Power Inverters

In article <er2dncNZC_0jr7XUnZ2dnUVZ_v7inZ2d@earthlink.com>,
Michael A. Terrell <mike.terrell@earthlink.net> wrote:
I'd guess the Delco designers knew how crap their car electrics were.
Early Blaupunkt seemed to work just fine without.

Every crappy solid state Blaupunkt I worked on had similar
Not on the ones I've owned.

They were the lowest grade construction of any automotive
electronics that I ever had the misfortune to repair.
You're talking shite.

I repaired over
1000 car radios when I was a teenager. Delco was one of the best, as
far as durability & ease of repair.
Can't be that good if you had to repair over 1000.

They were durable, because they were
better designed. Philco was the worst US design, followed by the
Japanese radios, then the European designs. I never saw anything from
Russia, but I've heard that they were even worse.

ignorance may be bliss, but it damages lots of equipment.

Sure it might if you're stupid enough to disconnect the battery with
the engine running.

So, you claim that batteries never fail, or battery lugs come loose?
It's not common, no. And the usual first symptom is the car won't start.

You've never seen an open fusible link? You are just a parts changer
who doesn't understand the intimate details of a design.
Heh heh. That from the one who thinks early Blaupunkt was badly made...


Results 1 - 10 of about 177,000 for automotive electrical load dump.
(0.30 seconds)
You seem very hung up about it. Is it the latest fad?

It's a bit like memory effect on Ni-Cads - it can happen but is very
very rare. Doesn't stop some 'engineers' saying it happens all the
time. And others believing them.

Its nothing like Ni-Cad 'Memory effect' which was reported in some
spacecraft that had the exact same charging cycle, over and over due to
their constant orbit. The effect was proven in the lab by duplicating
the charging cycles. By varying the charge cycles that doesn't occur.
Indeed. But plenty thought it could happened to their mobile phones, etc.

*With her marriage she got a new name and a dress.*

Dave Plowman dave@davenoise.co.uk London SW
To e-mail, change noise into sound.
"Dave Plowman (News)" wrote:
In article <er2dncNZC_0jr7XUnZ2dnUVZ_v7inZ2d@earthlink.com>,
Michael A. Terrell <mike.terrell@earthlink.net> wrote:
I'd guess the Delco designers knew how crap their car electrics were.
Early Blaupunkt seemed to work just fine without.

Every crappy solid state Blaupunkt I worked on had similar

Not on the ones I've owned.

They were the lowest grade construction of any automotive
electronics that I ever had the misfortune to repair.

You're talking shite.

I repaired over
1000 car radios when I was a teenager. Delco was one of the best, as
far as durability & ease of repair.

Can't be that good if you had to repair over 1000.

I did it for a living, in a large city. That 1000+ radios was all
brands. The Delcos usually took less time to repair than it took to
write the service ticket. The Philco, Motorola & Bendix took a half
hour to one and a half hours, while the Blaupunkt repairs averaged nine
months, because they were so damn slow to ship parts to their US
distributor. No part we needed was EVER in stock.

They were durable, because they were
better designed. Philco was the worst US design, followed by the
Japanese radios, then the European designs. I never saw anything from
Russia, but I've heard that they were even worse.

ignorance may be bliss, but it damages lots of equipment.

Sure it might if you're stupid enough to disconnect the battery with
the engine running.

So, you claim that batteries never fail, or battery lugs come loose?

It's not common, no. And the usual first symptom is the car won't start.

Are you really that ignorant? A lot of failures occur while on the
road. A worn battery cable can arc to the frame, cusing a large splie.
The fusible link can open, a battery cable can come off. It has all
happened, more than once. I can see you aren't smart enough to
uderstand the ramiofications, so this will be my last reply to your
ignoerant comments.

You've never seen an open fusible link? You are just a parts changer
who doesn't understand the intimate details of a design.

Heh heh. That from the one who thinks early Blaupunkt was badly made...

They were crap. At least whatever they exported to the US was. We
were the only shop for 100 miles who would even repair them in the
'70s. The parts were crammed in tightly, the wiring harnesses were
brittle, and broke quite easily. I still have some manuals, showing what
crap they were. Some had clusters of cheap Japanese style resistors
standing on end, that vibrated & cracked the leads. Just trying to
locate the bad one would break several that were already weak from metal


Results 1 - 10 of about 177,000 for automotive electrical load dump.
(0.30 seconds)

You seem very hung up about it. Is it the latest fad?

Hung up? Fad? 177,000 hits isn't a fad, idiot. It has been well
known by electrical engineers who designin automotive electronics since
the early '60s. One of the first hits was from the IEEE, but I doubt
you have any idea who or what they are.

Go to news:sci.electronics.design and let some of the older engineers
tell you of the damaged equipment and explosions from load dumps in the

Its nothing like Ni-Cad 'Memory effect' which was reported in some
spacecraft that had the exact same charging cycle, over and over due to
their constant orbit. The effect was proven in the lab by duplicating
the charging cycles. By varying the charge cycles that doesn't occur.

Indeed. But plenty thought it could happened to their mobile phones, etc.

Plenty of idiots who failed science class and who believe in old
wives tales and don't understand the chemietry involved.

Have you ever done any real design work, or ar you just another
ignorant parts changer? My design work is in space. Some is aboard the
International Space Station, comprising one of the main audio, video &
data communications systems. Definitely a place where you have to be
damn sure that your designs will not take out the main DC power buss, or
be affected by transients.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Clint Sharp wrote:
In message <32MVk.6203$Lv6.2038@bignews8.bellsouth.net>, jakdedert
jakdedert@bellsouth.net> writes
Certainly more efficient; but I change laptops too often to buy a
dedicated 12v supply every time.
There are universal 12v adapters just as there are universal AC adapters.

The 110 inverter works for me; but I 'have' seen universal models. My
Dell laptop is sensitive to power supplies, though.
Some of the Dell laptops can positively identify a genuine Dell PSU and
won't charge if it isn't genuine. Dell put a silicon serial number IC
inside the PSU which the laptop can read.

The cheap Targus unit that came with it will run the computer, but
won't charge the battery (one of the reasons I got it so cheap).
It's fairly simple to add the serial number if you can find a defunct
PSU (although a major reason for Dell adapters being faulty is that the
serial number chip dies!) but genuine AC adaptors are pretty cheap on eBay.

The reason this was such a great deal was that I already 'had' a genuine
supply for it. I once had a surplus of Dell bricks, but I've gone
through a few, since. I could use another 90 watt supply for my D400
docking bay. If you boot it with the original 70 watt unit, the laptop
knows. You get a message in POST that tells you it knows...and it won't
boot the docking bay.

In article <4928D5E5.8F49B7BA@earthlink.net>,
Michael A. Terrell <mike.terrell@earthlink.net> wrote:
Can't be that good if you had to repair over 1000.

I did it for a living, in a large city. That 1000+ radios was all
brands. The Delcos usually took less time to repair than it took to
write the service ticket. The Philco, Motorola & Bendix took a half
hour to one and a half hours, while the Blaupunkt repairs averaged nine
months, because they were so damn slow to ship parts to their US
distributor. No part we needed was EVER in stock.
Right. So your opinion of a design is clouded by spares availability?

They were durable, because they were
better designed. Philco was the worst US design, followed by the
Japanese radios, then the European designs. I never saw anything from
Russia, but I've heard that they were even worse.

ignorance may be bliss, but it damages lots of equipment.

Sure it might if you're stupid enough to disconnect the battery with
the engine running.

So, you claim that batteries never fail, or battery lugs come loose?

It's not common, no. And the usual first symptom is the car won't start.

Are you really that ignorant? A lot of failures occur while on the
road. A worn battery cable can arc to the frame, cusing a large splie.
The fusible link can open, a battery cable can come off. It has all
happened, more than once. I can see you aren't smart enough to
uderstand the ramiofications, so this will be my last reply to your
ignoerant comments.
Strange. I've owned - and had experience of - hundreds of cars. And never
had this happen. Despite the majority having Lucas electrics.

You've never seen an open fusible link? You are just a parts changer
who doesn't understand the intimate details of a design.

Heh heh. That from the one who thinks early Blaupunkt was badly made...

They were crap. At least whatever they exported to the US was. We
were the only shop for 100 miles who would even repair them in the
'70s. The parts were crammed in tightly, the wiring harnesses were
brittle, and broke quite easily. I still have some manuals, showing what
crap they were. Some had clusters of cheap Japanese style resistors
standing on end, that vibrated & cracked the leads. Just trying to
locate the bad one would break several that were already weak from metal
My first one was a Frankfurt bought in the '60s when it was one of the few
available with FM - as well as LW, MW and SW. The only thing that went
wrong with that in a long life was the on/off switch which was part of the
volume control. A new part was in stock. And it appeared to be very well
made. I've no experience of their OEM stuff - I've no doubt it was made
down to a price same as all other OEM radios. It was transferred from car
to car - for a long time. I didn't junk it after buying a cars with
reasonable factory fit stuff - and sold it on Ebay not that long ago for
more than it cost new.


Results 1 - 10 of about 177,000 for automotive electrical load dump.
(0.30 seconds)

You seem very hung up about it. Is it the latest fad?

Hung up? Fad? 177,000 hits isn't a fad, idiot.
You don't know much about search engines, do you?

It has been well
known by electrical engineers who designin automotive electronics since
the early '60s. One of the first hits was from the IEEE, but I doubt
you have any idea who or what they are.

Go to news:sci.electronics.design and let some of the older engineers
tell you of the damaged equipment and explosions from load dumps in the
In the labs. Says it all.

Its nothing like Ni-Cad 'Memory effect' which was reported in
some spacecraft that had the exact same charging cycle, over and
over due to their constant orbit. The effect was proven in the lab
by duplicating the charging cycles. By varying the charge cycles
that doesn't occur.

Indeed. But plenty thought it could happened to their mobile phones, etc.

Plenty of idiots who failed science class and who believe in old
wives tales and don't understand the chemietry involved.
My point exactly.

Have you ever done any real design work, or ar you just another
ignorant parts changer? My design work is in space. Some is aboard the
International Space Station, comprising one of the main audio, video &
data communications systems. Definitely a place where you have to be
damn sure that your designs will not take out the main DC power buss, or
be affected by transients.
Lucas called themselves Lucas Aerospace...

*I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe*

Dave Plowman dave@davenoise.co.uk London SW
To e-mail, change noise into sound.
Clint Sharp wrote:
In message <sPydnRfbMtNIqrXUnZ2dnUVZ_o3inZ2d@earthlink.com>, Michael A.
Terrell <mike.terrell@earthlink.net> writes
All of my laptops have
been run in the car on inverters but I'd have to agree with another
poster, the most efficient way to do this is with a DC to DC converter.

The DC to DC converter is nothing more than the inverter & switching
power supply in the same case. The incoming DC is chopped, stepped up,
and regulated to the required voltage.
It's just a boost converter, there's no separate 'step up' stage
followed by a regulator. Can be done with a single IC but most of the
ones I've seen have been based on the MC34063 controlling a high current
MOSFET switch driving a toroid.

I've seen both types.


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If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
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There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
Clint Sharp <clint@clintsmc.demon.co.uk> writes:

Some of the Dell laptops can positively identify a genuine Dell PSU and
won't charge if it isn't genuine. Dell put a silicon serial number IC
inside the PSU which the laptop can read.
I thought Dell had stopped this BS [along with nonsense such as
non-standard desktop power supply pinout], but in any case it's a reason
to avoid Dell....

The cheap Targus unit that came with it will run the computer, but
won't charge the battery (one of the reasons I got it so cheap).
It's fairly simple to add the serial number if you can find a defunct
PSU (although a major reason for Dell adapters being faulty is that the
serial number chip dies!) but genuine AC adaptors are pretty cheap on
How do you do this?

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