Eric R Snow
Well, after leaving the microwave un-plugged for over a week I decided
to take a look and see if there were any "user servicable parts".
After discharging the high voltage cap(which was alredy discharged)
just to be safe I started checking things. There was one fuse in the
main line that wasn't blown and couldn't have been anyway because the
thing powers up. I ckecked all the interlock switches and they all
worked correctly. No other fuses were present. All connections were
tight. Just for laughs I un-plugged the magnetron and checked it for
conitnuity. And there was continuity. So, after checking everything I
could without applying power I put the housing back on and plugged it
in. I put a mug of water in and started the oven. It heated the water
fine! So, I tried a dish of food and no dice, nothing got hot. Then, I
tried water again and it remained cool. Even still you can tell the
oven is using a lot of power so I'm sure the xmfr is getting power. So
I think this means that the problem is in the high voltage section
which is beyond my skill to mess with safely. It does have lots of
good switches and other good parts so I'm gonna mine it for the
goodies and buy a new oven. Thanks to all who provided good advice.
to take a look and see if there were any "user servicable parts".
After discharging the high voltage cap(which was alredy discharged)
just to be safe I started checking things. There was one fuse in the
main line that wasn't blown and couldn't have been anyway because the
thing powers up. I ckecked all the interlock switches and they all
worked correctly. No other fuses were present. All connections were
tight. Just for laughs I un-plugged the magnetron and checked it for
conitnuity. And there was continuity. So, after checking everything I
could without applying power I put the housing back on and plugged it
in. I put a mug of water in and started the oven. It heated the water
fine! So, I tried a dish of food and no dice, nothing got hot. Then, I
tried water again and it remained cool. Even still you can tell the
oven is using a lot of power so I'm sure the xmfr is getting power. So
I think this means that the problem is in the high voltage section
which is beyond my skill to mess with safely. It does have lots of
good switches and other good parts so I'm gonna mine it for the
goodies and buy a new oven. Thanks to all who provided good advice.