On Apr 20, 6:45 pm, kangarooistan <kangarooist...@gmail.com> wrote:
If you can not understand him , simply ignore him
many thanks
mateOn Apr 20, 5:19 pm, "David Malcolm" <david.k.malc...@bigpond.com
Stop fucking replying to him.
Dave Malcolm
Perhaps you may like to take your own advice Mal
Sir JPT thinks and sees things beyond most peoples comprehension ,
If you can not understand him , simply ignore him
many thanks
indeed Sir JPT
But mate , you know how long it takes for the sheeple to catch up with
those at the cutting edge of research and planning
Most sheeple wander along with the mob and are too scared to identify
with those at the cutting edge of research
Always been that way mate
Give the sheeple time mate
Let them stay on safe ground in the middle of the mob
Dont waste time waiting for them to catch up
We must continue to think and plan ahead mate
The war is nearly over and the REAL terrorists are getting desperate
as they see justice about to over take them they start behaving like
trapped rats in the corner
Ignore them mate
there are so many new things desperately needing tour insights to
bother about the gullible sheep
Kangarooistan Enterprises plans to re brand Australia as Paul hogan
turns 70 in the usa ,
Move over Paul , GRANPA [kanga ] targets the over seas tourists
Paul Hogan / Crocodile Dundee and Steve Irwin worked great in Anglo
world as tourist attractions , but the times are changing and so are
the future consumers
The the next few decades will see most growth in the world markets
from non Anglo world , in particular the Muslim , central and Eastern
and S E Asian markets in growing and emerging markets
Australian tourism and business need to rebrand its image to include
more of Australias multicultural minority heritage and exploit these
emerging opportunities where possible
Tourism Industry will also need to attract the much older cashed up
retirees , and needs to aim marketing at this group along with the
young peoples and those presently too young to travel but soon to be
tourists in the future
3 very different new groups largely ignored by past role models and
campaigns , but often the 3 age groups are found in the one family
group , making future plans they could ALL be targeted in the same
well designed package
A new Paul Hogan type character ,of mixed heritage , with mixed
heritage children , and further mixed heritage grand children , is or
will be the new norm in Australia and most of the new world wide
consumer , white Anglos no longer control the world or its wealth
This creates an opportunity to appeal to a very wide target
consumers of all manner of Aussie goods and services , using a
widely known / face/ family / image , to promote a wide range of
goods services and products , as Paul Hogan and Steve Irwin did in
the past , the very image of them was an Advertisement for all Aussie
products on the world market
Hence my multicultural Aussie true blue bushy type " GRANDPA " , a
very old retired bushy bloke , with a large family and grandkids from
almost every country on earth who , in turn , in their respective
cultures , market to the target country's consumer with culturally
appropriate message , using a world wide recognized images , thus
making an honest real life multicultural message using real people ,
with help from marketing experts to sell the product / service / by
tapping the same desire over seas consumers saw in Paul Hogan types
"GRANDPA" would not actually say much if anything ,probably
background shots of an old bushy bloke behind the main characters ,
who would be attractive younger people , and the grandkids would also
only be bit actors , but techy bright mixed heritage aussie kids in
the campaign background
The entire package crafted to attract the 3 groups to visit Australia
at some stage , or buy Aussie products , all packaged as light
entertainment or humour
Paul Hogan turns 70http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Hogan
" grandpa KANGA " is born , but the senile old bastard has
wandered off into the desert again , near Lake Eyre and he wont
answer the phone
Anybody seeing him [please send him home] , an old grey bearded
tall skinny cripple guy , on a old small brown 3 wheel electric
scooter , updated 1960s model , with a sola powered laptop and GPS ,
probably in a tent in the desert at or near Lake Eyre looking for
But could be in Tokyo picking up the latest manga magazineshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manga