PRC as a amplifier in GPS question.

On Apr 20, 6:45 pm, kangarooistan <> wrote:
On Apr 20, 5:19 pm, "David Malcolm" <

Stop fucking replying to him.

Dave Malcolm

Perhaps you may like to take your own advice Mal

Sir JPT  thinks and sees things beyond most peoples comprehension ,

If you can not understand him , simply ignore him

many thanks

indeed Sir JPT

But mate , you know how long it takes for the sheeple to catch up with
those at the cutting edge of research and planning

Most sheeple wander along with the mob and are too scared to  identify
with those at the cutting edge of research

Always been that way mate

Give the sheeple time mate

Let them stay on safe ground in the middle of the mob

Dont waste time waiting for them to catch up

We must continue to think and plan ahead mate

The war is nearly over and the REAL terrorists are getting desperate
as they see justice about to over take them they start behaving like
trapped rats in the corner

Ignore them mate

there are so many new things desperately needing tour insights to
bother about the gullible sheep

Kangarooistan Enterprises plans to re brand Australia as Paul hogan
turns 70 in the usa ,

Move over Paul ,  GRANPA  [kanga ] targets the  over seas tourists

Paul Hogan / Crocodile Dundee and Steve Irwin worked great in Anglo
world as tourist attractions , but the times are changing  and so are
the future consumers

The the next few decades will see most growth in the world  markets
from non Anglo world , in particular the Muslim , central and Eastern
and S E Asian markets in growing  and emerging markets

Australian tourism and business need to rebrand  its image to include
more of Australias multicultural  minority heritage and exploit these
emerging opportunities where possible

Tourism Industry will also need to attract the much older cashed up
retirees , and needs to aim marketing at this group along with the
young peoples and those presently too young to travel but soon to be
tourists in the  future

3 very different new  groups largely ignored by past role models and
campaigns , but often the 3 age groups are  found in the one family
group ,  making future plans they could ALL be targeted in the same
well designed package

A new Paul Hogan  type character ,of mixed heritage , with mixed
heritage children , and further mixed heritage grand children , is or
will be the new norm in Australia and most of the new world wide
consumer , white Anglos no longer control the world or its wealth

This  creates an opportunity to appeal to a very wide target
consumers  of all manner of Aussie goods and services ,  using a
widely known /  face/ family / image ,  to promote a wide range of
goods services and   products , as Paul Hogan and Steve Irwin did in
the past , the very  image of them was an Advertisement for all Aussie
products on the  world market

Hence my multicultural Aussie true blue bushy type " GRANDPA " ,  a
very old retired bushy bloke , with a large family and grandkids from
almost every country on earth who , in turn  ,   in their respective
cultures , market to the target country's consumer with culturally
appropriate message , using a world wide recognized images , thus
making an honest real life  multicultural message using real people ,
with help from marketing experts to sell the product / service / by
tapping the same desire over seas consumers saw in Paul Hogan types

"GRANDPA" would not actually say much if anything ,probably
background  shots of an old bushy bloke behind  the main characters ,
who would be  attractive younger people , and the grandkids would also
only be bit  actors , but techy bright mixed heritage aussie kids in
the campaign  background

The entire package crafted to attract the 3 groups to visit Australia
at some stage , or buy Aussie products , all packaged as light
entertainment or humour

Paul Hogan turns 70

" grandpa  KANGA "  is born , but the senile old bastard has
wandered   off into the desert again ,  near Lake Eyre and he  wont
answer the  phone

Anybody seeing him [please send him home] , an old  grey bearded
tall  skinny cripple guy ,  on a  old small brown 3 wheel electric
scooter ,  updated 1960s model ,  with a sola powered laptop and GPS ,
probably  in a tent  in the desert  at or near  Lake Eyre looking for

But could be in Tokyo picking up the latest manga magazines
On Apr 17, 11:16 pm, Greatest Mining Pioneer of Australia of all Times
<> wrote:
Obviously though the Mining Criminals of nailed bosses
indeed !


I will pray for you mindless imbecile.
On Apr 21, 7:41 pm, Hunter01 <> wrote:
kangarooistan wrote:
On Apr 20, 6:45 pm, kangarooistan <> wrote:
On Apr 20, 5:19 pm, "David Malcolm" <

Stop fucking replying to him.
Dave Malcolm
Perhaps you may like to take your own advice Mal

 Sir JPT  thinks and sees things beyond most peoples comprehension ,

The insane spiteful full-of-hate bigots usually do, that's probly why
you get along so well with him.
Sir JPT is a mining pioneer expert

His observations on weather are in order , long term rain / drought
are in southern Australia in real long term decline

Sir JPT thinks outside the Sq and thats why kanga always reads his

If you prefer to live in the echo chamber with all the other sheeple
please ignore our posts mate

Unless you follow the debate I understand WHY you may fail to catch on
to the meat of the debate or the meat of the issues

No shame on you IF you choose to stay on safe ground ,out of the
wind , indeed many good people need to stay on the safe ground if they
have to attend to other pressing matters for a while

BUT dont criticize those who venture out into the dark looking to see
whats out there hiding under rocks or in the shadows

Sir JPT does no harm

Indeed we need people like Sir JPT , and Kanga , to go out into the
dark if they are willing

Who knows what they may find ,let the creative juices flow mate

Sir JPT is an honorable gentleman indeed

If you wish to bother , you need to understand his language and style

At least try and read this for starters ,one day you will see mate ,
if you care to follow the issues , we dont bother wasting time on 30
second fly by opinions that can be generated by cyberbots by the
dozens , kanga and Sir JPT move at much slower pace and yes we enjoy
looking under the rocks and into dark places and poking sticks at the
ugly beasts we find to see if they move

ignore the trivia and gossip , there is a message mate , but you need
to first learn the language
his attitude was grounded in a great disdain for what he perceived as
the folly, pretense, vanity, social climbing, self-deception, and
artificiality of much human conduct.
Diogenes searches for an honest man. Painting attributed to J. H. W.
Tischbein (c. 1780)

The stories told of Diogenes illustrate the logical consistency of his
character. He inured himself to the vicissitudes of weather by living
in a tub belonging to the temple of Cybele.[11] He destroyed the
single wooden bowl he possessed on seeing a peasant boy drink from the
hollow of his hands.[12] He once masturbated in the Agora; when
rebuked for doing so, he replied, "If only it was as easy to soothe my
hunger by rubbing my belly."[13] He used to stroll about in full
daylight with a lamp; when asked what he was doing, he would answer,
"I am just looking for a human being."[14] Diogenes looked for a human
being but reputedly found nothing but rascals and scoundrels.[15]

When Plato gave Socrates' definition of man as "featherless bipeds"
and was much praised for the definition, Diogenes plucked a chicken
and brought it into Plato's Academy, saying, "Behold! I've brought you
a man." After this incident, "with broad flat nails" was added to
Plato's definition.[16]

you wont spot it unless you speak the language mate

kangarooistan wrote:
On Apr 21, 7:41 pm, Hunter01 <> wrote:
kangarooistan wrote:
On Apr 20, 6:45 pm, kangarooistan <> wrote:
On Apr 20, 5:19 pm, "David Malcolm" <
Stop fucking replying to him.
Dave Malcolm
Perhaps you may like to take your own advice Mal
Sir JPT thinks and sees things beyond most peoples comprehension ,
The insane spiteful full-of-hate bigots usually do, that's probly why
you get along so well with him.

Sir JPT is a mining pioneer expert

No, he's a spiteful full-of-hate bigot, just as you are. You've both
spent years preaching hatred in here. Simple as that.
On Apr 26, 10:12 am, Hunter01 <> wrote:
you get along so well with him.

Sir JPT is a mining pioneer expert

No, he's a spiteful full-of-hate bigot, just as you are. You've both
spent years preaching hatred in here. Simple as that.
gee hunter

cant you handle the truth mate

just cos were were right and you were wrong dont mean we are hateful

you will get used to facing reality in time mate

pointing out the truth is not hateful even though it may hurt

mates owe it to tell each other the truth

Bush Blair and Howard will face war crimes trials as will all who
supported the illegal un winnable wars

we warned you may times western taxpayers would bleed to death over
Iraq and Afghanistan

we warned you house prices would crash and western economy was DOOMED

even if it hurts

nothing can save western taxpayers from facing justice and paying for
their crimes

nothing can save australian farmers from bankruptcy and ruin

nothing can save israel or the usa from paying for their many crimes

this is simple reality mate

not hatred

after you work through the denial stage , then the anger stage then
the grief and reach acceptance , you will eventually thank us mate for
telling the truth

we will forgive you , then you can help us rebuild what ever is left
after the war crimes trials remove the real terrorists and criminals

Australian Agri business is about to collapse completely

thousands upon thousand have lost the lot, every last cent gone

banks have lost the lot as well , we warned them too ,

farms that are not worth one dollar , as the cost of owning them is
greater than the income potential of most Australian farms

They are worth nothing ,not one dollar , investors in the rural
sector have lost the lot

Timber corp went from over 2 dollars a share to NIL , banks lost all
their money and the land STILL needs o pay rates and taxes
Banks will soon PAY PEOPLE to takeover farms so as to wipe the
growing debts from their books
Creditors meet after yet another huge Agri business collapses

Andrew Main | April 25, 2009
Article from: The Australian

TIMBERCORP voluntary administrators KordaMentha yesterday set May 5 as
the date of the first creditors' meeting.

It identified unit holders in the group's 40 managed investment
schemes (MIS) as potential creditors. along with many others.

The Melbourne-based listed group went into administration on Thursday
with debts of about $900 million against some $595 million in assets.
but attempts to sell off some assets failed to find buyers , no
interest in farms that lose money and can not even pay running costs

It was the victim of a gradual squeeze between a substantial debt
burden and drought-ravaged operating well as being vastly
over valued and heavily leveraged to bank loans that were taken out
far beyond the real valuation based on income potential

Most of its timber and horticultural assets are along the Murray River
and although Timbercorp controls significant water allocations, there
is no waterto allocate, the simple unavailability of water and the
cost of trucking in small amounts meant that crop yields in the last
two years were a long away below predictions. most plantations will
need to pay to pull them up

Regis Besencon, a Victorian authorised representative based in
Healesville who holds a major line of MIS units, said yesterday he had
been invited to attend the meeting, which implied that he and his 50-
odd "grower" clients who were also MIS unitholders might also be
creditors of the listed entity.

"We're very concerned to make sure our interests are taken care of
even though we're not Timbercorp shareholders," said Mr Besencon.

"We don't just want to roll over and play dead."

Timbercorp owns or controls almost 100,000ha of eucalypt plantations,
12,000ha of almonds and 6530ha of olive groves as well as smaller
plantings of citrus, avocados, mangoes, grapes and truss tomatoes.

Most Agribusiness is in exactly the same hopeless trap , no buyers of
farms that can never show a return and still cost money to run

The group's structure is complex because Timbercorp owns much of the
land but contracted out the plantation management to specialist
companies such as Boundary Bend, Simpson Farms and Select Harvest,
which are not in administration, and the unitholders were paid a
return based on the crop produced, having paid the various costs of
producing the crops.

There are 14,000 Timbercorp shareholders and about 18,500 MIS
unitholders or "growers".

many other Agri busineess are about to admit they too are in the exact
same position

Most western business is in the exact same position world wide , but
the drought adds to most Australian farm business problems

With farms the banks can not simply close the factory gate

the animals or trees must be cared for , and a sale is now impossible
as running costs can never be able to cover ongoing cost of keeping
the gates open , and rates taxes , and pest control , costs roll on
and banks are left holding the baby

EXACTLY as kanga tried to warn them for YEARS

those who bought camels are the only ones who will survive

Some FOOL wants the government to pay him 50 million dollars to shoot
camels to save his farm

poor silly FOOL can not see the forest for the trees
Thank GOD he wont be in farming much longer

Camels will be the biggest rural income in Australia next century

sadly the experts will all need to die out because they can never
admit they were wrong and kanga was right

Only REAL men can admit they were wrong

kangarooistan wrote:
On Apr 26, 10:12 am, Hunter01 <> wrote:
you get along so well with him.

Sir JPT is a mining pioneer expert
No, he's a spiteful full-of-hate bigot, just as you are. You've both
spent years preaching hatred in here. Simple as that.

gee hunter

cant you handle the truth mate

just cos were were right and you were wrong dont mean we are hateful

Jesus there's a lot of fuckwits out this weekend... Lets remind you
about just a little bit of the proof of you being a spiteful
full-of-hate bigot shall we????

From yourself in usenet:

"I was thinking we need a new research lab that will be safe from the
white christian capitalists and jews and rioters mate "

"The jews and christians wont let any Muslims succeed in research of
anything as you know mate"

"Are white people all Hypocrites or what"

"The entire world now knows what white christian aussies are REALLY

"Sooner or later the dumb aussies will listen"

"WHY do white christians WANT Zimbabwe destroyed so desperately"

"By examining the numbers it is possible to identify white christian
capitalists [ rich ruling class ] are by far the greatest EVIL the
world has ever known "

"White christian Australian Soldiers are no better than the Jewish or
USA soldiers who trained them "

"But white experts could not then and STILL can not think outside their
white western christian echo chamber "

And I really can't be bothered going any further, all of that was from
only the first 2 pages of 25 pages worth of links to the crap you
dribble in usenet. You've got some real issues to sort out you spiteful
full-of-hate bigot.
On Apr 26, 2:45 pm, Hunter01 <> wrote:
kangarooistan wrote:
On Apr 26, 10:12 am, Hunter01 <> wrote:
you get along so well with him.

Sir JPT is a mining pioneer expert
No, he's a spiteful full-of-hate bigot, just as you are. You've both
spent years preaching hatred in here. Simple as that.

 gee hunter

cant you handle the truth mate

just cos were were right and you were wrong dont mean we are hateful

Jesus there's a lot of fuckwits out this weekend... Lets remind you
about just a little bit of the proof of you being a spiteful
full-of-hate bigot shall we????

 From yourself in usenet:

"I was thinking we need a new research lab that will be safe from the
white christian capitalists and jews and rioters mate "

"The jews and christians wont let any Muslims succeed in research of
anything as you know mate"

"Are white people all Hypocrites or what"

"The entire world now knows what white christian aussies are REALLY

"Sooner or later the dumb aussies will listen"

"WHY do white christians WANT Zimbabwe destroyed so desperately"

"By examining the numbers it is possible to identify white christian
capitalists [ rich ruling class ] are by far the greatest EVIL the
world has ever known "

"White christian Australian Soldiers are no better than the  Jewish or
  USA soldiers who trained them "

"But white experts could not then and STILL can not think outside their
white western christian echo chamber "

And I really can't be bothered going any further, all of that was from
only the first 2 pages of 25 pages worth of links to the crap you
dribble in usenet. You've got some real issues to sort out you spiteful
full-of-hate bigot.
Not a single word was hateful or spiteful mate

every word was fair accurate assessment of the facts
for you to think otherwise proves beyond all doubt you are delusional

Hopefully in time the facts will become clearer mate

White christian capitalists are the most evil of all gods creation
after jews

the proof is on the news every day

see how they blow up mosques and murder hundreds then pretend its
muslim suicide bombers

see how they wipe out entire nations to steal land and endless
massacres wars rape murder pillage loot and plunder of three quarters
of the globe over the centuries until they have devastated most of the
planet with their attrocities

thank GOD western taxpayers have at last run out of places to plunder
and are now DOOMED

The world can very soon all have peace

kangarooistan wrote:
On Apr 26, 2:45 pm, Hunter01 <> wrote:
kangarooistan wrote:
On Apr 26, 10:12 am, Hunter01 <> wrote:
you get along so well with him.
Sir JPT is a mining pioneer expert
No, he's a spiteful full-of-hate bigot, just as you are. You've both
spent years preaching hatred in here. Simple as that.
gee hunter
cant you handle the truth mate
just cos were were right and you were wrong dont mean we are hateful
Jesus there's a lot of fuckwits out this weekend... Lets remind you
about just a little bit of the proof of you being a spiteful
full-of-hate bigot shall we????

From yourself in usenet:

"I was thinking we need a new research lab that will be safe from the
white christian capitalists and jews and rioters mate "

"The jews and christians wont let any Muslims succeed in research of
anything as you know mate"

"Are white people all Hypocrites or what"

"The entire world now knows what white christian aussies are REALLY

"Sooner or later the dumb aussies will listen"

"WHY do white christians WANT Zimbabwe destroyed so desperately"

"By examining the numbers it is possible to identify white christian
capitalists [ rich ruling class ] are by far the greatest EVIL the
world has ever known "

"White christian Australian Soldiers are no better than the Jewish or
USA soldiers who trained them "

"But white experts could not then and STILL can not think outside their
white western christian echo chamber "

And I really can't be bothered going any further, all of that was from
only the first 2 pages of 25 pages worth of links to the crap you
dribble in usenet. You've got some real issues to sort out you spiteful
full-of-hate bigot.

Not a single word was hateful or spiteful mate

every word was fair accurate assessment of the facts
for you to think otherwise proves beyond all doubt you are delusional

Hopefully in time the facts will become clearer mate

White christian capitalists are the most evil of all gods creation
after jews

And there you go again, being a hateful, spiteful peice of delusionally
insane dogshit. You're the sort that makes the ultimate foot soldier for
terrorists like Al Queda, you're too fucking stupid to see the world as
it is, and just play the trumpet your masters hand you....

Thankyou for proving my point however.... Hopefully the majority of
Muslims in Australia who are actually good people will quietly put you
down like the rabid dog you are, because all you do is give them all a
bad name you fuckwit. You're a waste of space to Australia, you're a
waste of space to your religion and you're a waste of space to humanity.
On Apr 27, 6:34 am, kangarooistan <> wrote:

Dear Mr Kanga,

Sorry for not replying sooner but I was away this week end & return
later than anticipated.
Catching up to it then.
I have read thoroughly the notes from Matt & Tom and your answers. to

Somehow I have missed the photo of that item you might have put in
line, did you put it in fact ? .
I am giving you an temporary address where you can reach me :eek:ct1307

Sure, If your son comes through, he will be warmly welcomed, just as
you would be.
My address is although not available on line is not a secret for
Australian Mining & Political Criminals, so you can have it too, it
will avoid your son trying to find it :
20 Avenue des Guiardes, 17000, La Rochelle France.
Mobile +33 (0)6 50 17 14 64
I will give you a silent priv. n° by mail.

Regarding that site, I am sure that all elements presented show some
parallel with the Zimbabwe gold operations & the difference in size
was related to the support in which gold was located. As you said,
your Archaeological discovery pre-historic time mine, is centered in
Quartz Blows, and the characteristics of such type of mining is the
fact that they are are of no significant extents. This is due to the
nature of those Pegmatite formations settling as very hot solutions in
huge Intrusive Rocks formation crack or faults. Due to the higher Mohs
scale of hardness some of those quartz blows resist erosion and stand
really out of the environment from a few ft to 30ft towering snaky
things going for mile. So in some like in Souther Cross for example,
over 10 000 ounces of gold ( from memory) , people put fabulous hope
upon the find and then it petered out.
In you site then ( let 's call it the Fabian Old Mine aka FOM ) ,
whatever the technique they had to get down to breaking the gold
bearing rock out of the muck, and again extract the gold out of it. I
am afraid it was done the very hard way but still they had iron tools,
and in this lay the very peculiar anomaly, since they were able to
melt iron ore. They did not need meteorite iron, plenty of iron ore in
Australia and as for the technique some pre-historic smelter was
discovered around Perth, as I remember rightly.

From that angle I can supply you with some patent evidence linking the
Australia FOM to the Zimbabwe gold working, and which is linked to
the very origin of Aborigenes in Australia. I will do this through a
private communication, so none could stripe you of the merit of you
discovery indeed. The great step forward in demonstrating the reality
of the FOM, with all the features you note especially the old black
clay dam indicating sluicing techniques, is the fact that for me it
has clarified NOT the very origin & date of arrival of the early
people in Australia, to which the True Geology has the answer, but the
time when these early settlers where turned into Negroes or
Aborigenes ! Just like in Zimbabwe to make them a very docile slave
populations, extremely easy to breed & maintain at very minimum cost.
A kin of cloning indeed before the word existed ...
I could go on in that line but will leave the rest for private

With best regards

Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Founder of the True Geology

~ Ignorance is the Cosmic Sin, the One Never Forgiven ~

for background info.
True Geology Foundation document :
On Apr 23, 2:14 pm, the man from havana <>
On Apr 17, 11:16 pm, Greatest Mining Pioneer of Australia of all Times> wrote:
Obviously though the Mining Criminals of  nailed bosses
indeed !


I will pray for you mindless imbecile.
Link for this one is:


Remove ZX from email address to reply directly.
aussiblu wrote:
"What should consumers do?"
"Stanley Australia is advising consumer to follow the instructions in the
user manual"

Yep, that's the way to fix it.
Linux Registered User # 302622
Hmm; but how many do? And are they in plain English or some
Chinese attempt at the same.


Remove ZX from email address to reply directly.

Great God, The Unique, The Unnamed, The Blessed One and Creator of
all !
Teach us to love our friends as best as we can with honour,
and hate our enemies and pursue them with our revenge until they pay
or ask
for mercy !
Please curse them just as we do, and support our just anger !

Give us strength to uphold at all time the Blessed Sword of Justice,
and never falter in the Respect of our Duty & Obedience to the Sacred
Cosmic Laws !!!!



(17 th Century Holy Scottish Druid of Inverness 's moving prayer)
Greatest Mining Pioneer of Australia of all Times wrote:

Great God, The Unique, The Unnamed, The Blessed One and Creator of
all !
Teach us to love our friends as best as we can with honour,
and hate our enemies and pursue them with our revenge until they pay
or ask
for mercy !
Please curse them just as we do, and support our just anger !

Give us strength to uphold at all time the Blessed Sword of Justice,
and never falter in the Respect of our Duty & Obedience to the Sacred
Cosmic Laws !!!!



(17 th Century Holy Scottish Druid of Inverness 's moving prayer)
See what I mean about sir japie turdfraud's delusions ? He vacillates
between DEMANDING and BEGGING of his chosen god.

If an infinite power can't convince me of its existence, it must not
exist. Poor old japie has less chance of convincing any sentient of
ANYTHING due to his incoherent ramblings.!

Your beliefs are actually folk tales and attempts of isolated,
pre-scientific tribes to make sense of their environment. 'Sir' japie
and KangaRootsHisHand are modern equivalents of such tribes.

On Jun 4, 5:30 am, Greatest Mining Pioneer of Australia of all Times
<> wrote:
's moving prayer)

Hi Turd , has that enema hose slipped out of your anus and back into
your mouth....imbecile FRAUD !!!!!
This Peter Howard fellow has repeatedly and obnoxiously polluted the
Usenet nesgroup with the kind of stupid trolls seen
below. He is so ashamed of this behavior that he posts them under the
alias of "Antitroll" (ironic, that).

Do any of you know anything about this Peter Howard? Does he behave
this way on his "home turf"?


Jun 14, 4:54 am, "Antitroll" <> wrote:
The story so far...
Juteau is incarcerated in a noisome slammer in the C.A.R. and he's been trading
his Rolex, piece by piece for rat catching privileges. His white mercenary pals
have just arrived to rescue his lying ass.
"That watch went back together like clockwork (pun intended). It was
working again before the firing squad stood down though the jeweller I
ordered brought to the "palace" to reassemble it shook like leaf at each
volley. That's the point of having a good watch, that you can pretend to
trade it for your life, and that you can always get it to run again
after you take it back. I let the jailor live, because one day (I
thought it was the Friday--maybe he was a Catholic; he certainly called
on Mary to be merciful when I had him put in front of the firing squad
to jog his memory about some missing pieces of my watch) he brought me a
mess of crocodile eggs to vary my diet, and didn't charge more than two
pieces of the watch for it, which considering that he was one of the
worst scum I had met until I joined the Joenet and then RAT, was a
pretty humanitarian thing to do. The prison cat, who was wondering if I
was trying to take away his livelihood, was glad to see me go; if I'd
run out of rats, he was next... "
Stay tuned for the next yawn-inducing episode.

Odd that his jailors didn't just steal the Rolex to begin with. Odd that they
didn't search him and confiscate the set of watchmakers tools that Juteau just
happened to have with him in case he needed to dismantle the Rolex. Perhaps he
promised to teach them how to ride a bicycle at 100kph downhill behind an
ancient Citroen H van.

P.S. I hear that Juteau El Fruitcake as been claimimg to be Australian. The day
that he posts online a scan of his naturalization certificate will be one day
before I emigrate to New Zealand and renounce my own native-born Australian
citizenship as devalued beyond recall.

And as a special bonus here are some words I swiped from Jutey Frutey's
published novels.
"A, the, was, veld, tree, lion, genital warts, of, never, frottage, in, sled,
Alaska, and."
I wait with bated breath to be sued for infringing his copyright.
On Jun 14, 8:58 pm, Ozark Bicycle
<> wrote:
This Peter Howard fellow has repeatedly and obnoxiously polluted the
Usenet nesgroup with the kind of stupid trolls seen
below. He is so ashamed of this behavior that he posts them under the
alias of "Antitroll" (ironic, that).

Do any of you know anything about this Peter Howard? Does he behave
this way on his "home turf"?


Jun 14, 4:54 am, "Antitroll" <> wrote:

The story so far...
Juteau is incarcerated in a noisome slammer in the C.A.R. and he's been trading
his Rolex, piece by piece for rat catching privileges. His white mercenary pals
have just arrived to rescue his lying ass.
"That watch went back together like clockwork (pun intended). It was
working again before the firing squad stood down though the jeweller I
ordered brought to the "palace" to reassemble it shook like leaf at each
volley. That's the point of having a good watch, that you can pretend to
trade it for your life, and that you can always get it to run again
after you take it back. I let the jailor live, because one day (I
thought it was the Friday--maybe he was a Catholic; he certainly called
on Mary to be merciful when I had him put in front of the firing squad
to jog his memory about some missing pieces of my watch) he brought me a
mess of crocodile eggs to vary my diet, and didn't charge more than two
pieces of the watch for it, which considering that he was one of the
worst scum I had met until I joined the Joenet and then RAT, was a
pretty humanitarian thing to do. The prison cat, who was wondering if I
was trying to take away his livelihood, was glad to see me go; if I'd
run out of rats, he was next... "
Stay tuned for the next yawn-inducing episode.

Odd that his jailors didn't just steal the Rolex to begin with. Odd that they
didn't search him and confiscate the set of watchmakers tools that Juteau just
happened to have with him in case he needed to dismantle the Rolex. Perhaps he
promised to teach them how to ride a bicycle at 100kph downhill behind an
ancient Citroen H van.
LMAO !!!

P.S. I hear that Juteau El Fruitcake as been claimimg to be Australian. The day
that he posts online a scan of his naturalization certificate will be one day
before I emigrate to New Zealand and renounce my own native-born Australian
citizenship as devalued beyond recall.

And as a special bonus here are some words I swiped from Jutey Frutey's
published novels.
"A, the, was, veld, tree, lion, genital warts, of, never, frottage, in, sled,
Alaska, and."
I wait with bated breath to be sued for infringing his copyright.
Gordon Lightfoot III wrote:
Dear Sylvia.

I'm on my way up to Jaycar to get components for a stun gun, would you be
able to give me a parts list.

Kind Regards,
GLIII * 6 * 2 * number of
firings required. * number of firings
required. * 4 * 10 metres

Have fun.

"Sylvia Else" <> wrote
Gordon Lightfoot III wrote:
Dear Sylvia.

I'm on my way up to Jaycar to get components for a stun gun, would you be
able to give me a parts list.

Kind Regards,
GLIII * 6 * 2 * number of
firings required. * number of firings
required. * 4 * 10 metres

Have fun.


1000 Watt? That will make you twitch. I bought a high voltage kit to make
a taser baton, but it was a bit bulky so I made a glowing light bulb and a jacobs
ladder instead.


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