Report Walz to the authorities!


Big Brother

Guest I think belongs in jail.

He has threatened to kill people and their familes many times on Usenet.

Please everyone report him!


SDF Public Access UNIX System -

Matthew 7:12 Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to
them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.

Luke 9:23 Then he said to them all: If anyone would come after me, he
must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
Big Brother wrote: I think belongs in jail.
That's just because you can't think, but of course you wouldn't
know that.

He has threatened to kill people and their familes many times on > Usenet.
And that's just another of your mentally challenged delusional lies
because you don't fucking know the difference between a credible
threat and a political opinion.

Matthew 7:12 Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to
them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.

Luke 9:23 Then he said to them all: If anyone would come after me, he
must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
You're just another confused ignorant little Fundy bigot who has no
fucking idea what the biblical shit you quote even means.

-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
"Big Brother" <> wrote in message I think belongs in jail.

He has threatened to kill people and their familes many times on Usenet.

Please everyone report him!


SDF Public Access UNIX System -

Matthew 7:12 Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to
them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.

Luke 9:23 Then he said to them all: If anyone would come after me, he
must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
If you don't stop posting that religious crap sig I will come around and
KILL you fatally several times.

Regards ........... Rheilly Phoull
On Fri, 14 May 2004 05:28:09 +0000, Big Brother
<> wrote: I think belongs in jail.

He has threatened to kill people and their familes many times on Usenet.

Please everyone report him!
Why don't _you_ report him, you chickenshit sonofabitch?

John Fields
Big Brother <> wrote in message news:<>... I think belongs in jail.

He has threatened to kill people and their familes many times on Usenet.

Please everyone report him!


SDF Public Access UNIX System -

Matthew 7:12 Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to
them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.

Luke 9:23 Then he said to them all: If anyone would come after me, he
must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.

There is a chatter on yahoo chat who uses the name
Ill_kill_president_bush and he constantly chats about killing white
people, jews, and also the president.
I know this fool has been reported, probably dozens of times yet
nothing has ever been done.

Now what makes you think they are even going to respond about one
usenet poster threatening another ???

Ive heard that many government authority email accounts used for the
public to report crimes or send information to regarding crimes are
never actually read, the material is just deleted as fast as it is

As for calling the fbi, local police etc......they dont want your
phone calls...there was a woman on fox news a while back and she tried
to give info over the phone to the fbi and they didnt even want her
info.....this woman had to beg them to take down what she had to say.
It wouldnt surprise me if someone had called the fbi or another
authority on 9-2 and revealed the whole plan of 9-11......the info was
probabably just blown off as coming from a wackjob.
On Fri, 14 May 2004 05:28:09 +0000, Big Brother wrote: I think belongs in jail.

He has threatened to kill people and their familes many times on Usenet.
JESUS H clueless fucktard.

Please everyone report him!


SDF Public Access UNIX System -

Matthew 7:12 Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to
them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.

Luke 9:23 Then he said to them all: If anyone would come after me, he
must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
Your fucked-up bible bashing sig is broken.

Michael Turner
Email (ROT13)
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message news:<>...
Paul J. Berg wrote:

Friday, May 14, 2004

Despite what you've read in the papers or seen on TV, former Portland
mayor and eventual Oregon Gov. Neil Goldschmidt did not have an affair
with a 14-year-old girl.
Sure he did, if he didn't force her to have sex, then it was an affair.

Yes, he took the girl into the basement rec room of her parents' home
repeatedly for sex. Yes, he came over to her house -- conveniently
situated in his own neighborhood -- when he knew her parents would be
away. And it was pretty easy for him to know that since her mother
worked at city hall.
Fucking irrelevant.

And, yes, over a period of three years, this powerful man and family
friend who would become Oregon's premier politician also sexually abused
his children's baby sitter at a downtown hotel and even in the office of
the mayor.
Nonsense, he "sexually abused" NO ONE!

But, no, this was definitely not an "affair."
Of course it was.

I know that's the word used over and over again in headlines and stories
last week after Goldschmidt confessed. He said that nearly 30 years of
guilt and shame and increasingly failing health motivated him to
unburden himself in print.
Which is a stupid fraud to salve American idiocy because the story
was coming to light, no one actually involves either desires or even
believes in the public display of phony guilt he is being forced to

In truth, his unburdening came only after Willamette Week newspaper
confronted Goldschmidt with the exhaustive investigation it had done on
the abuse. And Goldschmidt asked the paper to shelve the story, calling
it a private matter.
And for good reason.

He said he would resign from all of the lofty positions he held on
public boards and commissions and would publicly confess to what was not
only a shame but a crime.
Only barely so if at all by the culturally QUITE different accepted
standards of the 1960's.

As a lawyer, Goldschmidt surely knew that a
35-year-old who had sex with a minor under the age of 16 was committing
third-degree felony rape, although the statute of limitations has run
out long ago.
Then it couldn't have been prosecuted anyway and should have been
ignored and forgotten.

But, when Goldschmidt's initial statement of resignation hit daylight
earlier this month it referred only to his heart condition, making no
mention of sexual abuse.
Then they should have let the poor man the fuck alone.

That's when Willamette Week went ahead and posted the story on its Web
site and Goldschmidt took his story to more sympathetic ears at The
Oregonian. There he confessed that, yes, it was true, he had "an affair"
with "a high school girl."
That story was an irresponsible lie by Fundy bigots trying to abuse
the rest of us an exert an undisirable and phony influence over our

The Oregonian headline, "Goldschmidt confesses '70s affair with girl,
14" was soon echoed in tone by other papers around the Northwest,
including this one.
He was coming clean but in very cleaned-up terms.
He should have stone-walled you shit-vicious little bastards.
If he had been in good health and you cowards had not taken
him on in a weakened condition he might have told you to
properly go fuck yourself up the ass!!

When I first saw the headlines I erupted like Mount St. Helens. And so
did a torrent of Oregonian readers.
That's only because you're a sick vicious Fundy bigot with a distorted
beaten and shamed sexuality that manifests your early sexual abuse by
your sick sexually repressive parents.

Why? Because words matter and those of us who traffic in words should
care about their color, impact, weight and ability to influence.
Jesus wil punish you for your antihumane lies.

"Affair" implies something mutual, even romantic. It evokes the timeless
tear-jerker, "An Affair To Remember." It speaks to an "affair" of the
heart. A liaison.
And since she NEVER indicated that it was anything but consensual,

Take the brief story in yesterday's paper about a former FBI agent
charged with allowing classified documents to get into the hands of his
"lover," a suspected Chinese double agent. "Ex-agent pleads guilty to
lying about affair," the headline aptly read.

But, even though the original Goldschmidt story in the Oregonian
referred to the sexual abuse of this girl as an "affair" no fewer than
10 times and called it a "sexual relationship" in other references, it's
important that we view our terms with a hard eye.
Someone should drag you sick Fundy bastards to the curb and shoot
you through the head.

Repeated sex between a 14-year-old girl and an influential man 21 years
her senior -- a man who indirectly is her mother's boss -- is not
Deborah Kerr and Cary Grant aboard an ocean liner. And the money he
later paid her to keep silent is not a benevolent "fund" meant to help
the woman whose life hit a sharp downward spiral.
Unrelated and mischaracterized. She lucked out.

As Portland Tribune columnist Phil Stanford rightly wrote this week,
"Slice it any way you want ... it still comes out hush money and
statutory rape."
There is no such thing as "statutory" rape, that's WHY it's
"statutory", and everyone knows: "The Law is an Ass." - Mark Twain

Or, as one Oregonian reader who counsels the victims of sexual abuse
wrote, "Affair sends the message that sex between an adult and a child
is not wrong or criminal."
No girl with C tits and a hairy pussy who craves sex is any "child"!
This is ANOTHER disinformational tactic being used by antisexual
Fundy bigots the last 15 years!! Prior to that PC jargon people would
have laughed at that assertion!! They KNEW that a teen is NO "child"!
They would have been taken to task in print for their overdramatized
lie and the insult to teens!!

Remember the "love affair" headlines and book titles that softened the
reality of teacher Mary K. Letourneau's conviction for rape of a
13-year-old boy?
Yes, one that has seen the boy's family try to get rich off you shit
and your antisexual abuse of our society while the boy continues to
fuck her every time she's out of jail!

Like him, the woman who was Goldschmidt's victim surely will be smudged,
even "outed" now. She dropped out of school in her sophomore year,
worked as a sometime waitress, and got arrested for drugs and
hit-and-run driving.
So now she's a "woman" instead of a child, and YOU can't grasp that
sluts often drop out of school to pursue a career fucking people!
Shit, *I* sure would if *I* had TITS and a PUSSY! And I'd RESPECT
myself for the choice!!

And "drugs" are pot, and hit and run is unrelated to anything but
more of her personal judgements.

And, after she was raped in Seattle in 1988, court papers show that she
confused some details of that attack with memories of childhood sexual
abuse by a "family friend."
Sounds like she got paid off again, she is getting used to getting
men to pay for sex.

Even as Goldschmidt's fortunes soared, sending him to an appointment as
Transportation Secretary under President Jimmy Carter, this woman's life
unquestionably hit the skids.
Your interpretation.

But, when we write about her, let's not forget the fresh-faced and
promising student she reportedly was before friends saw her change,
abruptly overnight.
YOU just mean when she discovered her vagina and fucking!!
I'd ditch school too!

And let's not forget to call what happened to her by
the right word. It has four letters and it's rape.
That's nothing but a stupid fucking lie by antisexual Fundies who
are trying desperately to hijack standards of normal volitional
consensual sexual conduct that have prevailed in our species for
a hundred thousand years.

The consensual fucking of girls of age 14 by adult men is still
totally legal and legitimate in both Canada and Mexico, as well
as numerous European allies, like Spain and the Neitherlands.

Neither Psychological nor legalistic Truth ACTUALLY TRUTHFULLY
varies among such closely related human cultural groups as these.
America is regarded as the most backward and recently repressive
of all indstrialized nations sexually.
Steve must be a true supporter of Neil Goldschmidt.
"Paul J. Berg" <> wrote in message
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message

The consensual fucking of girls of age 14 by adult men is still
totally legal and legitimate in both Canada and Mexico, as well
as numerous European allies, like Spain and the Neitherlands.

Neither Psychological nor legalistic Truth ACTUALLY TRUTHFULLY
varies among such closely related human cultural groups as these.
America is regarded as the most backward and recently repressive
of all indstrialized nations sexually.

Steve must be a true supporter of Neil Goldschmidt.
I bet he'd have a totally different opinion if it had been his 14 year
old daughter.
cornytheclown wrote:
Big Brother <> wrote in message news:<>... I think belongs in jail.

He has threatened to kill people and their familes many times on Usenet.

Please everyone report him!


SDF Public Access UNIX System -

Matthew 7:12 Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to
them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.

Luke 9:23 Then he said to them all: If anyone would come after me, he
must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.

There is a chatter on yahoo chat who uses the name
Ill_kill_president_bush and he constantly chats about killing white
people, jews, and also the president.
I know this fool has been reported, probably dozens of times yet
nothing has ever been done.

Now what makes you think they are even going to respond about one
usenet poster threatening another ???

Ive heard that many government authority email accounts used for the
public to report crimes or send information to regarding crimes are
never actually read, the material is just deleted as fast as it is

As for calling the fbi, local police etc......they dont want your
phone calls...there was a woman on fox news a while back and she tried
to give info over the phone to the fbi and they didnt even want her
info.....this woman had to beg them to take down what she had to say.
It wouldnt surprise me if someone had called the fbi or another
authority on 9-2 and revealed the whole plan of 9-11......the info was
probabably just blown off as coming from a wackjob.
No, you're just as ignorant as the first clown was, not correctly
perceiving the difference, in Truth and in law, between a credible
threat and a political opinion. The FBI *IS* PERFECTLY attuned to
this difference, and if you issue a credible threat they will pick
your ass up, as will the secret service.

-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
Anthony Fremont wrote:
"Paul J. Berg" <> wrote in message
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message

The consensual fucking of girls of age 14 by adult men is still
totally legal and legitimate in both Canada and Mexico, as well
as numerous European allies, like Spain and the Neitherlands.

Neither Psychological nor legalistic Truth ACTUALLY TRUTHFULLY
varies among such closely related human cultural groups as these.
America is regarded as the most backward and recently repressive
of all indstrialized nations sexually.

Steve must be a true supporter of Neil Goldschmidt.

I bet he'd have a totally different opinion if it had been his 14 year
old daughter.
My own daughter was fucking boys in her room at age 11 with our
blessing and had an "adult" partner when she was 12 (she was lots
more mature than they were, actually).
Paul J. Berg wrote:
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message news:<>...
Paul J. Berg wrote:

Friday, May 14, 2004

Despite what you've read in the papers or seen on TV, former Portland
mayor and eventual Oregon Gov. Neil Goldschmidt did not have an affair
with a 14-year-old girl.
Sure he did, if he didn't force her to have sex, then it was an affair.

Yes, he took the girl into the basement rec room of her parents' home
repeatedly for sex. Yes, he came over to her house -- conveniently
situated in his own neighborhood -- when he knew her parents would be
away. And it was pretty easy for him to know that since her mother
worked at city hall.
Fucking irrelevant.

And, yes, over a period of three years, this powerful man and family
friend who would become Oregon's premier politician also sexually abused
his children's baby sitter at a downtown hotel and even in the office of
the mayor.
Nonsense, he "sexually abused" NO ONE!

But, no, this was definitely not an "affair."
Of course it was.

I know that's the word used over and over again in headlines and stories
last week after Goldschmidt confessed. He said that nearly 30 years of
guilt and shame and increasingly failing health motivated him to
unburden himself in print.
Which is a stupid fraud to salve American idiocy because the story
was coming to light, no one actually involves either desires or even
believes in the public display of phony guilt he is being forced to

In truth, his unburdening came only after Willamette Week newspaper
confronted Goldschmidt with the exhaustive investigation it had done on
the abuse. And Goldschmidt asked the paper to shelve the story, calling
it a private matter.
And for good reason.

He said he would resign from all of the lofty positions he held on
public boards and commissions and would publicly confess to what was not
only a shame but a crime.
Only barely so if at all by the culturally QUITE different accepted
standards of the 1960's.

As a lawyer, Goldschmidt surely knew that a
35-year-old who had sex with a minor under the age of 16 was committing
third-degree felony rape, although the statute of limitations has run
out long ago.
Then it couldn't have been prosecuted anyway and should have been
ignored and forgotten.

But, when Goldschmidt's initial statement of resignation hit daylight
earlier this month it referred only to his heart condition, making no
mention of sexual abuse.
Then they should have let the poor man the fuck alone.

That's when Willamette Week went ahead and posted the story on its Web
site and Goldschmidt took his story to more sympathetic ears at The
Oregonian. There he confessed that, yes, it was true, he had "an affair"
with "a high school girl."
That story was an irresponsible lie by Fundy bigots trying to abuse
the rest of us an exert an undisirable and phony influence over our

The Oregonian headline, "Goldschmidt confesses '70s affair with girl,
14" was soon echoed in tone by other papers around the Northwest,
including this one.
He was coming clean but in very cleaned-up terms.
He should have stone-walled you shit-vicious little bastards.
If he had been in good health and you cowards had not taken
him on in a weakened condition he might have told you to
properly go fuck yourself up the ass!!

When I first saw the headlines I erupted like Mount St. Helens. And so
did a torrent of Oregonian readers.
That's only because you're a sick vicious Fundy bigot with a distorted
beaten and shamed sexuality that manifests your early sexual abuse by
your sick sexually repressive parents.

Why? Because words matter and those of us who traffic in words should
care about their color, impact, weight and ability to influence.
Jesus wil punish you for your antihumane lies.

"Affair" implies something mutual, even romantic. It evokes the timeless
tear-jerker, "An Affair To Remember." It speaks to an "affair" of the
heart. A liaison.
And since she NEVER indicated that it was anything but consensual,

Take the brief story in yesterday's paper about a former FBI agent
charged with allowing classified documents to get into the hands of his
"lover," a suspected Chinese double agent. "Ex-agent pleads guilty to
lying about affair," the headline aptly read.

But, even though the original Goldschmidt story in the Oregonian
referred to the sexual abuse of this girl as an "affair" no fewer than
10 times and called it a "sexual relationship" in other references, it's
important that we view our terms with a hard eye.
Someone should drag you sick Fundy bastards to the curb and shoot
you through the head.

Repeated sex between a 14-year-old girl and an influential man 21 years
her senior -- a man who indirectly is her mother's boss -- is not
Deborah Kerr and Cary Grant aboard an ocean liner. And the money he
later paid her to keep silent is not a benevolent "fund" meant to help
the woman whose life hit a sharp downward spiral.
Unrelated and mischaracterized. She lucked out.

As Portland Tribune columnist Phil Stanford rightly wrote this week,
"Slice it any way you want ... it still comes out hush money and
statutory rape."
There is no such thing as "statutory" rape, that's WHY it's
"statutory", and everyone knows: "The Law is an Ass." - Mark Twain

Or, as one Oregonian reader who counsels the victims of sexual abuse
wrote, "Affair sends the message that sex between an adult and a child
is not wrong or criminal."
No girl with C tits and a hairy pussy who craves sex is any "child"!
This is ANOTHER disinformational tactic being used by antisexual
Fundy bigots the last 15 years!! Prior to that PC jargon people would
have laughed at that assertion!! They KNEW that a teen is NO "child"!
They would have been taken to task in print for their overdramatized
lie and the insult to teens!!

Remember the "love affair" headlines and book titles that softened the
reality of teacher Mary K. Letourneau's conviction for rape of a
13-year-old boy?
Yes, one that has seen the boy's family try to get rich off you shit
and your antisexual abuse of our society while the boy continues to
fuck her every time she's out of jail!

Like him, the woman who was Goldschmidt's victim surely will be smudged,
even "outed" now. She dropped out of school in her sophomore year,
worked as a sometime waitress, and got arrested for drugs and
hit-and-run driving.
So now she's a "woman" instead of a child, and YOU can't grasp that
sluts often drop out of school to pursue a career fucking people!
Shit, *I* sure would if *I* had TITS and a PUSSY! And I'd RESPECT
myself for the choice!!

And "drugs" are pot, and hit and run is unrelated to anything but
more of her personal judgements.

And, after she was raped in Seattle in 1988, court papers show that she
confused some details of that attack with memories of childhood sexual
abuse by a "family friend."
Sounds like she got paid off again, she is getting used to getting
men to pay for sex.

Even as Goldschmidt's fortunes soared, sending him to an appointment as
Transportation Secretary under President Jimmy Carter, this woman's life
unquestionably hit the skids.
Your interpretation.

But, when we write about her, let's not forget the fresh-faced and
promising student she reportedly was before friends saw her change,
abruptly overnight.
YOU just mean when she discovered her vagina and fucking!!
I'd ditch school too!

And let's not forget to call what happened to her by
the right word. It has four letters and it's rape.
That's nothing but a stupid fucking lie by antisexual Fundies who
are trying desperately to hijack standards of normal volitional
consensual sexual conduct that have prevailed in our species for
a hundred thousand years.

The consensual fucking of girls of age 14 by adult men is still
totally legal and legitimate in both Canada and Mexico, as well
as numerous European allies, like Spain and the Neitherlands.

Neither Psychological nor legalistic Truth ACTUALLY TRUTHFULLY
varies among such closely related human cultural groups as these.
America is regarded as the most backward and recently repressive
of all indstrialized nations sexually.

Steve must be a true supporter of Neil Goldschmidt.
I've never even heard of him before. And I didn't even HAVE to!

I simply know the vicious anti-humane shit that you shit-fucking
Xtian Fundies spew in your sick quest to control the sexuality
of the rest of us so you can brainwash your children into your
totally sick lifelong sadness, and be mostly unopposed.

As an example, why have you hijacked this post from a parenting
group to an electronics group in an attempt to inflame others to
your sick sick sick antisexual agenda???? You're sick disingenuous
liars, and you'll say absolutely anything. Every one of your Xtian
supporters should be dragged to the curb and shot through the head
and be left for the garbage, to be thrown in a smoking hole and
burned. In the Secular Future to come your socially criminal kind
will be deprogrammed or killed by public torture during games.

-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
Big Brother wrote: I think
No, you don't.

belongs in jail.
Wait for it...

He has threatened to kill people and their familes many times on Usenet.
Bullshit. I disagree with him on many points, but I know that he has NOT done

Please everyone report him!


SDF Public Access UNIX System -

Matthew 7:12 Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to
them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.
Then by symmetry, you need to report yourself, then report to the nearest
jail for voluntary incarceration.

Luke 9:23 Then he said to them all: If anyone would come after me, he
must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
That's nice; but you imply that we all take up _your_ cross. Fuck off.

Mark L. Fergerson
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Anthony Fremont wrote:

I bet he'd have a totally different opinion if it had been his 14
old daughter.
My own daughter was fucking boys in her room at age 11 with our
blessing and had an "adult" partner when she was 12 (she was lots
more mature than they were, actually).
If this is really R. Steve Walz and this is really true, then I propose
a simple question. If you had been confronted by law enforcement about
this situation, would you have readily admitted it and then defended
your beliefs, or would you prove your own bigotry by denying that it had
ever occurred? Just curious.
"Anthony Fremont" <> wrote in message
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Anthony Fremont wrote:

I bet he'd have a totally different opinion if it had been his 14
old daughter.
My own daughter was fucking boys in her room at age 11 with our
blessing and had an "adult" partner when she was 12 (she was lots
more mature than they were, actually).

If this is really R. Steve Walz and this is really true, then I propose
a simple question. If you had been confronted by law enforcement about
this situation, would you have readily admitted it and then defended
your beliefs, or would you prove your own bigotry by denying that it had
ever occurred? Just curious.

That's not bigotry, just duplicity.

And isn't there some law against pimping underage daughters?

Oh, well.
"Rich Grise" <> wrote
"Anthony Fremont" <> wrote

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message

My own daughter was fucking boys in her room at age 11 with our
blessing and had an "adult" partner when she was 12 (she was lots
more mature than they were, actually).

If this is really R. Steve Walz and this is really true, then I
a simple question. If you had been confronted by law enforcement
this situation, would you have readily admitted it and then defended
your beliefs, or would you prove your own bigotry by denying that it
ever occurred? Just curious.

That's not bigotry, just duplicity.
Perhaps I should have said hipocrisy.

And isn't there some law against pimping underage daughters?

Oh, well.
In every state of the union AFAIK, especially concerning 11 and 12 year
Anthony Fremont wrote:
"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Anthony Fremont wrote:

I bet he'd have a totally different opinion if it had been his 14
old daughter.
My own daughter was fucking boys in her room at age 11 with our
blessing and had an "adult" partner when she was 12 (she was lots
more mature than they were, actually).

If this is really R. Steve Walz and this is really true, then I propose
a simple question. If you had been confronted by law enforcement about
this situation, would you have readily admitted it and then defended
your beliefs, or would you prove your own bigotry by denying that it had
ever occurred? Just curious.
It isn't any bigotry, my family knew and knows how to lie to Nazi's,
just like the Jews in Nazi Germany did. We have ABSOLUTELY NO kind
of obligation WHATSOEVER to inform our enemies of anything that would
endanger us or our much more humane way of living.

We who practice a superior culture have NO obligation WHATSOEVER to
moronically play into your sick hands or "take responsibility" for
it to those of you who are inhumane antisexual illegitimate Fundy
Nazi religious zealots.

And there are many millions of us who feel the same way, hundreds
whom we have met and shared sex with, who live our new ways without
subjecting our families to your abuse by the insane among you.

We usually remain secret till our kids are grown, and then we reveal
what we did and the way we lived to promote it to others once nothing
can be done to stop us. We raise our kids, THEN we write our books!

-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
Rich Grise wrote:
"Anthony Fremont" <> wrote in message

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Anthony Fremont wrote:

I bet he'd have a totally different opinion if it had been his 14
old daughter.
My own daughter was fucking boys in her room at age 11 with our
blessing and had an "adult" partner when she was 12 (she was lots
more mature than they were, actually).

If this is really R. Steve Walz and this is really true, then I propose
a simple question. If you had been confronted by law enforcement about
this situation, would you have readily admitted it and then defended
your beliefs, or would you prove your own bigotry by denying that it had
ever occurred? Just curious.

That's not bigotry, just duplicity.

And isn't there some law against pimping underage daughters?

Oh, well.
You're such a shitty little liar, never occurred, you lying scum.

-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
Anthony Fremont wrote:
"Rich Grise" <> wrote
"Anthony Fremont" <> wrote

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message

My own daughter was fucking boys in her room at age 11 with our
blessing and had an "adult" partner when she was 12 (she was lots
more mature than they were, actually).

If this is really R. Steve Walz and this is really true, then I
a simple question. If you had been confronted by law enforcement
this situation, would you have readily admitted it and then defended
your beliefs, or would you prove your own bigotry by denying that it
ever occurred? Just curious.

That's not bigotry, just duplicity.

Perhaps I should have said hipocrisy.

And isn't there some law against pimping underage daughters?

Oh, well.

In every state of the union AFAIK, especially concerning 11 and 12 year
Untrue, and irrelevant, and now legally unpursuable.

Nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nayh!

-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
"Anthony Fremont" <> wrote in message
"Rich Grise" <> wrote

And isn't there some law against pimping underage daughters?

In every state of the union AFAIK, especially concerning 11 and 12 year

I got a kick out of some stand-up comic saying, "Of course I'm attracted
to teenage girls! _Everybody's attracted to teenage girls. _That's why
they have a LAW!!!_"

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Anthony Fremont wrote:

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Anthony Fremont wrote:

I bet he'd have a totally different opinion if it had been his
old daughter.
My own daughter was fucking boys in her room at age 11 with our
blessing and had an "adult" partner when she was 12 (she was lots
more mature than they were, actually).

If this is really R. Steve Walz and this is really true, then I
a simple question. If you had been confronted by law enforcement
this situation, would you have readily admitted it and then defended
your beliefs, or would you prove your own bigotry by denying that it
ever occurred? Just curious.
It isn't any bigotry, my family knew and knows how to lie to Nazi's,
I think I smell a Godwin coming on.

just like the Jews in Nazi Germany did. We have ABSOLUTELY NO kind
of obligation WHATSOEVER to inform our enemies of anything that would
endanger us or our much more humane way of living.
It IS unlawful to lie to the authorities, just try it sometime. I'm not
saying that's fair, especially since they can lie their butts off when
"investigating". It's just the way it is.

We who practice a superior culture have NO obligation WHATSOEVER to
moronically play into your sick hands or "take responsibility" for
it to those of you who are inhumane antisexual illegitimate Fundy
Nazi religious zealots.
Wow, where did that come from? I guess you're not gonna answer the
question, huh?

And there are many millions of us who feel the same way, hundreds
whom we have met and shared sex with, who live our new ways without
subjecting our families to your abuse by the insane among you.
Nice straw man there, but totally irrelevant to the original question.

We usually remain secret till our kids are grown, and then we reveal
what we did and the way we lived to promote it to others once nothing
can be done to stop us. We raise our kids, THEN we write our books!
IOW, what you are saying is that you hide your crimes and, once you've
gotten away with it, you stand up and shout to the world about your
_strong_ beliefs. Sounds kinda hypocritical to me. Why don't you
profess your beliefs while you are practicing them and just take your
lumps just like the Christians you so profusely hate?

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