Phil Hobbs
On 05/01/2014 09:16 PM, Douglas Beeson wrote:
Jim's very protective about his circuits (good and bad). I wasn't
attacking him, I was doing the sci.electronics.basics thing, i.e.
walking through the circuit discussing what it does, for the benefit of
beginners. To encourage said beginners not to give up, I pointed out
out that the circuit looked even more complicated than it was, because
the power and signal paths weren't distinguished very clearly. Then he
got mad and started calling names, but I can't help that.
Jim's a chip designer, and so works in a different world than most of
the rest of us--a lot of his stuff gets made in large numbers and has to
work in far less well-controlled conditions that your average
instrument, over process corners and not-always-optimal customer designs.
In board-level designs, that frequently leads to using way too many
parts, but then board-level isn't his gig.
Phil Hobbs
Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
160 North State Road #203
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
hobbs at electrooptical dot net
On Thu, 01 May 2014 10:01:53 -0400
Phil Hobbs <pcdhSpamMeSenseless@electrooptical.net> wrote:
On 05/01/2014 09:39 AM, George Herold wrote:
On Thursday, May 1, 2014 8:10:51 AM UTC-4, Douglas Beeson wrote:
Hi all,
I did a search the other day on zero crossing detector circuits and came across this nice one by Jim Thompson:
I think I have figured out how it works, except for capacitor C1. What does it do?
Hmm, We'll have to wait for Jim, 'cause it's not obvious to me how it works.
Why not just a transformer and then a comparator with some hysteresis. You still would want to capacitively couple it I think.... let the average voltage be your "zero". And that looks to be what C1 is doing.
George H.
It's only complicated-looking because it's drawn badly, with the power
supplies mixed up with the signal wiring.
The top and bottom rails (after R2 and R3) are the power supplies, Cap
C1 turns the AC mains into essentially a regulated AC current source.
R1 limits the inrush to an amp or so so you don't pop the rectifiers,
and the two zeners clip off the tops to keep the voltage regulated.
R2/C3 and R3/C4 are the supply filters. (The positive supply lead on
the LM339 isn't shown, which adds to the confusion.)
So apart from whatever incidental voltage there is on the neutral, you
can think of the junction of D1 and D2 as sitting still at ground
potential. The other ends of D1 and D2 sit at +- a diode drop from there.
AC current is applied to the junction of D4 and D5 via R4 (plus a bit of
despiking from C5, to get rid of switching hash and so on). On the
positive half cycle, D4 conducts and the D3/D4 junction goes to +2 diode
drops, so U1 pulls low.
On the negative half cycle, D3 conducts in the same way, and U2 pulls low.
Within a diode drop of the zero crossings, neither D3 nor D4 conducts,
and both U1 and U2 are high. So the result is a brief pulse on each
zero crossing.
It's not a circuit you'd want to do anything much with, except drive an
optocoupler, because there are safety issues.
Phil Hobbs
Dr. Hobbs,
Thank you for your very informative reply. In Jim's defense, I found the rest of the circuit to be pretty easy to understand.
Jim's very protective about his circuits (good and bad). I wasn't
attacking him, I was doing the sci.electronics.basics thing, i.e.
walking through the circuit discussing what it does, for the benefit of
beginners. To encourage said beginners not to give up, I pointed out
out that the circuit looked even more complicated than it was, because
the power and signal paths weren't distinguished very clearly. Then he
got mad and started calling names, but I can't help that.
Jim's a chip designer, and so works in a different world than most of
the rest of us--a lot of his stuff gets made in large numbers and has to
work in far less well-controlled conditions that your average
instrument, over process corners and not-always-optimal customer designs.
In board-level designs, that frequently leads to using way too many
parts, but then board-level isn't his gig.
Phil Hobbs
Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
160 North State Road #203
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
hobbs at electrooptical dot net