Michael A. Terrell <mike.terrell@earthlink.net> wrote in message
I did notice 3 or 4 submin 2 or 3 way slide switches inside that Roland
Panasonic FDD, gives a goodly number of permutations
Mike wrote:
In article <pan.2010.>,
Meat Plow <mhywatt@yahoo.com> wrote:
that a standard 34 pin floppy would
interchange regardless of the unit.
In the early days of floppy interfaces, before PCs style drives became
standard", there were many annoying little variations that could stop a
floppy drive working when swapped about. Much of that persists in
drives used on things like keyboards. Why should they strive for
with PCs when we can avoid it and charge extra for a "special" drive?
It used to be that a floppy drive had multiple jumper sets (0.1") that
be strapped to configure them, often to do with things like the logic
which Drive Select (0,1,2,3) and whether the "motor enable" line would
used. Some host systems didn't assert motor enable, so the drive would
jumpered to run off JUST the drive select.
It was PCs, I think, that introduced the idea of no jumpers, no drive
just put a twist in the cable, which limited you to 2 "identical"
drives. The
proper floppy spec allowed for 4, but each drive was jumpered
differently, and
connected totally in parallel.
In the XT and early AT days the floppy controller boards could handle
two sets of two drives. Some controllers could be set to one of four
addresses for a maximum of 16 floppy drives on one computer.
This is before you get into weird drives that ran at 300 vs 600rpm and
that sort of thing, where to use them with a PC, some components needed
to be
changed to re-set the rotation speed and frequency response to the data
read back.
Mike Brown: mjb[-at-]signal11.org.uk | http://www.signal11.org.uk
For the last time: I am not a mad scientist, I'm just a very ticked off
I did notice 3 or 4 submin 2 or 3 way slide switches inside that Roland
Panasonic FDD, gives a goodly number of permutations