Jason James
"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
relay' modules (used for a number of monitoring and Retx functions in the
past) literally operated and relaxed millions of times. They were just a
normal flat cct board unit. Their reliability was phenomonal....
Anyway Phil,...go back to the spec sheets.
The relays which operated on speech in what we called 'audio operated"Jason James"
"Phil Allison"
** All relays *wear out* - contacts have a limited switching life.
An argument like this has to be put into context.
** It is not an "argument" you tedious fuckwit - it is a simple fact
is quoted in the maker's specs.
............ Phil
relay' modules (used for a number of monitoring and Retx functions in the
past) literally operated and relaxed millions of times. They were just a
normal flat cct board unit. Their reliability was phenomonal....
Anyway Phil,...go back to the spec sheets.