sea moss
Seems like every time I start a new power design, I waste a bunch of time looking for the ideal PWM controller.
At the end of the day I'd really like to have the simplest IC possible to handle just the PWM function, and I provide my own error amp, gate driver, and reference externally. The ideal part would look like this: oscillator set by resistor, comparator non-inverting input, and pulse out. Plus Vdd and ground equals 5 pins only! Does anything like this exist?
I've also been checking out the famous TL494, and MC34063 since I have never used them. Does anyone here have horror stories from these parts that I can't infer from the datasheets?
Another one I discovered is MCP1632, pretty simple but not quite what I'm looking for. Vdd=6V max for example, kind of sucks. I do like how they use a 50uA current source as the reference pin, so you set Vref with a resistor or drive from low-impedance source, nice.
At the end of the day I'd really like to have the simplest IC possible to handle just the PWM function, and I provide my own error amp, gate driver, and reference externally. The ideal part would look like this: oscillator set by resistor, comparator non-inverting input, and pulse out. Plus Vdd and ground equals 5 pins only! Does anything like this exist?
I've also been checking out the famous TL494, and MC34063 since I have never used them. Does anyone here have horror stories from these parts that I can't infer from the datasheets?
Another one I discovered is MCP1632, pretty simple but not quite what I'm looking for. Vdd=6V max for example, kind of sucks. I do like how they use a 50uA current source as the reference pin, so you set Vref with a resistor or drive from low-impedance source, nice.