like Weeds During Recessions

If you think I've used my knowledge of scamotology to put the Party of
Gipper on the ash heap of history, well, you are correct.

Bret Cahill
You're good to go as a scammer assuming you aren't already scamming
the very frightened and very ignorant.

Are you saying there's absolutely no way to
train you to post to Usenet according to the
local customs? ďż˝

Cahill isn't interested in posting to USENET in accordance with existing
or evolving netiquette, all he's interested in is exposure.
No, I wear sunblock 24/7.

Anyways whatever happened to that defamation suit?

Bret "malignant melanoma" Cahill
Does anyone here know of anyone on newsgroups charging money for an
unaccredited "electronics training course?"


It's fun to put them out of business.

Back during the GHW Bush recession I forced a "training" scam into
filing under Chapt. 7.
Who cares?

Everyone who clicked on the thread entitled "Sham 'Training" Courses
Sprout . .."

We here at Shambala Training have designed a
complete guide to using your computer, on DVD!
Do you have problems maintaining attributions in
your Usenet posts? Do you top post, or commit
a myriad other faux pas? Then you may need this
training. Just send $29.95 in small bills to
Shambala Training, and we'll teach you the in and
outs of not only Usenet etiquette, but also how to
find free porn? Just put the DVD in that coffee holder
on your PC and get set to blast off into the twenty-first

You're good to go as a scammer assuming you aren't already scamming
the very frightened and very ignorant.

Are you saying there's absolutely no way to
train you to post to Usenet according to the
local customs? ďż˝
In your "locality" the "custom" is to shoot up the trailer park so,
yes, there is no way.

Bret Cahill
On Jan 8, 8:32 pm, Bret Cahill <> wrote:
Does anyone here know of anyone on newsgroups charging money for an
unaccredited "electronics training course?"


It's fun to put them out of business.

Back during the GHW Bush recession I forced a "training" scam into
filing under Chapt. 7.
Who cares?

Everyone who clicked on the thread entitled "Sham 'Training" Courses
Sprout . .."

We here at Shambala Training have designed a
complete guide to using your computer, on DVD!
Do you have problems maintaining attributions in
your Usenet posts? Do you top post, or commit
a myriad other faux pas? Then you may need this
training. Just send $29.95 in small bills to
Shambala Training, and we'll teach you the in and
outs of not only Usenet etiquette, but also how to
find free porn? Just put the DVD in that coffee holder
on your PC and get set to blast off into the twenty-first

You're good to go as a scammer assuming you aren't already scamming
the very frightened and very ignorant.

Are you saying there's absolutely no way to
train you to post to Usenet according to the
local customs?

In your "locality" the "custom" is to shoot up the trailer park so,
yes, there is no way.
So you're saying you really aren't trainable?
On Jan 8, 5:25 pm, John Fields <> wrote:
On Thu, 8 Jan 2009 16:54:48 -0800 (PST), wrote:
On Jan 8, 8:14 am, Bret Cahill <> wrote:
You're good to go as a scammer assuming you aren't already scamming
the very frightened and very ignorant.

Are you saying there's absolutely no way to
train you to post to Usenet according to the
local customs?  

Cahill isn't interested in posting to USENET in accordance with existing
or evolving netiquette, all he's interested in is exposure.

That is, publicity is publicity, whether it's good or bad and, if you
want fame so badly that you want your name to become a household word,
then you'll do whatever it takes to make that happen.

Cahill seems to be reaching for that brass ring as the Merry-Go-Round
goes round and round, but what's he going to do with it if he catches

So far, it seems to me, his grasp of technology is weak and his goal is
self-oriented, so my guess would be that he'd take the money and run.
If there is even the most remote possibility that
there is any money in what Cahill does then the
Carny Geek must be back in style.

I guess I could be the hawker.

"Welcome back my friends
To the show that never ends."
On Jan 8, 8:31 pm, Bret Cahill <> wrote:
You're good to go as a scammer assuming you aren't already scamming
the very frightened and very ignorant.

Are you saying there's absolutely no way to
train you to post to Usenet according to the
local customs?

Cahill isn't interested in posting to USENET in accordance with existing
or evolving netiquette, all he's interested in is exposure.

No, I wear sunblock 24/7.
I like your inflatable shoes too.

Anyways whatever happened to that defamation suit?

Bret "malignant melanoma" Cahill
I had always figgered it was "malignant neuroblastoma."
On Jan 8, 8:28 pm, Bret Cahill <> wrote:
You cain't stay on the subject of "Scam Training
Courses in How to Use Usenet," you ought not be
In article <5ff6ae12-8e2e-4ada-a9f2->,
On Jan 8, 8:32 pm, Bret Cahill <> wrote:
Does anyone here know of anyone on newsgroups charging money for an
unaccredited "electronics training course?"


It's fun to put them out of business.

Back during the GHW Bush recession I forced a "training" scam into
filing under Chapt. 7.
Who cares?

Everyone who clicked on the thread entitled "Sham 'Training" Courses
Sprout . .."

We here at Shambala Training have designed a
complete guide to using your computer, on DVD!
Do you have problems maintaining attributions in
your Usenet posts? Do you top post, or commit
a myriad other faux pas? Then you may need this
training. Just send $29.95 in small bills to
Shambala Training, and we'll teach you the in and
outs of not only Usenet etiquette, but also how to
find free porn? Just put the DVD in that coffee holder
on your PC and get set to blast off into the twenty-first

You're good to go as a scammer assuming you aren't already scamming
the very frightened and very ignorant.

Are you saying there's absolutely no way to
train you to post to Usenet according to the
local customs?

In your "locality" the "custom" is to shoot up the trailer park so,
yes, there is no way.

So you're saying you really aren't trainable?
Correct. Note comrad Cahill's running fantasy.
In article <>, says...>
On Thu, 8 Jan 2009 16:54:48 -0800 (PST), wrote:

On Jan 8, 8:14 am, Bret Cahill <> wrote:
You're good to go as a scammer assuming you aren't already scamming
the very frightened and very ignorant.

Are you saying there's absolutely no way to
train you to post to Usenet according to the
local customs?

Cahill isn't interested in posting to USENET in accordance with existing
or evolving netiquette, all he's interested in is exposure.

That is, publicity is publicity, whether it's good or bad and, if you
want fame so badly that you want your name to become a household word,
then you'll do whatever it takes to make that happen.

Cahill seems to be reaching for that brass ring as the Merry-Go-Round
goes round and round, but what's he going to do with it if he catches
The same thing the dog does when he catches the tire.

So far, it seems to me, his grasp of technology is weak and his goal is
self-oriented, so my guess would be that he'd take the money and run.

...likely buy the weapons he so fantasizes about and shoot up his
trailer park.
In article <3bad26ab-4bc1-4454-95d0-e26e938a24f6>, says...>
We are still waiting for the rightard plan to git Repugliars back into
It's not my problem if the stupid scribe can't read.

So what's it gonna be?

More bottom fishing for gun nutters and fundies?
You're fantasizing again.

More patriotic quagmires?

Come _on_ rightards, show us what you got!
Why? All you've shown us is your room temperature IQ and lame
attempts at trolling.
We are still waiting for the rightard plan to git Repugliars back into

So what's it gonna be?

More bottom fishing for gun nutters and fundies?

More patriotic quagmires?

Come _on_ rightards, show us what you got!

Bret Cahill
You're good to go as a scammer assuming you aren't already scamming
the very frightened and very ignorant.

Are you saying there's absolutely no way to
train you to post to Usenet according to the
local customs? ďż˝

Cahill isn't interested in posting to USENET in accordance with existing
or evolving netiquette, all he's interested in is exposure.

That is, publicity is publicity, whether it's good or bad and, if you
want fame so badly that you want your name to become a household word,
then you'll do whatever it takes to make that happen.

Cahill seems to be reaching for that brass ring as the Merry-Go-Round
goes round and round, but what's he going to do with it if he catches

So far, it seems to me, his grasp of technology is weak and his goal is
self-oriented, so my guess would be that he'd take the money and run.

If there is even the most remote possibility that
there is any money in what Cahill does then the
Carny Geek must be back in style.

I guess I could be the hawker.

"Welcome back my friends
To the show that never ends."
If you think the dust will ever settle from freedom of speech you need
to git back to oiling yer AK-47 in front of the bathroom mirror and
resume practicing to sound just like an excitin' Hollywood actor:

"Out of my live warm hands."

That way when they show up in yer trailer park yer'll knock the glass
out of a window just like in an excitin' Hollywood movie and say the
right thing.

Bret Cahill
<cut snip reinserted>

If you think I've used my knowledge of scamotology to put the Party
Gipper on the ash heap of history, well, you are correct.

Bret Cahill

<end on cut snip>

You cain't stay on the subject of "Scam Training
Courses in How to Use Usenet," you ought not be
Reaganism _was_ a scam training course.

Bret Cahill
Does anyone here know of anyone on newsgroups charging money for an
unaccredited "electronics training course?"

Sham "training courses" flourish during recessions. �Desperate people
out of work make easy prey for an organized fraud scheme.

It's either a first or 2nd degree felony even in Florida.

One key giveaway of a training scam is their unsubstantiated claims of
"happy customers."

First contact the authorities to help prosecute to the full extent of
the law if you know of such a scam.

If you don't want to do that Email me at if you
have any documentation of payments for "training" that isn't

Scan the documents and include them in a pdf or tiff file.

Back during the GHW Bush recession I forced a "training" scam into
filing under Chapt. 7.

I just invoked my right to free speech to expose the scam.

The Scammer was Terry Ottinger. �He also touted many "happy

Bret Cahill

Interesting, been laid off since Sept 08 and spend time during day
watching these BS ad's on TV about electronics training, what's funny
is is HUGE letter it indicate 'CREDITS WILL NOT TRANSFER' which should
be a big red flag for �everyone!
Classified advertising, about 40% of a paper's income, gets hit very
hard during recessions.

Scams use classified advertising as well and sleazy newspapers like
the _Tampa Tribune_ will run the ads knowing full well it's a
organized fraud scheme.

Bret Cahill
We are still waiting for the rightard plan to git Repugliars back into

It's not my problem if the stupid scribe can't read.

So what's it gonna be?

More bottom fishing for gun nutters and fundies?

You're fantasizing again.

More patriotic quagmires?
Come _on_ rightards, show us what you got!

Why? �All you've shown us is your room temperature IQ
I keep my room temp at 115.

Bret Cahill
On Jan 10, 4:51 pm, Bret Cahill <> wrote:
Does anyone here know of anyone on newsgroups charging money for an
unaccredited "electronics training course?"

Sham "training courses" flourish during recessions. Desperate people
out of work make easy prey for an organized fraud scheme.

It's either a first or 2nd degree felony even in Florida.

One key giveaway of a training scam is their unsubstantiated claims of
"happy customers."

First contact the authorities to help prosecute to the full extent of
the law if you know of such a scam.

If you don't want to do that Email me at if you
have any documentation of payments for "training" that isn't

Scan the documents and include them in a pdf or tiff file.

Back during the GHW Bush recession I forced a "training" scam into
filing under Chapt. 7.

I just invoked my right to free speech to expose the scam.

The Scammer was Terry Ottinger. He also touted many "happy

Bret Cahill

Interesting, been laid off since Sept 08 and spend time during day
watching these BS ad's on TV about electronics training, what's funny
is is HUGE letter it indicate 'CREDITS WILL NOT TRANSFER' which should
be a big red flag for everyone!

Classified advertising, about 40% of a paper's income, gets hit very
hard during recessions.

Scams use classified advertising as well and sleazy newspapers like
the _Tampa Tribune_ will run the ads knowing full well it's a
organized fraud scheme.

Bret Cahill
Here is a good training course.

One success story from one of my trainees:

"you are either a lunatic or a genius"

See? He really learned something there.

You~to can learn things! - Yes, you can!

Tell your children !
On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 07:56:39 -0800 (PST), Bret Cahill
<> wrote:

We are still waiting for the rightard plan to git Repugliars back into

It's not my problem if the stupid scribe can't read.

So what's it gonna be?

More bottom fishing for gun nutters and fundies?

You're fantasizing again.

More patriotic quagmires?
Come _on_ rightards, show us what you got!

Why? ?All you've shown us is your room temperature IQ

I keep my room temp at 115.
Snakes are like that.
On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 07:56:39 -0800 (PST), Bret Cahill
<> wrote:

We are still waiting for the rightard plan to git Repugliars back into

It's not my problem if the stupid scribe can't read.

So what's it gonna be?

More bottom fishing for gun nutters and fundies?

You're fantasizing again.

More patriotic quagmires?
Come _on_ rightards, show us what you got!

Why? ?All you've shown us is your room temperature IQ

I keep my room temp at 115.
No doubt he was talking Celsius.


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