<<Conversely if a switch closure lasts longer than the scan duration it
will be read twice - if it is an intermittent contact, this may
as two hits, perhaps this is what is meant by "ghosted" - hard to say
really, without knowing exactly what the software does. >>
All solid state pinball switches are of the type where if held closed,
will not cause a 'multiple scoring', they will simple score once. Some
might keep telling the machine to keep trying to kick a ball out of a
hole etc. but this one I'm dealing with is just a one-shot target so
not an issue.
I understand the concept of the cap and the resistor being across the
switch, it's the values desired I am totally in the dark about. Maybe
just comes down to experimentation. But I also don't want to risk
damaging anything by using too big a cap or too small a resistor etc.
All I have to go by is the manufacturers using a .05 cap by itself on
certain switches...Frenchy
will be read twice - if it is an intermittent contact, this may
as two hits, perhaps this is what is meant by "ghosted" - hard to say
really, without knowing exactly what the software does. >>
All solid state pinball switches are of the type where if held closed,
will not cause a 'multiple scoring', they will simple score once. Some
might keep telling the machine to keep trying to kick a ball out of a
hole etc. but this one I'm dealing with is just a one-shot target so
not an issue.
I understand the concept of the cap and the resistor being across the
switch, it's the values desired I am totally in the dark about. Maybe
just comes down to experimentation. But I also don't want to risk
damaging anything by using too big a cap or too small a resistor etc.
All I have to go by is the manufacturers using a .05 cap by itself on
certain switches...Frenchy