On 01/07/2023 17:05, John Larkin wrote:
Sampling the switch node is giving you information about the supply
voltage and MOSFET Rdson. Voltage drop due to Rdson is probably going to
be much lower than inductor loss and inferable from current measurement.
For DC accuracy you most likely will still need to sample the post LC
output. For your AC dynamics you might as well just sample the raw
supply voltage?
On Fri, 30 Jun 2023 10:39:31 -0700, John Larkin
jlarkin@highlandSNIPMEtechnology.com> wrote:
I want to build a cheap-ish 8-channel DC power supply.
Each channel can be a half-bridge, which is easy.
If I filter with an inductor and a low-ESR cap, I get good ripple but
if I take feedback from the output the loop dynamics, the phase
margin, sucks.
So why not take the voltage feedback from the switch node? No phase
lag! If we know the load current and the circuit losses, we can tweak
the output regulation pretty well.
The ADCs can even be synchronized to the PWM drive, so we can do FPGA
tricks to synchronously filter the maybe-ripply voltage feedback, or
just apply an arbitrarily complex lowpass filter ahead of the
closed-loop math.
Digitizing the current allows even fancier loop dynamics.
First pass at compound feedback. All the parts values are absolutely
first-guess as-drawn, and it\'s a tad underdamped. I\'m impressed that
it worked at all, first run.
The ringing is from the passive L1-C1 thing, not the loop. Some
damping could be added across C1 to kill the Q and beautify things
some. I might do that if there\'s room on the board.
Next step will be to hack in the real switching half-bridge and tune
Sampling the switch node is giving you information about the supply
voltage and MOSFET Rdson. Voltage drop due to Rdson is probably going to
be much lower than inductor loss and inferable from current measurement.
For DC accuracy you most likely will still need to sample the post LC
output. For your AC dynamics you might as well just sample the raw
supply voltage?