On Sat, 18 Jul 2009 07:38:44 +1000, David Eather <eather@tpg.com.au>
Primary Exciting Current: 20mA (max.)
From the data sheet:Rich Grise wrote:
On Thu, 16 Jul 2009 23:01:19 +0200, petrus bitbyter wrote:
"default" <default@defaulter.net> schreef in bericht
Where is the - on the bridge rectifier, and what does the = mean?
That = should be the negative
So once more:
Ever made a circuit like this:
+---|___|--+ +--+----+----+
| 330k| | | | |
| || | ___ | .-. | |
o---+----||----+-|___|---+ | | | | + |
|| 2k2/0.5W | | | | ### V
230V~ 220nF/250V~/X2 | .-----. | '-' --- -LED
+-| ~/ +|--+ |560 |10uF|
o--------------------------| /= |-----+----+----+
created by Andy´s ASCII-Circuit v1.24.140803 Beta www.tech-chat.de
Which provides about 15mA to the LED. To double the current, replace the
capacitor by a 470nF part and the 2k2 resistor by a 1k/1W type. Be sure to
use an X2 rated type capacitor.
BTW. This capacitors are relatively big and expensive. I'd not be astonished
when a small transformer can compete.
I once bought a batch of ultra-cute little transformers from Mouser:
12VCT, 60 mA, $2.76 in onesies. about 1.5 cubic inches. (just a little
bigger than my thumb.)
Good Luck!
I bet the iron losses in the transformer were still around 10ma. i.e. no
improvement on driving the led direct from the mains
Primary Exciting Current: 20mA (max.)