PCB design.

Wrighty wrote:
But a commercial product of this scale being SOLD for a few bucks?
That alone raises several red flags.

Better a few bucks than getting nothing for it.

He claimed to have 5,000 customers in a post to the Homebrew PCB forum!
He then started sending abusive emails to people and multiple images of
his arse to the group's files section, resulting in his being banned.
He has some novel marketing techniques. :cool:

Leon wrote:

He claimed to have 5,000 customers in a post to the Homebrew PCB forum!
He then started sending abusive emails to people and multiple images of
his arse to the group's files section, resulting in his being banned.
He has some novel marketing techniques. :cool:
Yes, then he rejoined under a new Yahoo email and posted a lot more
abusive garbage to files, photos, even going so far as to create
databases with abusive language in them.

What a guy.

Sadly, I was giving him a chance despite his past record. Not everyone
who is clueless is a git.

Wrighty (aka Nigel Wright) made up another Yahoo email, iainfraiser,
rejoined Homebrew_PCBs and tried to send abuse yet again.
polymorph@polyphoto.com wrote:
Wrighty (aka Nigel Wright) made up another Yahoo email, iainfraiser,
rejoined Homebrew_PCBs and tried to send abuse yet again.
They're a weird lot up in Carlisle. I put it down to gender confusion,
all those hairy Scotsmen in skirts coming across the border.
The DOS version was 330,000 lines of assembler.

Uh huh. Only an idiot would write that many lines of assembler
to run on DOS. I say that from experience (both of being an idiot, and
a programmer). I started programming DOS when the base IBM-PC machine
was 16K with a single floppy disk. There was no way that that machine
could run a 330K line assembly language program. It couldn't even fit
one on its floppy disk drive. By the time the IBM-PC came with 640K on
board, and two DSDD floppy disk drives, there were at least 3 decent C
compilers available (Computer Innovations was the best). They didn't
make perfect code, but they easily would handle the structure, and let
you use assembly wherever speed was really important.

I agree with you Chuck. He claims 330K of assembly code (not machine code)
but that number would have to be multiplied by a factor when getting the
final executable since an assembly opcode can be (usually) in reality more
than 1 bytes (and especially the ones with arguments like mov ax,0x03040
etc.) when translated to machine code, plus the dynamic allocated memory
would definetely exceed the 640K available for DOS programs. This would need
a DOS extender but that cannot be done with ... Photoshop as the screenshots
of Wrightys' PCB Program :).
Hlrsr wrote:
The DOS version was 330,000 lines of assembler.

Uh huh. Only an idiot would write that many lines of assembler
to run on DOS. I say that from experience (both of being an idiot, and
a programmer). I started programming DOS when the base IBM-PC machine
was 16K with a single floppy disk. There was no way that that machine
could run a 330K line assembly language program. It couldn't even fit
one on its floppy disk drive. By the time the IBM-PC came with 640K on
board, and two DSDD floppy disk drives, there were at least 3 decent C
compilers available (Computer Innovations was the best). They didn't
make perfect code, but they easily would handle the structure, and let
you use assembly wherever speed was really important.


I agree with you Chuck. He claims 330K of assembly code (not machine code)
but that number would have to be multiplied by a factor when getting the
final executable since an assembly opcode can be (usually) in reality more
than 1 bytes (and especially the ones with arguments like mov ax,0x03040
etc.) when translated to machine code, plus the dynamic allocated memory
would definetely exceed the 640K available for DOS programs. This would need
a DOS extender but that cannot be done with ... Photoshop as the screenshots
of Wrightys' PCB Program :).

Well, one would have to multiply by a factor assuming most of the lines
are not whitespace (or is that Wrightspace?)


Dans son message précédent, Paul Burke a écrit :
polymorph@polyphoto.com wrote:
Wrighty (aka Nigel Wright) made up another Yahoo email, iainfraiser,
rejoined Homebrew_PCBs and tried to send abuse yet again.

They're a weird lot up in Carlisle. I put it down to gender confusion, all
those hairy Scotsmen in skirts coming across the border.

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