Repair of old/cheap VCRs--is it worth it?

"Ken G." <> wrote in message
Never thought of the security uses .. i thought people used their
computers for that .

I am not one to collect movie tapes & hardly ever watch movies or keep
much recorded stuff . After i seen a movie once i dont care to see it
again . Most of the stuff i record are music concerts or videos & very
few at that .
I guess alot of people have big movie collections & watch them over &
over .
I like having a reasonably sized collection of DVD's, there's some movies
that are watch once, but others I like to see again sometimes, also it's
nice if there's company and there's already movies around to watch rather
than having to go rent one.
Never thought of the security uses .. i thought people used their
computers for that .

I am not one to collect movie tapes & hardly ever watch movies or keep
much recorded stuff . After i seen a movie once i dont care to see it
again . Most of the stuff i record are music concerts or videos & very
few at that .
I guess alot of people have big movie collections & watch them over &
over . (LASERandDVDfan) wrote:

Same thing even applies to VCRs. If you own something like a Sony SLV-R5UC
S-VHS deck, you are better off getting it repaired than replacing it with a new
S-VHS deck from Best Buy. The SLV-R5UC has A LOT more features than just about
I found this (japanese) page, with nice pictures of Sony VCR's

There are some very nice units in there :)

A White Sailboat...Raging Waters...A Golden Inca Temple...
And a Great Earthquake...A Giant Condor That Wheels In The Sky...
The Mysterious Cities of Gold: // //
"James Sweet" <> wrote in message news:<8dZSb.198821$xy6.1022938@attbi_s02>...
"Ken G." <> wrote in message
I am not one to collect movie tapes & hardly ever watch movies or keep
much recorded stuff .

I like having a reasonably sized collection of DVD's, there's some movies
that are watch once, but others I like to see again sometimes, also it's
nice if there's company and there's already movies around to watch rather
than having to go rent one.
I keep finding classic (in good and bad ways) films and music videos
in charity (thrift?) shops. Whilst I would never buy a new
prerecorded vhs tape, with the sh***y tape they seem to use these
days, and having dvd, I love finding these old tapes. I'm amazed
these 15-20 year old tapes still work, and look/sound pretty good.
I'll maintain my (1987)NEC and Sony SLV-ER7UY, mid-range but solid
machines, for a few years yet.


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