On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 13:26:01 -0800, Larry Brasfield wrote:
subthread with the OP. He gave Ic1 - Ic2 = Iout negative as the
condition, and wants to know where the negative Iout is going to
come from - then my answer is that it ain't. For all I know
Intuitive ICs for Telemarketers would've skipped the initial
condidtion of the cap prior to that state, so forget that. I
couldn't assume that on page x where he's still blabbering about a
DC condition like Ic1 - Ic2 = Iout, that he's also talking about a
steady state condition where Cc *might* be obliging and supply some
reverse Iout.
So where's the AC generator anyway? None drawn nor mentioned.
Qmiller is connected to. If you *could* go below Vee to *try* to
draw current from Qmiller, Qmiller would be reversed biased.
as I said, it's an effect of Cc - that may or may not manifest, BTW,
like you said. You mean slewing. That's not the same as the
condition given i.e., Ic1 - Ic2 = Iout negative.
Best Regards,
First off, look at the piss poorly posed questions in my other"Active8" <reply2group@ndbbm.net> wrote in message news:1xevajibb64in.dlg@news.individual.net...
On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 12:09:45 -0800, Larry Brasfield wrote:
"Active8" <reply2group@ndbbm.net> wrote in message news:9d5t5ofpc4fj.dlg@news.individual.net...
On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 05:12:04 -0800, Larry Brasfield wrote:
"Monty Hall" <chickenkungpao@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:_mbAd.3725$li1.1840@newssvr31.news.prodigy.com...
From the schematic below, can Iout be bidirectional?
It is obvious that either Q2 or Q4 can have the greater
collector current. There's your reversal. Why should
we need Spice to discern this?
I didn't. I first explained to Monty that you can't get a reversal
of current in this circuit no matter how hard you try - you can't
get a voltage at that Iout node that's lower than the voltage of the
Miller stage emitter. There's no source.
subthread with the OP. He gave Ic1 - Ic2 = Iout negative as the
condition, and wants to know where the negative Iout is going to
come from - then my answer is that it ain't. For all I know
Intuitive ICs for Telemarketers would've skipped the initial
condidtion of the cap prior to that state, so forget that. I
couldn't assume that on page x where he's still blabbering about a
DC condition like Ic1 - Ic2 = Iout, that he's also talking about a
steady state condition where Cc *might* be obliging and supply some
reverse Iout.
So where's the AC generator anyway? None drawn nor mentioned.
Q4 can't go below Vee (+ Vce_sat) and that's what the emitter ofSo, you believe that Q4 cannot conduct at a lower
Vce than that? How do you think saturated BJT's work?
Qmiller is connected to. If you *could* go below Vee to *try* to
draw current from Qmiller, Qmiller would be reversed biased.
Yup.Cc is a feedback element in an inner loop here. In order
to find where the excess phase shift of this circuit happens,
it will be necessary to treat Cc as something more than
just "a pole".
WTF? Poles and zeros are *exctly* what you want to look at when
determining phase shifts.
If the Qnameless/Cc combo provided only a single pole,
calling "a pole, nothing more" would be fine, I guess. My
point is simply that it has more effect in applications where
closed loop stability becomes an issue.
Bull! It's a gain limiting term.1. How do you compute Vo'?
Av = 40Ic_Q2(Ro_Q2 || Ro_Q4 || Ri_Qmiller) something like that. 1st
order quess.
You seem to have ignored the additional gain that occurs
thru the Q1,Q4 path.
No I haven't. See the Q4 impedance term in || with the other loads?
I do and did see it. It is a minor term.
That's differen't from what the OP was asking (look at the OP) andsnip
What about Q4? Do you think it is in cutoff when Vo
is mid-rail?
ROFLMAO. When Vo is mid-rail, currnt flows to the right from the Vo'
node. So even if Q4 was in cutoff (and it isn't), it wouldn't
matter. The current would come from Q2.
In that state, Q2 and Q4 collector currents are nearling balanced.
To say the output comes from one only is oversimplified. Once
at that state, if Vo begins to move positive at a rate faster
than Ib(Qnameless)/Cc, net current at Vo' will be leaving
to the left. According to your way of thinking, it would be
going to Q4.
as I said, it's an effect of Cc - that may or may not manifest, BTW,
like you said. You mean slewing. That's not the same as the
condition given i.e., Ic1 - Ic2 = Iout negative.
+Vcc +Vcc
o o
| |
| |
2 Ic = Bias Current Io = Bias Current
| |
| |
| |
o------o-----o |
| | |
|< >| o-------o----o Vo
Vin(-) -| Q1 Q2 |- Vin(+) | |
|\ /| Cc --- o
|Ic1 Ic2 | --- |
| | Vo' | |/
| o----------------------o---o-|
| | Iout = Ic2 - Ic1 (+/- 2 Ic)|
| | o
| | |
| | Ic1 |
| o |
| |/ |
o----o---o-| Q4 |
| | |> |
| | Ic1 o |
| o | |
| |/ | |
|--| Q3 | |
|> | |
| | |
-------o |
| |
| |
-Vee -Vee
(created by AACircuit v1.28.4 beta 13/12/04 www.tech-chat.de)
Best Regards,