Scum that make me ashamed to be an Australian

Andre Jute wrote:

Eiron wrote:
Andre Jute wrote:

Adding to the list of loudmouthed, limp dick, bullying scum on
audiophile conferences that make me ashamed to be an Australian:

Please excuse my asking, Andre, but how does being born in South Africa
and living in Ireland make you an Australian?


No good deed ever goes unpunished.

An Australian passport makes me an Australian.
And what does it say inside under Nationality ?

"Poopie Bear"

Andre Jute wrote:
An Australian passport makes me an Australian.

And what does it say inside under Nationality ?

** Only Australian citizens can hold an Australian passport.

Any Australian citizen is DEFINITELY entitled to call themselves an

......... Phil
Check the Australian Passport website, twit. One interview. One AUS$19
fee. That gets you ONE (1) Australian passport. I was lying about the
Cheerios Boxtops....

Peter Wieck
Wyncote, PA
** Only Australian citizens can hold an Australian passport.

Any Australian citizen is DEFINITELY entitled to call themselves an

........ Phil
Anyone "can" hold any passport given the physical ability. And
Australia "may" naturalize anyone they damned well please. Which means
that person "may" hold an Australian passport.

What happens to be the case is that with Australia, the process is
particularly easy, cheap and requires only a minimum of documentation
and a few simple lies... at least as it applies to Mr. McCoy.

Peter Wieck
Wyncote, PA

** What an obnoxious Septic Tank cunt.

Check the Australian Passport website, twit. One interview. One AUS$19
fee. That gets you ONE (1) Australian passport. I was lying about the
Cheerios Boxtops....

** Shame about having to be an **Australian Citizen** first.

Didn't you see that - FUCKHEAD ?

Wanked yourself blind, have you ?

Superfluous question ....

........ Phil

** Wieck is a complete psychopath.

** Only Australian citizens can hold an Australian passport.

Any Australian citizen is DEFINITELY entitled to call themselves an

Anyone "can" hold any passport given the physical ability.

** What a fuckwit.

Must be on drugs.

And Australia "may" naturalize anyone they damned well please.

** Same as in the USA or any other place - FUCKHEAD !

What happens to be the case is that with Australia, the process is
particularly easy, cheap and requires only a minimum of documentation

** Asinine BULLSHIT !!!

Peter Wieck Asinine Cunt
Wyncote, PA

......... Phil
Gee, what an utter completed dipstick you are Phil the Dill.

"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message

** Wieck is a complete psychopath.

** Only Australian citizens can hold an Australian passport.

Any Australian citizen is DEFINITELY entitled to call themselves an

Anyone "can" hold any passport given the physical ability.

** What a fuckwit.

Must be on drugs.

And Australia "may" naturalize anyone they damned well please.

** Same as in the USA or any other place - FUCKHEAD !

What happens to be the case is that with Australia, the process is
particularly easy, cheap and requires only a minimum of documentation

** Asinine BULLSHIT !!!

Peter Wieck Asinine Cunt
Wyncote, PA

........ Phil
"Alan Rutlidge Scumbag"

Here is an INCIDENT of a criminal nature the

Rutmaniac Arse Bandit cannot even begin to explain:

This exact post WAS from the Rutmaniac on " asia "
from October 11, 1997.


" WARNING - Tourism dangers for Gay Tourists in Thailand

Thailand used to be a nice place to visit. Friendly people, interesting
cultures, magnificent sceneery. But now it seems to be seedier than
ever even in the out of the way places like the beautiful island of
Koh Samui. I recently returned from there a couple of months ago to find
myself the victim of a very elabourate con.

Two bad experiences with Thais has left me a bit cold on the country and
considering the smog problem, rumour of raised airport taxes etc. I would
find it hard to find anything attractive about visiting there in the near
future. Everywhere you go in the world there is always the possibility
of being ripped off but some of the locals are really capitalizing on it.

In my case I was coerced into sponsoring a Thai into Australia. I was
lead down the garden path into a false sense of security about my
relationship with this person. His aim was clearly to get me to purswade
the Australian Embassy to grant him a visa. Once here I didn't exist
after he drained my bank account and ran my credit card into overdraft.

Alan Rutlidge (Perth Western Australia) "

----------------------------- ------------------------------------

** The 1997 date pretty much co-incidences with the enactment of
Section 50 BA of the Commonwealth Crimes Act.

This is the law that finally made engaging in or promoting under age
sex tourism a criminal offence - max penalty 17 years in jail.


The age of consent for gay males in WA in 1997 was 21 years old.

Come on - Arse Bandit - we all need to know if you were being

And why ???

Did young " Phouc Yu " really fuck you over?

....... Phil wrote:

Jute wrote:

"Our legislators managed to criminalize fox-hunting and smoking; when
they will get off their collective fat arse and criminalize negative
feedback? It is clearly consumed only by undesirables."

Because, you fucking moron, negative feedback is fundamental to the
operation ALL amplifiers. Every single one. A fact you STILL refuse to

If you want to start a discourse about negative feedback, then you need
to do so with honesty and accuracy, rather than with lies, half truths
and distortions.

Trevor Wilson.
Gees Trev, you fell in like the fool you are.

Andre heartily aknowledges that there is NFB in a Triode,
and knows there is enough of it to not have to use global or other external
loops of NFB if you don't want to.

Unfortunately, resorting to calling Andre a "fucking moron" ((
intellectually challenged person who is copulating ))
doesn't have any good effect. ( And morons who could manage to find someone
to copulate with
deserve our praise and encouragement, and may be brighter than you

I am sure Andre uses quite a few different amplifiers and some have loop
NFB and some don't.

I don't bother arguing with tongue in cheek merchants who provocatively
all NFB is evil, I allow them their little mindset, and involving myself
like some obsessive and boring repetition expert in a silly little stoush
over NFB is plain idiotic.

Better that I leave them with their beliefs and share the world peacefully
by allowing other people than myself
to decide what's good for themselves.

How's the SET amp I heard you were building to earn some respect at r.a.t.

Patrick Turner.
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"Alan Rutlidge Scumbag"

Here is an INCIDENT of a criminal nature the

Rutmaniac Arse Bandit cannot even begin to explain:

This exact post WAS from the Rutmaniac on " asia "
from October 11, 1997.


" WARNING - Tourism dangers for Gay Tourists in Thailand

Thailand used to be a nice place to visit. Friendly people, interesting
cultures, magnificent sceneery. But now it seems to be seedier than
ever even in the out of the way places like the beautiful island of
Koh Samui. I recently returned from there a couple of months ago to find
myself the victim of a very elabourate con.

Two bad experiences with Thais has left me a bit cold on the country and
considering the smog problem, rumour of raised airport taxes etc. I would
find it hard to find anything attractive about visiting there in the near
future. Everywhere you go in the world there is always the possibility
of being ripped off but some of the locals are really capitalizing on it.

In my case I was coerced into sponsoring a Thai into Australia. I was
lead down the garden path into a false sense of security about my
relationship with this person. His aim was clearly to get me to purswade
the Australian Embassy to grant him a visa. Once here I didn't exist
after he drained my bank account and ran my credit card into overdraft.

Alan Rutlidge (Perth Western Australia) "

----------------------------- ------------------------------------

** The 1997 date pretty much co-incidences with the enactment of
Section 50 BA of the Commonwealth Crimes Act.

This is the law that finally made engaging in or promoting under age
sex tourism a criminal offence - max penalty 17 years in jail.


The age of consent for gay males in WA in 1997 was 21 years old.

Come on - Arse Bandit - we all need to know if you were being

And why ???

Did young " Phouc Yu " really fuck you over?

...... Phil
Gee, you're one sad old man aren't you? HTF can you possibly extract any
criminal behaviour on my part from this?
You know nothing about the other party or any details. Why don't you go
over to and ask your wacko mate Rod to help you out? If you're so
f%#kin' bored, perhaps you should get Ms. Blow Up Doll out from under your
bed and blow 'er up? :p

All you've done is prove beyond any reasonable doubt that you are a bitter
old man with a wild imagination and far too much spare time on your hands.
If Ms. Blow Up doesn't float your boat, then isn't there a broken toaster
you can go off and play with?
Phil Allison wrote:
Is it true philthy that you like performing oral favours on other men
, is it true you were asked to leave university because of your being
caught performing an oral favour on a staff member , is it true you have
had a mean and poor existence because that incident ruined any life you
might have had , is it true you take lots of medication to calm a
"certain condition"
is it true philthy ?
I expect there is far more truth in these questions than all the lies
and diversionary tactics you post in ever decreasing circles just like a
zoozoo bird ,
Do the right thing philthy and finish it all.
To get away from the abuse and non-audio content, take a look at
Patrick Turner wrote: wrote:

Jute wrote:

"Our legislators managed to criminalize fox-hunting and smoking; when
they will get off their collective fat arse and criminalize negative
feedback? It is clearly consumed only by undesirables."

Because, you fucking moron, negative feedback is fundamental to the
operation ALL amplifiers. Every single one. A fact you STILL refuse to

If you want to start a discourse about negative feedback, then you need
to do so with honesty and accuracy, rather than with lies, half truths
and distortions.

Trevor Wilson.

Gees Trev, you fell in like the fool you are.
Sheesh, you gotta be really dumb to fall for that hoary old troll,
especially after I put it in my sig file to signify (LOL) that it is a

Andre heartily aknowledges that there is NFB in a Triode,
and knows there is enough of it to not have to use global or other external
loops of NFB if you don't want to.
Torture won't make me agree! (Not in public, anyway. It would frighten
the horses!)

Unfortunately, resorting to calling Andre a "fucking moron" ((
intellectually challenged person who is copulating ))
doesn't have any good effect. ( And morons who could manage to find someone
to copulate with
deserve our praise and encouragement, and may be brighter than you

I am sure Andre uses quite a few different amplifiers and some have loop
NFB and some don't.
I've even built a few with loop feedback when I got lazy, er, I mean
when I decided to build a cutting edge amp.

I don't bother arguing with tongue in cheek merchants who provocatively
all NFB is evil, I allow them their little mindset, and involving myself
like some obsessive and boring repetition expert in a silly little stoush
over NFB is plain idiotic.
Yeah, brother. When I was surrounded by ultrafidelista who genuinely
believed that NFB is the devil's work, and that their own amps had no
feedback, not even when they wrote glowing reports of cathode
followers, once a week I would list a new way in which NFB had
"inevitably and unavoidably" invaded their sacred amps. The flame war
never lasted less than a week. Those guys in their fanaticism *against*
NFB sounded just like Wilson in his fanaticism *for* NFB. No sense of
humour whatsoever.

Better that I leave them with their beliefs and share the world peacefully
by allowing other people than myself
to decide what's good for themselves.
Yeah, you and Sandra Bullock both. You probably didn't see the movie
Miss Congeniality. It's about this offtherightwing cop going undercover
in a beauty pageant. When the bubbleheads are asked what they wish for
most, they all say, "World peace." When the Sandra Bullock character is
asked what she will work for if elected Miss Something, she says
something like, "To have rapists compulsorily executed." Her coach
glares at her and she hurriedly adds, "And world peace, of course," to
applause by the audience.

Me, I say, Screw world peace, let's have some excitement.

How's the SET amp I heard you were building to earn some respect at r.a.t.
If only it were true... The minute he finished building it, I would be
first in the line around to the block to explain to this deceitful
trader that a Class A PP trioded EL34 amp with minimal NFB sounds so
much better. See, it is all about an open mind, Trev Baby -- and it
helps (a lot!) to keep your ears open too in audio.

Patrick Turner.
Andre Jute
On 3 May 2006 11:57:14 -0700, "Andre Jute" <> wrote:

Patrick Turner wrote: wrote:

Jute wrote:

"Our legislators managed to criminalize fox-hunting and smoking; when
they will get off their collective fat arse and criminalize negative
feedback? It is clearly consumed only by undesirables."

Because, you fucking moron, negative feedback is fundamental to the
operation ALL amplifiers. Every single one. A fact you STILL refuse to

If you want to start a discourse about negative feedback, then you need
to do so with honesty and accuracy, rather than with lies, half truths
and distortions.

Trevor Wilson.

Gees Trev, you fell in like the fool you are.

Sheesh, you gotta be really dumb to fall for that hoary old troll,
especially after I put it in my sig file to signify (LOL) that it is a

Andre heartily aknowledges that there is NFB in a Triode,
and knows there is enough of it to not have to use global or other external
loops of NFB if you don't want to.

Torture won't make me agree! (Not in public, anyway. It would frighten
the horses!)

Unfortunately, resorting to calling Andre a "fucking moron" ((
intellectually challenged person who is copulating ))
doesn't have any good effect. ( And morons who could manage to find someone
to copulate with
deserve our praise and encouragement, and may be brighter than you

I am sure Andre uses quite a few different amplifiers and some have loop
NFB and some don't.

I've even built a few with loop feedback when I got lazy, er, I mean
when I decided to build a cutting edge amp.

I don't bother arguing with tongue in cheek merchants who provocatively
all NFB is evil, I allow them their little mindset, and involving myself
like some obsessive and boring repetition expert in a silly little stoush
over NFB is plain idiotic.

Yeah, brother. When I was surrounded by ultrafidelista who genuinely
believed that NFB is the devil's work, and that their own amps had no
feedback, not even when they wrote glowing reports of cathode
followers, once a week I would list a new way in which NFB had
"inevitably and unavoidably" invaded their sacred amps. The flame war
never lasted less than a week. Those guys in their fanaticism *against*
NFB sounded just like Wilson in his fanaticism *for* NFB. No sense of
humour whatsoever.

Better that I leave them with their beliefs and share the world peacefully
by allowing other people than myself
to decide what's good for themselves.

Yeah, you and Sandra Bullock both. You probably didn't see the movie
Miss Congeniality. It's about this offtherightwing cop going undercover
in a beauty pageant. When the bubbleheads are asked what they wish for
most, they all say, "World peace." When the Sandra Bullock character is
asked what she will work for if elected Miss Something, she says
something like, "To have rapists compulsorily executed." Her coach
glares at her and she hurriedly adds, "And world peace, of course," to
applause by the audience.

Me, I say, Screw world peace, let's have some excitement.

How's the SET amp I heard you were building to earn some respect at r.a.t.

If only it were true... The minute he finished building it, I would be
first in the line around to the block to explain to this deceitful
trader that a Class A PP trioded EL34 amp with minimal NFB sounds so
much better. See, it is all about an open mind, Trev Baby -- and it
helps (a lot!) to keep your ears open too in audio.

Patrick Turner.

Andre Jute

and can the others on this thread stop crossposting pls.
Patrick scrawled:

"Gees Trev, you fell in like the fool you are.

Andre heartily aknowledges that there is NFB in a Triode,
and knows there is enough of it to not have to use global or other
loops of NFB if you don't want to."

**Jute pretends to educate, but leaves out huge swags of actual
information. I merely seek to correct him. Until he acknowledges his
errors, I will continue to correct him. ALL amplifiers use NFB. Every
single one, despite what Jute would have us believe.

"Unfortunately, resorting to calling Andre a "fucking moron" ((
intellectually challenged person who is copulating ))
doesn't have any good effect. ( And morons who could manage to find
to copulate with
deserve our praise and encouragement, and may be brighter than you

**Jute may well be a smart guy, but, so far, little evidence exists to
demonstrate this. He STILL refuses to acknowledge that EVERY SINGLE
amplifier on the planet uses NFB. He also refuses to inform and discuss
the different forms of NFB and their effect on amplifier operation.
He'd rather state: NFB = bad, Zero NFB = good.

"I am sure Andre uses quite a few different amplifiers and some have
NFB and some don't."

**That is a highly likely probability. Unfortunately, Jute STILL
refuses to acknowledge the differences.

"I don't bother arguing with tongue in cheek merchants who
all NFB is evil, I allow them their little mindset, and involving
like some obsessive and boring repetition expert in a silly little
over NFB is plain idiotic."

**It merely demonstrates the dishonesty of Jute.

Better that I leave them with their beliefs and share the world
by allowing other people than myself
to decide what's good for themselves.

How's the SET amp I heard you were building to earn some respect at

**Why on Earth would I (or any other sane person, for that matter)
waste time building an amplifier which is severely crippled? Anything
that can be done with a SET, can be done, better and cheaper with push

Trevor Wilson said:

How's the SET amp I heard you were building to earn some respect at

**Why on Earth would I (or any other sane person, for that matter)
waste time building an amplifier which is severely crippled? Anything
that can be done with a SET, can be done, better and cheaper with push

Maybe you can fool us by putting a nice WE300B and a 417 with some
trannies on top of a shiny chassis, while underneath an LM3886 does
all the work? ;-)


- Never argue with idiots, they drag you down their level and beat you with experience. - wrote:
**Why on Earth would I (or any other sane person, for that matter)
waste time building an amplifier which is severely crippled? Anything
that can be done with a SET, can be done, better and cheaper with push

Ah Trev, you're a font of knowledge. Can you tell us briefly how to
engineer ooooodles of 2nd harmonic distortion and peculiar speaker/ amp
interreactions and ultra low output power into a push pull thingy?
People could save themselves a lot of money and still run their Lowther
what nots.
Relative sanit is to be had at :-
Easy peasy. Just employ a single ended stage, anywhere in the low level
section and add a bloody big, relatively low value (say: 2 Ohms)
resistor (with, perhaps, some added inductance) in series with the
output of a relatively clean amp. Add some low level hum and you have
your amp.

I can't see the point though.

Of course, that is not quite all though, since SE amps (of ALL
varieties) are the antithesis of a 'perfect' amplifier. A 'perfect'
amplifier is a pure Voltage source. IOW: output Voltage is maintained,
regardless of load impedance. A real life, decent quality, push pull
amp might deliver, say, 30 Volts RMS @ 8 Ohms and,say, 25 Volts RMS @ 4
Ohms. An SE amp which delivers 30 Volts @ 8 Ohms, will only deliver 15
Volts (for an absolutely perfect SE amp) into a 4 Ohm load. You see, SE
amps are constrained by their maximum bias current. Push pull amps are
not so constrained. Push pull amps are much more load insensitve. SE
amps are OK for speakers which have a relatively resistive load line.
Of course, in the real world, most of us do not use Magaplannar
speakers, but choose to speakers which present a load impedance whcih
contains inductive and capacitive reactive components, as well as
resistive ones. To duplicate this shortcoming is more difficult, but
not impossible.

I can't see the point though.

BTW: There is no technical reason why an SET amp should possess audible
levels of 2nd harmonic distortion. It can be engineered out of the amp.
What cannot be engineered out, are some of the more fundamental

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