Leonard Caillouet
"Steve(JazzHunter)" <jazzhunterNotHere@internet.com> wrote in message
the WEGA. Granted, I'd rather avoid as much processing as possible, too. I
simply feel like the assumption that any VM is bad is unfounded. VM has
been used to describe a number of different methods for enhancing the end
result. Some have been switchable, some not. Most have more abhorrent
artifacts than good results. Some actually work pretty well in the context
of how consumers use the sets, with the kinds of signals that consumers use.
I deal with consumers every day who have to make choices like whether to buy
a Sony with switchable VM or a Mitsubishi that (at the consumer level) is
not switchable. The Mitsubishi still looks better on almost any source from
crappy VHS to HD, VM or not. When they read about how bad VM is without
understanding the context, it can be confusing and lead to lousy choices.
The "grade logic" in my Honda automatic transmission is annoying on certain
slopes. That doesn't mean it is a bad choice or that everyone should buy
manual transmissions...context and application matter.
Leonard Caillouet
I don't think we disagree very much here, especially the VM and geometry inLet's set the playing field. The source is good, the connection to
the monitor is appropriate, and the monitor has flat response, thus
the monitor is showing what's on the source. Any sort of sharpening
or edging is to either cover a signal loss or to make the picture
appear sharper to the viewer. MAYBE a slight bit of coring can
compensate for scanning spot size, but that's only for very high
quality purposes. That's my generalization.
All my viewing is done on a Barco 21" or a Wega 32". No VM, the
response is measured as flat to the cathode, (Or matrix, there's
usually a test point) and a Leitch test generator is used for
calibration. Sources are Laser, DVD, Betacam, or DVcam. It's
remarkable how similar the picture is on the two completely and
dramatically different sets. The Wega is good enough for final edit
playback, though the geometry on these Sony sets suck. <g
the WEGA. Granted, I'd rather avoid as much processing as possible, too. I
simply feel like the assumption that any VM is bad is unfounded. VM has
been used to describe a number of different methods for enhancing the end
result. Some have been switchable, some not. Most have more abhorrent
artifacts than good results. Some actually work pretty well in the context
of how consumers use the sets, with the kinds of signals that consumers use.
I deal with consumers every day who have to make choices like whether to buy
a Sony with switchable VM or a Mitsubishi that (at the consumer level) is
not switchable. The Mitsubishi still looks better on almost any source from
crappy VHS to HD, VM or not. When they read about how bad VM is without
understanding the context, it can be confusing and lead to lousy choices.
The "grade logic" in my Honda automatic transmission is annoying on certain
slopes. That doesn't mean it is a bad choice or that everyone should buy
manual transmissions...context and application matter.
Leonard Caillouet