I am driving a thermoelectric cooler with an H-bridge configuration
(inductor in series with the TEC). >Â So I need to drive 4 switches, but really only need one PWM signal and
its inverse.
If there's anything EMI sensitive on the cold plate, you'll want to filter better than that--the end plates of the TEC are made of alumina, which has an epsilon around 10. You can couple an astounding amount of hash through that. That's why I generally use a Class H drive with a buck switcher and low-sat BJT drive--almost as efficient and much much quieter. If you really sit on the SMPS supervision, you can keep V_CE down below 200 mV, so you can put a few amps through a SOT23 transistor.
The other thing to watch out for is ripple current heating. Dissipation goes like I_RMS but cooling goes like I_avg.
Phil Hobbs