Service manuals and schematics

"" wrote:
Now, the things I KNEW (read my previous posts):
Education: High school (figures)
Status: Single (FIGURES !!)
Occupation: Disabled (I KNEW it, just didnt come around to saying it

"Sir" ... Michael, you're a FUCKING LOSER and it was really not hard
to figure that out even wihout this nice page of yours. You better
lock yourself in your little room and design some more of your
fictional oh-so-powerful-and-amazing-mega-toys nobody even wants to
hear about and write some 2000+ page documentation for it. LOL I can't
believe I even replied to this loser's posts. I get the creeps even
thinking about it.
Yawn. I have been classed as disabled for the last three years. I
worked in electronics from 13 years old. I served in the US Army as a
broadcast engineer, and worked as the engineer for several other TV
stations after leaving the military. At 52 I started losing the feeling
in both hands and couldn't drive for more than five minutes at a time.
They diagnosed both Carpal tunnel syndrome and nerve damage that causes
a continuous tingle like a low level electrical shock. the only 'cure'
is to sever the nerve bundles between my wrists and elbows, which would
make both hands as useless as you.

The VA diagnosed me with over a half dozen medical problems, and
declared me 100% disabled. They stated "It is obvious that due to the
'Laundry List' of medical problems, this individual will never be able
to work again." It is no worse than someone taking retirement a couple
year early, but I didn't plan to ever retire. I keep busy repairing
computer and other electronics and giving them away, to other disabled
Veterans and people in need in my area.

The equipment I mentioned is still being built and sold by L-3

I suppose being a disabled veteran with a honorable discharge & a
letter of commendation for work "Above & beyond the call of duty" is a
joke to you.

No one cares what you think. As far as creeps, you are one. Keep
peddling your stolen manuals, since it is the closest you will ever get
to being a tech. Keep laughing, jackass. Maybe you'll laugh so hard
you choke to death.

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!
This isn't an advert. I have no commercial interests with the portal.
Techies come here to share and help each other by fulfilling service
manual requests for free. A rating attached to your nick increments
everytime you share a useful service manual. Waiting for someone to
respond to your requests could take from half a day to forever. It
pays to be friendly here. The folks that run this portal sell manuals
too , however they don't jeopardise the interests of people coming in
and trying to get them for free.
You need to register, log in, share a few , get some ranking and
you're rolling.
Just thought i'd let you'll know.
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message
"" wrote:

Now, the things I KNEW (read my previous posts):
Education: High school (figures)
Status: Single (FIGURES !!)
Occupation: Disabled (I KNEW it, just didnt come around to saying it

"Sir" ... Michael, you're a FUCKING LOSER and it was really not hard
to figure that out even wihout this nice page of yours. You better
lock yourself in your little room and design some more of your
fictional oh-so-powerful-and-amazing-mega-toys nobody even wants to
hear about and write some 2000+ page documentation for it. LOL I can't
believe I even replied to this loser's posts. I get the creeps even
thinking about it.

Yawn. I have been classed as disabled for the last three years. I
worked in electronics from 13 years old. I served in the US Army as a
broadcast engineer, and worked as the engineer for several other TV
stations after leaving the military. At 52 I started losing the feeling
in both hands and couldn't drive for more than five minutes at a time.
They diagnosed both Carpal tunnel syndrome and nerve damage that causes
a continuous tingle like a low level electrical shock. the only 'cure'
is to sever the nerve bundles between my wrists and elbows, which would
make both hands as useless as you.

The VA diagnosed me with over a half dozen medical problems, and
declared me 100% disabled. They stated "It is obvious that due to the
'Laundry List' of medical problems, this individual will never be able
to work again." It is no worse than someone taking retirement a couple
year early, but I didn't plan to ever retire. I keep busy repairing
computer and other electronics and giving them away, to other disabled
Veterans and people in need in my area.

The equipment I mentioned is still being built and sold by L-3

I suppose being a disabled veteran with a honorable discharge & a
letter of commendation for work "Above & beyond the call of duty" is a
joke to you.

No one cares what you think. As far as creeps, you are one. Keep
peddling your stolen manuals, since it is the closest you will ever get
to being a tech. Keep laughing, jackass. Maybe you'll laugh so hard
you choke to death.

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!


If you don't care, and no one else cares, just don't respond. While I do
respect all of your knowledge, your service to our country, and willingness
to help people, you do tend to be a contentious, condescending, and
obnoxious prick sometimes. I can say that, as you know, because I can be
the same way and we have known each other through this group for quite a
while. Lighten up and let more of it go without comment.

Leonard Caillouet wrote:

If you don't care, and no one else cares, just don't respond. While I do
respect all of your knowledge, your service to our country, and willingness
to help people, you do tend to be a contentious, condescending, and
obnoxious prick sometimes. I can say that, as you know, because I can be
the same way and we have known each other through this group for quite a
while. Lighten up and let more of it go without comment.

I am thinking about just unsubscribing from this group and several
others. Most of the good techs have left here, and the other
electronics groups are full of clueless America bashing idiots. A lot
of newsgroups that used to be interesting are either dead, are now full
of spam or have so many nym shifting trolls that they are useless. Its
'Always September' all over again. :(

BTW, I was at the VA Hospital early Tuesday morning, after driving up
in that storm. I was going to stop by and say hello, but the weather
was still bad to the south, and I didn't want to risk it. I barely made
it home before it started in again.

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message
Leonard Caillouet wrote:


If you don't care, and no one else cares, just don't respond. While I do
respect all of your knowledge, your service to our country, and
to help people, you do tend to be a contentious, condescending, and
obnoxious prick sometimes. I can say that, as you know, because I can be
the same way and we have known each other through this group for quite a
while. Lighten up and let more of it go without comment.

I am thinking about just unsubscribing from this group and several
others. Most of the good techs have left here, and the other
electronics groups are full of clueless America bashing idiots. A lot
of newsgroups that used to be interesting are either dead, are now full
of spam or have so many nym shifting trolls that they are useless. Its
'Always September' all over again. :(

BTW, I was at the VA Hospital early Tuesday morning, after driving up
in that storm. I was going to stop by and say hello, but the weather
was still bad to the south, and I didn't want to risk it. I barely made
it home before it started in again.

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!

You are unlikely to catch me in the shop. I no longer work there full time.
I just do their field work and do work for a couple of other dealers and
servicers as well.

Leonard Caillouet wrote:
Michael A. Terrell wrote:

BTW, I was at the VA Hospital early Tuesday morning, after driving up
in that storm. I was going to stop by and say hello, but the weather
was still bad to the south, and I didn't want to risk it. I barely made
it home before it started in again.

You are unlikely to catch me in the shop. I no longer work there full time.
I just do their field work and do work for a couple of other dealers and
servicers as well.

Oh well! :) At least we met the one time. Are you keeping busy with
enough work? A freind of mine in Lake County was telling me about the
stuff going on at the shop he's working at, along with freelance
broadcast engineering at some 5 KW AM radio stations in North Central

Take care. :)

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!
On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 19:39:18 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"
<> wrote:

I am thinking about just unsubscribing from this group and several
others. Most of the good techs have left here, and the other
electronics groups are full of clueless America bashing idiots. A lot
of newsgroups that used to be interesting are either dead, are now full
of spam or have so many nym shifting trolls that they are useless.
That works until YOU need some help with something. Then, some of the
newsgroup readers might remember that you just classified them as one
of the not-so-good remaining techs. Work on the diplomacy angle. It
eventually pays.

I have a different way of retaining my sanity. On some high traffic
newsgroups, I only read comments by individuals that appear to have a
clue. The others are ignored, unless I'm replying to a thread, where
I have to read all the other comments before making a fool of myself.
That's far more education and enlightening than slogging through every
posting. I also have a filter that marks postings with one line
replies (also known as IM style), none of which are worth reading.

My 2 cents on manual copies: If the original manufacturer is too
lazy, busy, cheap, pre-occupied, or not concerned enough to offer
economical copies of their own service manuals, anyone should be able
to sell them. If they're available free elsewhere, that's the readers
or buyers problem. If there are licensing issues (i.e. Heathkit),
then let the courts figure it out. If one needs justification,
consider that having repair manuals available means that less
equipment ends up in the e-waste pile. Much of what I see at the
local recyclers would be repairable if manuals and parts were

Jeff Liebermann
150 Felker St #D
Santa Cruz CA 95060
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558
On Apr 20, 4:39 pm, "Michael A. Terrell" <>
Leonard Caillouet wrote:

   I am thinking about just unsubscribing from this group and several
others.  Most of the good techs have left here, and the other
electronics groups are full of clueless America bashing idiots.  A lot
of newsgroups that used to be interesting are either dead, are now full
of spam or have so many nym shifting trolls that they are useless.  Its
'Always September' all over again. :(
Go ahead and unsubscribe then like that idiot Jurb. Remember, like
JURB, your just as responsible for this as much as us trolls. You and
Jurb are fucking hypocrites. It don't matter anyway because you got me
killfiled so I can say whatever I want about you and you won't do
anything about it, you kitten raping dog fucker.
Jeff Liebermann wrote:
On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 19:39:18 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"> wrote:

I am thinking about just unsubscribing from this group and several
others. Most of the good techs have left here, and the other
electronics groups are full of clueless America bashing idiots. A lot
of newsgroups that used to be interesting are either dead, are now full
of spam or have so many nym shifting trolls that they are useless.

That works until YOU need some help with something. Then, some of the
newsgroup readers might remember that you just classified them as one
of the not-so-good remaining techs. Work on the diplomacy angle. It
eventually pays.

You aren't paying attention, Jeff. I am now 100% disabled, and very
rarely need a manual. (Like one in the last 10 years). If I don't find
one, I no longer care because I am only repairing things to kill time,
till it kills me.

I never said there were no good techs left. I said that a lot of the
names that used to offer advice are gone. They either no longer read the
group, lurk, or have died. Its not the group it used to be, and there
are a hell of a lot more trolls and posers than there used to be.

I've worked with enough half assed techs over the past 40 years that I
really don't care about their feelings anymore. I got sick of morons
who bragged about how stupid they are, like one who claimed to work in a
TV shop for over four years before he fired the first TV without help
from the other techs. If someone wants to do a job right, I offer
help. If they want to use duct tape, baling wire or WD-40, they are on
their own.

I am in pain 24/7 and really don't have the patience to coddle what
we used to call 'butchers', because their work looked like it was done
with a meat cleaver and blow torch. They would make things worse, then
charge a lot of money before they let someone have their equipment back,
then it would end up in one of the old line shops.

I have a different way of retaining my sanity. On some high traffic
newsgroups, I only read comments by individuals that appear to have a
clue. The others are ignored, unless I'm replying to a thread, where
I have to read all the other comments before making a fool of myself.
That's far more education and enlightening than slogging through every
posting. I also have a filter that marks postings with one line
replies (also known as IM style), none of which are worth reading.
I have over 100 names filtered on various newsgroups, and some have
over half the messages marked as read before I see them. A lot are
entire cross posted newsgroups that do nothing but bring cross posted
off topic garbage to a group. Some NNTP servers are filtered, as well.

My 2 cents on manual copies: If the original manufacturer is too
lazy, busy, cheap, pre-occupied, or not concerned enough to offer
economical copies of their own service manuals, anyone should be able
to sell them. If they're available free elsewhere, that's the readers
or buyers problem. If there are licensing issues (i.e. Heathkit),
then let the courts figure it out. If one needs justification,
consider that having repair manuals available means that less
equipment ends up in the e-waste pile. Much of what I see at the
local recyclers would be repairable if manuals and parts were

Do you have time to repair all of it? I know I don't, and my failing
eyesight makes me much more selective in what I'll tackle these days.
As far as parts, I have a garage full of parts left from when I was in
business, that will end up in a landfill one day, along with a
construction dumpster full of data books and service manuals no one
wants. Your priorities change after being reduced to one barely usable
eye for over half a year. I was considering selling my house & truck to
move into a VFW retirement home before it started to improve.

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!

Welcome to

