">"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Einstein "
In that light I cite the repetition ad nauseum in US schools that causes it to take 12 years for learning that should take 6.
>"Therefore, the definition of sanity must be doing different things on each attempt, which sounds much like trial and error. "
Sounds like research. An hypothesis is put forth and experiments are done. Repetition is only for confirmation and peer evaluation.
These protocols are not strictly followed anymore and leave room for doubt. This is what give AGW deniers ammunition in their illogic. This is also why I do not necessarily believe some of what they purport as "science" these days. which is better this week '? Butter or margarine.
If you want evidence of tampering with science look at Monsanto, which due to their follies in greed is now facing a class action lawsuit which they are likely to lose.
But they won't pay for it. The stockholders, employees and customers will.
Now THAT'S Usenet thread drift !