On Tue, 17 Nov 2020 05:36:14 +0100, Gerhard Hoffmann <dk4xp@arcor.de>
I always put a title block in my sims: title, author, date. It\'s an
engineering document.
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
Science teaches us to doubt.
Claude Bernard
Am 16.11.20 um 17:48 schrieb Brent Locher:
First off, this calibration \"error\" is going to only effect phase readings on either S21 or S11. Is this several degrees of phase error something that is important to you? If not then move on.
This here is an amplifier made by a regular of s.e.d. who is currently
badly missed.
The amplifier is potentially unstable. Between 100 KHz and 50 MHz, the
real part of the input impedance is negative. The rest of the input
impedance is a small capacitor. If you connect anything inductive to
the input, the amplifier will oscillate. The measured phase angle will
tell the oscillation frequency.
The proper measurement to diagnose this would be a measurement of S11.
From a different amplifier that shares the same problem:
Around Marker2, the trajectory leaves the unit circle, meaning that
if you send a wave into that port at these frequencies, a bigger wave
will come back, the effect of the negative real part.
BTW, I have given up to cure that kind of amplifier. I have made one
without feedback around the FET. Everything else either loses a lot
of bandwidth to the point of being uninteresting or plays games with
parameters that are badly defined. :-(
I always put a title block in my sims: title, author, date. It\'s an
engineering document.
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
Science teaches us to doubt.
Claude Bernard