Jasen Betts
On 2013-05-25, Wolfgang Wildeblood <wolfgangwildeblood@gmail.com> wrote:
ââ 100% natural
--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: news@netfront.net ---
The "gun" is made of ABS, you can print that on a $1000 printer likeOn May 24, 9:35Â pm, F Murtz <hagg...@hotmail.com> wrote:
felix_unger wrote:
We now know that it is dangerous,cause the australian police built one
and it blew up after killing some balistics gell.
Of course we do not know what sort of inferior stuff they built it out
of or whether they followed instructions.
Do you suppose the AFP popped down the road to the ANU to borrow a 3D
printer, or do you think they wasted tens of thousands buying one just
to perform their little experiment?
ââ 100% natural
--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: news@netfront.net ---