Chris Moylan
So if I don't need always-on 12VDC, I figure I'll attach GND to the
negative output on the 12V pulsing supply, positive to the 1HZ
input...what shall I do with the "+12V" connection in your design?
Are they both connected to the pulsing output? Or both grounds for
the 12V supply and the neg-side(either) of the relay bonded together,
the other side of the coil to "OUT" and the positive supply source for
the relay to "+12V"? Won't the relay still trigger at all times by
power sneaking through R3 into the positive side of the relay coil?
negative output on the 12V pulsing supply, positive to the 1HZ
input...what shall I do with the "+12V" connection in your design?
Are they both connected to the pulsing output? Or both grounds for
the 12V supply and the neg-side(either) of the relay bonded together,
the other side of the coil to "OUT" and the positive supply source for
the relay to "+12V"? Won't the relay still trigger at all times by
power sneaking through R3 into the positive side of the relay coil?
oh ok then...
| | |
| | [1000]
| | |R3
| [10k] +----->OUT
/_\ Diode |R2 |
| | C
| +------B 2N4401
| | E Q2
cap | D1 R1 C |
1Hz>-||--+---|>|---+--[100K]---B 2N4401 |
| |+ E Q1 |
/_\ diode [10ľf] | |
| | C1 | |