Report Walz to the authorities!

Anthony Fremont wrote:
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote:

If this is really R. Steve Walz and this is really true, then I
a simple question. If you had been confronted by law enforcement
this situation, would you have readily admitted it and then defended
your beliefs, or would you prove your own bigotry by denying that it
ever occurred? Just curious.
It isn't any bigotry, my family knew and knows how to lie to Nazi's,

I think I smell a Godwin coming on.
Nope, these really are Nazi's.

just like the Jews in Nazi Germany did. We have ABSOLUTELY NO kind
of obligation WHATSOEVER to inform our enemies of anything that would
endanger us or our much more humane way of living.

It IS unlawful to lie to the authorities, just try it sometime.
I HAVE, it works just fine.

I'm not saying that's fair, especially since they can lie their
butts off when "investigating". It's just the way it is.
Nope, not if the lie deceives them.
And no, it's not specifically illegal to lie to them.
I recommend it.

We who practice a superior culture have NO obligation WHATSOEVER to
moronically play into your sick hands or "take responsibility" for
it to those of you who are inhumane antisexual illegitimate Fundy
Nazi religious zealots.

Wow, where did that come from? I guess you're not gonna answer the
question, huh?
It's the Truth, if you had ever read ANYTHING of mine you'd KNOW that!

And there are many millions of us who feel the same way, hundreds
whom we have met and shared sex with, who live our new ways without
subjecting our families to your abuse by the insane among you.

Nice straw man there, but totally irrelevant to the original question.
That's not a "straw man", you've obviously just seen the term "straw
man" and not understood it.

We usually remain secret till our kids are grown, and then we reveal
what we did and the way we lived to promote it to others once nothing
can be done to stop us. We raise our kids, THEN we write our books!

IOW, what you are saying is that you hide your crimes and, once you've
gotten away with it, you stand up and shout to the world about your
_strong_ beliefs.
There are no crimes to hide, what we do is right, and we reserve the
right to lie about it to criminals who would oppress us, like police
in fascist antisexual societies.

Sounds kinda hypocritical to me.
Then you have no idea what the word "hypocritical" means. I'd be
hypocritical if I DIDN'T believe in that tactic!! It would mean
I didn't really believe we were right!! Defeating fascism requires

Why don't you profess your beliefs while you are practicing them
Because that's just what weaseling abusive little pieces of fundy
shit like you would want us to do, because you know you can't get
to us any other way. Someday soon we'll line all of you up and
machine-gun you.

and just take your
lumps just like the Christians you so profusely hate?
We don't deserve lumps, but YOU DO, you shit-fucking lying little
antisexual abusive Xtian Fundy bigot!

-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Anthony Fremont wrote:

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote:

If this is really R. Steve Walz and this is really true, then I
a simple question. If you had been confronted by law
this situation, would you have readily admitted it and then
your beliefs, or would you prove your own bigotry by denying
that it
ever occurred? Just curious.
It isn't any bigotry, my family knew and knows how to lie to

I think I smell a Godwin coming on.
Nope, these really are Nazi's.
You still invoked Godwin, you lost the argument. Period.

just like the Jews in Nazi Germany did. We have ABSOLUTELY NO kind
of obligation WHATSOEVER to inform our enemies of anything that
endanger us or our much more humane way of living.

It IS unlawful to lie to the authorities, just try it sometime.
I HAVE, it works just fine.
Aparently you didn't get caught. I guess that's another feather in your
cap, huh?

I'm not saying that's fair, especially since they can lie their
butts off when "investigating". It's just the way it is.
Nope, not if the lie deceives them.
And no, it's not specifically illegal to lie to them.
I recommend it.
Yes it is, it's called obstruction of justice.

We who practice a superior culture have NO obligation WHATSOEVER
moronically play into your sick hands or "take responsibility" for
it to those of you who are inhumane antisexual illegitimate Fundy
Nazi religious zealots.

Wow, where did that come from? I guess you're not gonna answer the
question, huh?
It's the Truth, if you had ever read ANYTHING of mine you'd KNOW that!
You still haven't answered my question.

And there are many millions of us who feel the same way, hundreds
whom we have met and shared sex with, who live our new ways
subjecting our families to your abuse by the insane among you.

Nice straw man there, but totally irrelevant to the original
That's not a "straw man", you've obviously just seen the term "straw
man" and not understood it.

We usually remain secret till our kids are grown, and then we
what we did and the way we lived to promote it to others once
can be done to stop us. We raise our kids, THEN we write our

IOW, what you are saying is that you hide your crimes and, once
gotten away with it, you stand up and shout to the world about your
_strong_ beliefs.
There are no crimes to hide, what we do is right, and we reserve the
right to lie about it to criminals who would oppress us, like police
in fascist antisexual societies.
You don't decide the law. You may not like it, but your fantasies don't
change it.

Sounds kinda hypocritical to me.
Then you have no idea what the word "hypocritical" means. I'd be
hypocritical if I DIDN'T believe in that tactic!! It would mean
I didn't really believe we were right!! Defeating fascism requires
Sounds like terrorist logic.

Why don't you profess your beliefs while you are practicing them
Because that's just what weaseling abusive little pieces of fundy
shit like you would want us to do, because you know you can't get
to us any other way. Someday soon we'll line all of you up and
machine-gun you.
Your opinions are still in the minority, especially when it comes your
child abuse beliefs. Stalin would have been proud of your solution to
your perceived problem.

and just take your
lumps just like the Christians you so profusely hate?
We don't deserve lumps, but YOU DO, you shit-fucking lying little
antisexual abusive Xtian Fundy bigot!
Nice ad-hominem attack there Steve, you are very convincing. Since you
seem incapable of carrying on a civil discussion without ranting like a
child, I think it's about time to end this thread.

BTW, you really don't know anything about me or my beliefs, now do you?
Anthony Fremont wrote:
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Anthony Fremont wrote:

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote:

If this is really R. Steve Walz and this is really true, then I
a simple question. If you had been confronted by law
this situation, would you have readily admitted it and then
your beliefs, or would you prove your own bigotry by denying
that it
ever occurred? Just curious.
It isn't any bigotry, my family knew and knows how to lie to

I think I smell a Godwin coming on.
Nope, these really are Nazi's.

You still invoked Godwin, you lost the argument. Period.
There is no "period". Godwin's a gag, there aren't any rules.

just like the Jews in Nazi Germany did. We have ABSOLUTELY NO kind
of obligation WHATSOEVER to inform our enemies of anything that
endanger us or our much more humane way of living.

It IS unlawful to lie to the authorities, just try it sometime.
I HAVE, it works just fine.

Aparently you didn't get caught. I guess that's another feather in your
cap, huh?
Anyone who lives by the Truth can't get caught, nobody will testify
against him who is party to what they do together, because it's Right
and they ENJOY IT! And there's no other good way to catch him.

I'm not saying that's fair, especially since they can lie their
butts off when "investigating". It's just the way it is.
Nope, not if the lie deceives them.
And no, it's not specifically illegal to lie to them.
I recommend it.

Yes it is, it's called obstruction of justice.
Nonsense. All lying does if discovered is get their attention, there
isn't any such law. You don't even know the actual definition of
"Ob. of Just."

We who practice a superior culture have NO obligation WHATSOEVER
moronically play into your sick hands or "take responsibility" for
it to those of you who are inhumane antisexual illegitimate Fundy
Nazi religious zealots.

Wow, where did that come from? I guess you're not gonna answer the
question, huh?
It's the Truth, if you had ever read ANYTHING of mine you'd KNOW that!

You still haven't answered my question.
Sure I did. YOU just didn't like the Answer!!

And there are many millions of us who feel the same way, hundreds
whom we have met and shared sex with, who live our new ways
subjecting our families to your abuse by the insane among you.

Nice straw man there, but totally irrelevant to the original
That's not a "straw man", you've obviously just seen the term "straw
man" and not understood it.

We usually remain secret till our kids are grown, and then we
what we did and the way we lived to promote it to others once
can be done to stop us. We raise our kids, THEN we write our

IOW, what you are saying is that you hide your crimes and, once
gotten away with it, you stand up and shout to the world about your
_strong_ beliefs.
There are no crimes to hide, what we do is right, and we reserve the
right to lie about it to criminals who would oppress us, like police
in fascist antisexual societies.

You don't decide the law. You may not like it, but your fantasies don't
change it.
The law doesn't exist in private where no one calls upon it.

Sounds kinda hypocritical to me.
Then you have no idea what the word "hypocritical" means. I'd be
hypocritical if I DIDN'T believe in that tactic!! It would mean
I didn't really believe we were right!! Defeating fascism requires

Sounds like terrorist logic.
Your fantasy.

Why don't you profess your beliefs while you are practicing them
Because that's just what weaseling abusive little pieces of fundy
shit like you would want us to do, because you know you can't get
to us any other way. Someday soon we'll line all of you up and
machine-gun you.

Your opinions are still in the minority, especially when it comes
your child abuse beliefs.
Ain't any, it's YOU shit who abuse children, not us!

Stalin would have been proud of your solution to
your perceived problem.
Stalin is totally and entirely irrelevant to this issue.

and just take your
lumps just like the Christians you so profusely hate?
We don't deserve lumps, but YOU DO, you shit-fucking lying little
antisexual abusive Xtian Fundy bigot!

Nice ad-hominem attack there Steve, you are very convincing. Since you
seem incapable of carrying on a civil discussion without ranting like a
child, I think it's about time to end this thread.
You should have run away long ago, but you're already listed.
The Net never forgets, and it will help us cull you psychopaths.
You'll realize that someday real soon.

BTW, you really don't know anything about me or my beliefs, now do you?
Of course I do, you shit are all alike, you even fail at argument in
exactly the same way.

-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or

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