Poxy is Homophobic

T.T. wrote:
I don't care who is what or says what, except that "homophobic" is a stupid,
meaningless word. If it means anything at all, it means "afraid of the
I don't care either TT, but I do like giving Aunty Phyllis a touch of
it's own medicine.

I get a mental picture of its veins popping, face going red, and it
losing count of the number of **** it types.

Oldus Fartus
I don't care who is what or says what, except that "homophobic" is a
stupid, meaningless word. If it means anything at all, it means "afraid of
the same."

** You got it precisely !!!!

Homophobes are afraid that **they** are the same.

.............. Phil
Mark Harriss wrote:
Chris wrote:

Why this sincere interest in just one young 16 year old boy? Has he
ever had similar concerns towards any other poster here?

I guess we can all draw our own conclusions.......


Ok, then I draw the conclusion that while Phil
can be obnoxious most of the time this is one instance
where He is genuinely concerned about helping an
inexperienced electronics hobbyist with useful advice.

Any attempt to read something "extra" is just an
insight into how your mind works, in this case trying to
imply something that isn't there, instead of getting
creative when you trade insults with Phil.
Out of curiosity, and in the light of other posts here, I had a look at this
using Google Groups, and while this Phil fellow has been rather unpleasant
in my limited experience, it seems like his concerns in this instance were
genuine and admirable. However I think Phil's failing is that even when he
is trying to show concern, his abrasive manner means that his efforts are

Indeed, looking over his posts, it seems he has a considerable amount of
useful knowledge to impart, but he seems to go through some kind of "mood
swings" whereby one week he is helpful and generous, the other he is mean,
agressive and abusive.

I think I must have caught him on a bad week :)
Chris wrote:

Why this sincere interest in just one young 16 year old boy? Has he ever had
similar concerns towards any other poster here?

I guess we can all draw our own conclusions.......


Ok, then I draw the conclusion that while Phil
can be obnoxious most of the time this is one instance
where He is genuinely concerned about helping an
inexperienced electronics hobbyist with useful advice.

Any attempt to read something "extra" is just an
insight into how your mind works, in this case trying to
imply something that isn't there, instead of getting
creative when you trade insults with Phil.

Poxy wrote:
Mark Harriss wrote:

Chris wrote:

Why this sincere interest in just one young 16 year old boy? Has he
ever had similar concerns towards any other poster here?

I guess we can all draw our own conclusions.......


Ok, then I draw the conclusion that while Phil
can be obnoxious most of the time this is one instance
where He is genuinely concerned about helping an
inexperienced electronics hobbyist with useful advice.

Any attempt to read something "extra" is just an
insight into how your mind works, in this case trying to
imply something that isn't there, instead of getting
creative when you trade insults with Phil.

Out of curiosity, and in the light of other posts here, I had a look at this
using Google Groups, and while this Phil fellow has been rather unpleasant
in my limited experience, it seems like his concerns in this instance were
genuine and admirable. However I think Phil's failing is that even when he
is trying to show concern, his abrasive manner means that his efforts are

Indeed, looking over his posts, it seems he has a considerable amount of
useful knowledge to impart, but he seems to go through some kind of "mood
swings" whereby one week he is helpful and generous, the other he is mean,
agressive and abusive.

I think I must have caught him on a bad week :)

Yeah He has his moments!!

Phil's language has been getting better lately, and this post is quite

Must have read my post, although I've only just sent it (18/5)!

Phil Allison wrote:

"Franc Zabkar"

I think Buster might be gay.

** The poor bugger looks completely miserable to me ;-)

........... Phil

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