PAT testing damage (UK)

On Fri, 29 Jul 2011 00:17:12 +1000, Phil Allison wrote:

We know.

Live Fast Die Young, Leave A Pretty Corpse
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"Arfa Daily is Fucked in the Head "

The items in question, are often boom boxes that are double insulated,
and have a removable figure 8 power lead, so there is absolutely no
point in applying these tests, anyway.

** The reverse is true.

Class 2 items are the most important to PAT test - as they RELY,
100%, on insulation quality to be safe.

So the leakage test is ESSENTIAL !

Leakage from where to where ?

** My god - are YOU really a service tech ??

FYI - you asinine pommy fuckwit:

From both the AC supply pins to any exposed metal parts

- including all connectors.

Yes, we know that's the theory. What I was asking was what, on a
plastic-cased boom box with no external connectors, you would consider to be
an appropriate 'exposed metal part', to test against. The FM telescopic
antenna, maybe ? And then, just for good measure, hit the thing with a flash
test as well ? Because it happens. PAT testers are dangerous items in the
hands of electricians, who do not understand electronics, and the
sensitivity of LSIs to blasts of high voltage. *That's* what I meant by
"inappropriate" PAT testing, but of course, as ever, there were you, running
off at the mouth with what bit of brain you still have that's not totally
addled, completely disengaged.

You are, Philip, a total knob-head ...

Meat Plow <> wrote in

On Fri, 29 Jul 2011 00:17:12 +1000, Phil Allison wrote:


We know.
We know.

Live Fat Die Broke, Leave A Pustulent Corpse
Still not dead from a coronary, fatass? Miracles do happen.


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WHO IS 'MEAT PLOW' from Alt.Usenet.Kooks (AUK)?

The obese, abusive, ugly, snaggle-toothed, giant-headed, gay 'bear'
biker retard who likes to surf gay porn sites as 'BlancoBear' while
wearing only assless chaps:

William Malone Griffith, Jr.
(aka Milt, Meat Plow, BlancoBear,, Tripp)
308 10th Street NE
North Canton, OH 44720-2023

Some of this sick fuck's best work, and comments from others about
Message-ID: <SFexc.17128428$>

Willy claims to be a member of SPUTUM (Subgenius Police, Usenet
Tactical Unit, Mobile), but subgenius doesn't even BEGIN to describe
Is yer CapsLock on, Willy?

Evidence that Meat Plow is William Malone Griffith, II:
Message-ID: <>
Message-ID: <>
Message-ID: <>
Message-ID: <>

Meat Plow personal info:
Birthdate: Oct 3, 1955

Amateur Radio callsign N8NCX
Technician Plus
(2 meter, 6 meter)

Photo of MeatPlow in Belden Village Music store (his sister's music
(Note the guitars in the background, the planet-sized head,
the rotten-Chiclet teeth, and general look of retardation)

Photo of William Malone Griffith, Jr. from
(Note that it's the same person as in the photo above)

He's got his father's nose and eyes:

Meat Plow email addresses:
"Bill N8NCX"

wgriffit at (neo = North East Ohio)
mhywattt at
mhywatt at

Meat Plow admits to being from Ohio:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>

Meat Plow's brushes with the law:


Meat Plow quotes:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
"I have no shame here in Usenet."

Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
"I'd bet $200.00 of that Keiser money you still have that you will
leave before me."

Meat Plow describes his high-powered legal team:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
"You know i have a legal team who specializes in internet law. And I
won't hesitate to get them in on the action."

Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
"I haven't changed nor do I plan on it any time in the near future.
And yes I am bullet-proof as I have proved it."

Meat Plow visits a massage parlor for a Happy Ending massage.
But they refused to give him a Happy Ending his second time there.
That explains why he's gay, he can't even PAY for HAND JOBS from
"One time I got a HE, and the 2nd time I didn't. I was asked if I was
there both times and said I was. That's is why I didn't know if I said
something wrong the 2nd time which made me not get a HE."

Well, at least we know what he does with his weekends.

Meat Plow losing his connection to reality, insinuating that he's law
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
"I could be LE posing as Meat Plow. It can't be dis-proven."


Oh, William, what would yer family say if they learned yer secrets?

Catherine & Angelo Griffith

4760 Echovalley St. NW
North Canton, OH 44720-7504

Julia M. Griffith

308 10th Street NE
North Canton, OH 44720-2023

Pamela L. & Roger R. Werling
{ son Todd E. Werling (Ft. Wayne, IN) }
{ son Chris (Kennesaw, GA) }
{ son Keith (Ft. Wayne, IN) }
{ grandson Easton }
{ grandson Zakary }
{ granddaughter Camella }

7704 Bisque Court
Fort Wayne, IN 46825-3501

Cheryl J. & Jason 'Sparky' Humberto E. Rivera
{ daughter Christina }
{ daughter Rosalio (North Canton, OH) }
{ daughter Maria (North Canton, OH) }
{ son Len Gray (Ft. Worth, TX) }

5225 Echo Valley St. NW
North Canton, OH 44720-9702
Belden Village Music
6787 Wales Ave NW
North Canton, OH 44720
Rosalio B & Maria I Rivera
444 Wales Rd. NE
Massillon, OH 44646-5875
PO Box 35093
Canton, OH 44735

Carol L. & Ric A. Campbell
{ son Richard }
{ son Christopher (North Canton, OH) }
{ son Brandon († 30 May 1996) }
{ daughter Erin }

6794 William Tell Ave NW
North Canton, OH 44720-6546
PO Box 36473
Canton, OH 44735

Christine H. & Shelton M. Vick
{ son Matthew }

3915 Harvard Ave NW
Canton, OH 44709-1538
Re/Max Edge Realty
North Canton / Massillon / Canton
Realtor Christine H. Vick

6929 Portage St. NW
North Canton, OH 44720-6535
888-830-6509 (fax)
330-904-0883 (cell)

Angela C. & Mark Warshefski

11 SE 12th St.
Pompano Beach, FL 33060
4760 Echovalley St. NW
North Canton, OH 44720-7504

Eddy Dailey

Bergholz Super Mart
861 Washington St.
Bergholz, OH 43908
Bergholz Financial Corp.
dba SuperMart
PO Box 545
524 Garfield St.
Bergholz, OH 43908

Donna L. Dailey

524 5th St.
Bergholz, OH 43908
Bergholz Super Mart
861 Washington St.
Bergholz, OH 43908
Bergholz, OH EMT

Bill & Joyce Leas
{ son Billy }

243 2nd St.
Bergholz, OH 43908

Rachel & Adam T. Livengood
{ son Lukas }
{ daughter Lauren }

6342 Palmer Dr. NW
Canton, OH 44718

Izzatchoo, or yer dead daddy?
William M. Griffith

between 3rd and 4th St.
between Monroe and Lincoln Ave.
Bergholz, OH 43908

What would yer landlord for 308 10th St. NE,
North Canton, OH say if they learned yer secrets?
David S. and Joan R. Shaner

2095 Waterbury Dr.
Uniontown OH 44312

What would the employees at yer family's
business say if they learned yer secrets?
Ohio Kentucky Oil Corporation
aka Ohio Oil & Gas Exploration (defunct)
aka Ohio Kentucky Coal Company (defunct)

5112 Portage St. NW
Canton, OH 44720-6856
(330) 494-8810
(330) 497-7980
110 E. Lowry Lane
Lexington, KY 40503
(800) BUY 4 OIL
(800) 289-4645
(859) 223-5656
(859) 223-5946
(859) 276-0699 (fax)
(859) 276-3500
(859) 276-4080

Oh, but wait, Ohio Oil & Gas Exploration is no longer incorporated in
Daddy Griffith's petrol exploration company (defunct):

Nor are any of the other businesses yer daddy started. You let them
all fail:
Daddy Griffith's stables (defunct):

Daddy Griffith's motel business (defunct):

Daddy Griffith's drilling company (defunct):

Daddy Griffith's metals business (defunct):

And Ohio Kentucky Oil Corporation is on its last legs, inundated with
securities fraud lawsuits and EPA lawsuits. It's barred from
soliciting investors in Tennessee due to securities fraud, it's under
investigation in Ohio and Kentucky, it owns no oil assets or wells,
and it no longer does any of its own drilling. It'll be gone soon,

And you've squandered everything Daddy Griffith earned from his
businesses, so yer now poor, adding insult to injury.

You being poor is why you issued the following. You knew you didn't
have ten thousand dollars or so to defend yerself against yet another

William Malone Griffith, II's grovelfest of an apology for being a
fucktard stauker:
Message-ID: <>

Title: Apology to Charles Novins

The witnesses to this abject, groveling apology:

Angela Griffith = Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski, William Malone
Griffith, Jr.'s sister

Catherine Griffith = William Malone Griffith, Jr.'s mother

Julia M. Griffith = William Malone Griffith, Jr.'s daughter

Cheri Griffith = Cheryl J. Griffith-Rivera, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister

Justin M. Griffith = ?

Kristy Griffith = Christine H. Griffith-Vick, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister


Questions yet to be answered:
Who is Justin M. Griffith?

Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski came all the way from Pompano Beach,
Florida to witness and sign MeatPlow's apology letter?

Or did William Malone Griffith, Jr. forge the witness signatures,
which would indicate some level of insincerity in the apology?

If William Malone Griffith, Jr. did indeed forge the witness
signatures, is his family cognizant of him using them in this way?

Who is Deborah Ann Griffith?

Who is Sherri Renee Christie, William D. Christie (age 54) and Lillie
L. Christie, and how are they associated with William Malone Griffith,

1345 Bison St. NW
Massillon, OH 44647
330-833-5313 (Sherri)
330-837-4967 (William)

2524 Meadows Ave NW
Apt. 4
Massillon, OH 44647

PO Box 36221
Canton, OH 44735


It's time for a digital enema to flush this turd named William Malone
Griffith, II out of the system.

The exit is -.
.---. .-----. |
| | '---. | |
'-. `-----|-' |
| '---'
On Fri, 29 Jul 2011 02:34:33 +0200, Monster wrote:

Meat Plow <> wrote in>:

On Fri, 29 Jul 2011 00:17:12 +1000, Phil Allison wrote:


We know.

We know.
Aw....poor Alien,z,s,c,f,r,t,g,y,h,y,j,u,j,i,etc...

Those tears of failure are streaming in buckets down your
face. How does such an overwhelming defeat feel? And after
all those sleepless nights on Google and your welfare money spent
stalking? Drives you fucking crazy doesn't it :)

Live Fast Die Young, Leave A Pretty Corpse
On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 18:36:27 +0100, "Gareth Magennis"
<> put finger to keyboard and composed:

I have a Roland drum machine in for repair. The machine powers up and goes
through the Operating System upgrade, up to the point the Flash is written
to, where it fails and the unit will not boot, showing a "damaged memory"
warning. I suspect the Flash chip is faulty.
If you can read the flash memory, then checksum its contents. You
could also inspect the contents for misspelt text strings.

Another thing to try is to lift the chip's clock pin (serial flash),
or its CS or OE pin (parallel flash). If the machine's symptoms remain
the same, then it's a good bet that the flash is bad, or its supply
has too much ripple.

An internal inspection shows around 10 caps around the internal power
supplies are bulging and have leaked guff onto the PCB. The 3.3v rail is at
over 4 volts, so presumable the regulator is toast.
If the regulator is linear, then I'd say it is faulty. Otherwise, if
it is a switchmode type, then it could be a capacitor issue.

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.
"Jeff Liebermann is Off His Head "

"Jeff Liebermann is a Clueless Idiot "

Note that we don't have PAT testers in the USA.

** Shame on you.

As part of our
governments War on Industry, we trust the outsourced manufacturures in
China to produce consumer appliances that electrocute only a modest
number of users. We also enjoy the protection of a litigatory
environment, that inspires massive recalls if one defective appliance
is found on the theory that if one is defective, then the entire
production run is also likely to be defective. We also have various
testing and certification labs, that will guarantee that an appliance
design will not kill the user or initiate a fire, even if the
appliance doesn't work. With these protections in place, there's no
need for PAT testing.

** Got NOTHING to do with PAT testing !!!

PAT testing is all about the possibility that electrical equipment may
become unsafe after a period of use, due to wear and tear, accidental
and water ingress.

That's not a problem in the USA.

** You are a fucking public menace.


..... Phil
"Arfa Daily is Fucked in the Head "
The items in question, are often boom boxes that are double insulated,
and have a removable figure 8 power lead, so there is absolutely no
point in applying these tests, anyway.

** The reverse is true.

Class 2 items are the most important to PAT test - as they RELY,
100%, on insulation quality to be safe.

So the leakage test is ESSENTIAL !

Leakage from where to where ?

** My god - are YOU really a service tech ??

FYI - you asinine pommy fuckwit:

From both the AC supply pins to any exposed metal parts

- including all connectors.

Yes, we know that's the theory.

** You did not.

What I was asking was what, on a plastic-cased boom box with no external

** They nearly all have external connectors for headphones and line outs/ins
etc and even telescopic antennas.

There is no FOOL like an OLD FOOL.

And there is nothing worse than a damn liar.

And YOU are both.

..... Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"Arfa Daily is Fucked in the Head "

The items in question, are often boom boxes that are double
insulated, and have a removable figure 8 power lead, so there is
absolutely no point in applying these tests, anyway.

** The reverse is true.

Class 2 items are the most important to PAT test - as they RELY,
100%, on insulation quality to be safe.

So the leakage test is ESSENTIAL !

Leakage from where to where ?

** My god - are YOU really a service tech ??

FYI - you asinine pommy fuckwit:

From both the AC supply pins to any exposed metal parts

- including all connectors.

Yes, we know that's the theory.

** You did not.

What I was asking was what, on a plastic-cased boom box with no external

** They nearly all have external connectors for headphones and line
outs/ins etc and even telescopic antennas.

There is no FOOL like an OLD FOOL.

And there is nothing worse than a damn liar.

And YOU are both.

.... Phil
Even if I was, that would still be better than being a dopey sad-arsed
sheep-shagger like you :)

Now be a good little boy Philip, take your meds, and retire back to that
darkened room that you crawled out of, until you're feeling better again ...

Do have a good weekend, old boy.

Meat Plow <> wrote in

On Fri, 29 Jul 2011 02:34:33 +0200, Monster wrote:

Meat Plow <> wrote in>:

On Fri, 29 Jul 2011 00:17:12 +1000, Phil Allison wrote:


We know.

We know.

Aw....poor Alien,z,s,c,f,r,t,g,y,h,y,j,u,j,i,etc...

Those tears of failure are streaming in buckets down your
face. How does such an overwhelming defeat feel?
What tears and what defeat, pigfucker?

Oh, you mean the tears you cry each night as you fall asleep,
realizing that yer life is squandered, that yer so far in debt you'll
never get out before you die, that you'll be buried in a pauper's
grave and promptly forgotten by everyone save those who take great
pleasure in pissing on yer grave?

Those tears? That defeat?

And after all those sleepless nights on Google
and your welfare money spent stalking?
Drives you fucking crazy doesn't it :)
Bwahahahaha! Sleepless nights?! Do you even know what time zone I'm

Welfare money?! I've never been on the government teat, unlike you,
Mr. 'Has to supplement his meager $25 per week per person diet with
government cheese'.

Live Fat Die Broke, Leave A Pustulent Corpse
I'm obviously getting to you if you have to manufacture scenarios in
which you fantasize about me being a failure, hey. Conversely, the
evidence I've accumulated concerning you proves you to be an
out-and-out failure nearly on par with Emmett Earl Gulley, II, no

So, loser, when are you going to provide even one shred of refutation
to the evidence in my .sig? It's been more than 2 months you've been
running from me, hey.


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\__\/ \__\/ \__\/ \__\/

WHO IS 'MEAT PLOW' from Alt.Usenet.Kooks (AUK)?

The obese, abusive, ugly, snaggle-toothed, giant-headed, gay 'bear'
biker retard who likes to surf gay porn sites as 'BlancoBear' while
wearing only assless chaps:

William Malone Griffith, Jr.
(aka Milt, Meat Plow, BlancoBear,, Tripp)
308 10th Street NE
North Canton, OH 44720-2023

Some of this sick fuck's best work, and comments from others about
Message-ID: <SFexc.17128428$>

Willy claims to be a member of SPUTUM (Subgenius Police, Usenet
Tactical Unit, Mobile), but subgenius doesn't even BEGIN to describe
Is yer CapsLock on, Willy?

Evidence that Meat Plow is William Malone Griffith, II:
Message-ID: <>
Message-ID: <>
Message-ID: <>
Message-ID: <>

Meat Plow personal info:
Birthdate: Oct 3, 1955

Amateur Radio callsign N8NCX
Technician Plus
(2 meter, 6 meter)

Photo of MeatPlow in Belden Village Music store (his sister's music
(Note the guitars in the background, the planet-sized head,
the rotten-Chiclet teeth, and general look of retardation)

Photo of William Malone Griffith, Jr. from
(Note that it's the same person as in the photo above)

He's got his father's nose and eyes:

Meat Plow email addresses:
"Bill N8NCX"

wgriffit at (neo = North East Ohio)
mhywattt at
mhywatt at

Meat Plow admits to being from Ohio:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>

Meat Plow's brushes with the law:


Meat Plow quotes:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
"I have no shame here in Usenet."

Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
"I'd bet $200.00 of that Keiser money you still have that you will
leave before me."

Meat Plow describes his high-powered legal team:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
"You know i have a legal team who specializes in internet law. And I
won't hesitate to get them in on the action."

Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
"I haven't changed nor do I plan on it any time in the near future.
And yes I am bullet-proof as I have proved it."

Meat Plow visits a massage parlor for a Happy Ending massage.
But they refused to give him a Happy Ending his second time there.
That explains why he's gay, he can't even PAY for HAND JOBS from
"One time I got a HE, and the 2nd time I didn't. I was asked if I was
there both times and said I was. That's is why I didn't know if I said
something wrong the 2nd time which made me not get a HE."

Well, at least we know what he does with his weekends.

Meat Plow losing his connection to reality, insinuating that he's law
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
"I could be LE posing as Meat Plow. It can't be dis-proven."


Oh, William, what would yer family say if they learned yer secrets?

Catherine & Angelo Griffith

4760 Echovalley St. NW
North Canton, OH 44720-7504

Julia M. Griffith

308 10th Street NE
North Canton, OH 44720-2023

Pamela L. & Roger R. Werling
{ son Todd E. Werling (Ft. Wayne, IN) }
{ son Chris (Kennesaw, GA) }
{ son Keith (Ft. Wayne, IN) }
{ grandson Easton }
{ grandson Zakary }
{ granddaughter Camella }

7704 Bisque Court
Fort Wayne, IN 46825-3501

Cheryl J. & Jason 'Sparky' Humberto E. Rivera
{ daughter Christina }
{ daughter Rosalio (North Canton, OH) }
{ daughter Maria (North Canton, OH) }
{ son Len Gray (Ft. Worth, TX) }

5225 Echo Valley St. NW
North Canton, OH 44720-9702
Belden Village Music
6787 Wales Ave NW
North Canton, OH 44720
Rosalio B & Maria I Rivera
444 Wales Rd. NE
Massillon, OH 44646-5875
PO Box 35093
Canton, OH 44735

Carol L. & Ric A. Campbell
{ son Richard }
{ son Christopher (North Canton, OH) }
{ son Brandon († 30 May 1996) }
{ daughter Erin }

6794 William Tell Ave NW
North Canton, OH 44720-6546
PO Box 36473
Canton, OH 44735

Christine H. & Shelton M. Vick
{ son Matthew }

3915 Harvard Ave NW
Canton, OH 44709-1538
Re/Max Edge Realty
North Canton / Massillon / Canton
Realtor Christine H. Vick

6929 Portage St. NW
North Canton, OH 44720-6535
888-830-6509 (fax)
330-904-0883 (cell)

Angela C. & Mark Warshefski

11 SE 12th St.
Pompano Beach, FL 33060
4760 Echovalley St. NW
North Canton, OH 44720-7504

Eddy Dailey

Bergholz Super Mart
861 Washington St.
Bergholz, OH 43908
Bergholz Financial Corp.
dba SuperMart
PO Box 545
524 Garfield St.
Bergholz, OH 43908

Donna L. Dailey

524 5th St.
Bergholz, OH 43908
Bergholz Super Mart
861 Washington St.
Bergholz, OH 43908
Bergholz, OH EMT

Bill & Joyce Leas
{ son Billy }

243 2nd St.
Bergholz, OH 43908

Rachel & Adam T. Livengood
{ son Lukas }
{ daughter Lauren }

6342 Palmer Dr. NW
Canton, OH 44718

Izzatchoo, or yer dead daddy?
William M. Griffith

between 3rd and 4th St.
between Monroe and Lincoln Ave.
Bergholz, OH 43908

What would yer landlord for 308 10th St. NE,
North Canton, OH say if they learned yer secrets?
David S. and Joan R. Shaner

2095 Waterbury Dr.
Uniontown OH 44312

What would the employees at yer family's
business say if they learned yer secrets?
Ohio Kentucky Oil Corporation
aka Ohio Oil & Gas Exploration (defunct)
aka Ohio Kentucky Coal Company (defunct)

5112 Portage St. NW
Canton, OH 44720-6856
(330) 494-8810
(330) 497-7980
110 E. Lowry Lane
Lexington, KY 40503
(800) BUY 4 OIL
(800) 289-4645
(859) 223-5656
(859) 223-5946
(859) 276-0699 (fax)
(859) 276-3500
(859) 276-4080

Oh, but wait, Ohio Oil & Gas Exploration is no longer incorporated in
Daddy Griffith's petrol exploration company (defunct):

Nor are any of the other businesses yer daddy started. You let them
all fail:
Daddy Griffith's stables (defunct):

Daddy Griffith's motel business (defunct):

Daddy Griffith's drilling company (defunct):

Daddy Griffith's metals business (defunct):

And Ohio Kentucky Oil Corporation is on its last legs, inundated with
securities fraud lawsuits and EPA lawsuits. It's barred from
soliciting investors in Tennessee due to securities fraud, it's under
investigation in Ohio and Kentucky, it owns no oil assets or wells,
and it no longer does any of its own drilling. It'll be gone soon,

And you've squandered everything Daddy Griffith earned from his
businesses, so yer now poor, adding insult to injury.

You being poor is why you issued the following. You knew you didn't
have ten thousand dollars or so to defend yerself against yet another

William Malone Griffith, II's grovelfest of an apology for being a
fucktard stauker:
Message-ID: <>

Title: Apology to Charles Novins

The witnesses to this abject, groveling apology:

Angela Griffith = Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski, William Malone
Griffith, Jr.'s sister

Catherine Griffith = William Malone Griffith, Jr.'s mother

Julia M. Griffith = William Malone Griffith, Jr.'s daughter

Cheri Griffith = Cheryl J. Griffith-Rivera, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister

Justin M. Griffith = ?

Kristy Griffith = Christine H. Griffith-Vick, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister


Questions yet to be answered:
Who is Justin M. Griffith?

Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski came all the way from Pompano Beach,
Florida to witness and sign MeatPlow's apology letter?

Or did William Malone Griffith, Jr. forge the witness signatures,
which would indicate some level of insincerity in the apology?

If William Malone Griffith, Jr. did indeed forge the witness
signatures, is his family cognizant of him using them in this way?

Who is Deborah Ann Griffith?

Who is Sherri Renee Christie, William D. Christie (age 54) and Lillie
L. Christie, and how are they associated with William Malone Griffith,

1345 Bison St. NW
Massillon, OH 44647
330-833-5313 (Sherri)
330-837-4967 (William)

2524 Meadows Ave NW
Apt. 4
Massillon, OH 44647

PO Box 36221
Canton, OH 44735


It's time for a digital enema to flush this turd named William Malone
Griffith, II out of the system.

The exit is -.
.---. .-----. |
| | '---. | |
'-. `-----|-' |
| '---'
Meat Plow <> wrote in

On Thu, 28 Jul 2011 21:39:28 +1000, Phil Allison wrote:


We know
We know

Live Fat Die Broke, Leave A Pustulent Corpse
You know yer going to end up bloated, with maggots roiling out of yer
eye sockets, all black and green skinned with a look of utter
disbelief left on yer fat face from the moment you keeled over dead
from morbid obesity, fatfuck. Admit it.

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WHO IS 'MEAT PLOW' from Alt.Usenet.Kooks (AUK)?

The obese, abusive, ugly, snaggle-toothed, giant-headed, gay 'bear'
biker retard who likes to surf gay porn sites as 'BlancoBear' while
wearing only assless chaps:

William Malone Griffith, Jr.
(aka Milt, Meat Plow, BlancoBear,, Tripp)
308 10th Street NE
North Canton, OH 44720-2023

Some of this sick fuck's best work, and comments from others about
Message-ID: <SFexc.17128428$>

Willy claims to be a member of SPUTUM (Subgenius Police, Usenet
Tactical Unit, Mobile), but subgenius doesn't even BEGIN to describe
Is yer CapsLock on, Willy?

Evidence that Meat Plow is William Malone Griffith, II:
Message-ID: <>
Message-ID: <>
Message-ID: <>
Message-ID: <>

Meat Plow personal info:
Birthdate: Oct 3, 1955

Amateur Radio callsign N8NCX
Technician Plus
(2 meter, 6 meter)

Photo of MeatPlow in Belden Village Music store (his sister's music
(Note the guitars in the background, the planet-sized head,
the rotten-Chiclet teeth, and general look of retardation)

Photo of William Malone Griffith, Jr. from
(Note that it's the same person as in the photo above)

He's got his father's nose and eyes:

Meat Plow email addresses:
"Bill N8NCX"

wgriffit at (neo = North East Ohio)
mhywattt at
mhywatt at

Meat Plow admits to being from Ohio:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>

Meat Plow's brushes with the law:


Meat Plow quotes:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
"I have no shame here in Usenet."

Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
"I'd bet $200.00 of that Keiser money you still have that you will
leave before me."

Meat Plow describes his high-powered legal team:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
"You know i have a legal team who specializes in internet law. And I
won't hesitate to get them in on the action."

Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
"I haven't changed nor do I plan on it any time in the near future.
And yes I am bullet-proof as I have proved it."

Meat Plow visits a massage parlor for a Happy Ending massage.
But they refused to give him a Happy Ending his second time there.
That explains why he's gay, he can't even PAY for HAND JOBS from
"One time I got a HE, and the 2nd time I didn't. I was asked if I was
there both times and said I was. That's is why I didn't know if I said
something wrong the 2nd time which made me not get a HE."

Well, at least we know what he does with his weekends.

Meat Plow losing his connection to reality, insinuating that he's law
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
"I could be LE posing as Meat Plow. It can't be dis-proven."


Oh, William, what would yer family say if they learned yer secrets?

Catherine & Angelo Griffith

4760 Echovalley St. NW
North Canton, OH 44720-7504

Julia M. Griffith

308 10th Street NE
North Canton, OH 44720-2023

Pamela L. & Roger R. Werling
{ son Todd E. Werling (Ft. Wayne, IN) }
{ son Chris (Kennesaw, GA) }
{ son Keith (Ft. Wayne, IN) }
{ grandson Easton }
{ grandson Zakary }
{ granddaughter Camella }

7704 Bisque Court
Fort Wayne, IN 46825-3501

Cheryl J. & Jason 'Sparky' Humberto E. Rivera
{ daughter Christina }
{ daughter Rosalio (North Canton, OH) }
{ daughter Maria (North Canton, OH) }
{ son Len Gray (Ft. Worth, TX) }

5225 Echo Valley St. NW
North Canton, OH 44720-9702
Belden Village Music
6787 Wales Ave NW
North Canton, OH 44720
Rosalio B & Maria I Rivera
444 Wales Rd. NE
Massillon, OH 44646-5875
PO Box 35093
Canton, OH 44735

Carol L. & Ric A. Campbell
{ son Richard }
{ son Christopher (North Canton, OH) }
{ son Brandon († 30 May 1996) }
{ daughter Erin }

6794 William Tell Ave NW
North Canton, OH 44720-6546
PO Box 36473
Canton, OH 44735

Christine H. & Shelton M. Vick
{ son Matthew }

3915 Harvard Ave NW
Canton, OH 44709-1538
Re/Max Edge Realty
North Canton / Massillon / Canton
Realtor Christine H. Vick

6929 Portage St. NW
North Canton, OH 44720-6535
888-830-6509 (fax)
330-904-0883 (cell)

Angela C. & Mark Warshefski

11 SE 12th St.
Pompano Beach, FL 33060
4760 Echovalley St. NW
North Canton, OH 44720-7504

Eddy Dailey

Bergholz Super Mart
861 Washington St.
Bergholz, OH 43908
Bergholz Financial Corp.
dba SuperMart
PO Box 545
524 Garfield St.
Bergholz, OH 43908

Donna L. Dailey

524 5th St.
Bergholz, OH 43908
Bergholz Super Mart
861 Washington St.
Bergholz, OH 43908
Bergholz, OH EMT

Bill & Joyce Leas
{ son Billy }

243 2nd St.
Bergholz, OH 43908

Rachel & Adam T. Livengood
{ son Lukas }
{ daughter Lauren }

6342 Palmer Dr. NW
Canton, OH 44718

Izzatchoo, or yer dead daddy?
William M. Griffith

between 3rd and 4th St.
between Monroe and Lincoln Ave.
Bergholz, OH 43908

What would yer landlord for 308 10th St. NE,
North Canton, OH say if they learned yer secrets?
David S. and Joan R. Shaner

2095 Waterbury Dr.
Uniontown OH 44312

What would the employees at yer family's
business say if they learned yer secrets?
Ohio Kentucky Oil Corporation
aka Ohio Oil & Gas Exploration (defunct)
aka Ohio Kentucky Coal Company (defunct)

5112 Portage St. NW
Canton, OH 44720-6856
(330) 494-8810
(330) 497-7980
110 E. Lowry Lane
Lexington, KY 40503
(800) BUY 4 OIL
(800) 289-4645
(859) 223-5656
(859) 223-5946
(859) 276-0699 (fax)
(859) 276-3500
(859) 276-4080

Oh, but wait, Ohio Oil & Gas Exploration is no longer incorporated in
Daddy Griffith's petrol exploration company (defunct):

Nor are any of the other businesses yer daddy started. You let them
all fail:
Daddy Griffith's stables (defunct):

Daddy Griffith's motel business (defunct):

Daddy Griffith's drilling company (defunct):

Daddy Griffith's metals business (defunct):

And Ohio Kentucky Oil Corporation is on its last legs, inundated with
securities fraud lawsuits and EPA lawsuits. It's barred from
soliciting investors in Tennessee due to securities fraud, it's under
investigation in Ohio and Kentucky, it owns no oil assets or wells,
and it no longer does any of its own drilling. It'll be gone soon,

And you've squandered everything Daddy Griffith earned from his
businesses, so yer now poor, adding insult to injury.

You being poor is why you issued the following. You knew you didn't
have ten thousand dollars or so to defend yerself against yet another

William Malone Griffith, II's grovelfest of an apology for being a
fucktard stauker:
Message-ID: <>

Title: Apology to Charles Novins

The witnesses to this abject, groveling apology:

Angela Griffith = Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski, William Malone
Griffith, Jr.'s sister

Catherine Griffith = William Malone Griffith, Jr.'s mother

Julia M. Griffith = William Malone Griffith, Jr.'s daughter

Cheri Griffith = Cheryl J. Griffith-Rivera, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister

Justin M. Griffith = ?

Kristy Griffith = Christine H. Griffith-Vick, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister


Questions yet to be answered:
Who is Justin M. Griffith?

Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski came all the way from Pompano Beach,
Florida to witness and sign MeatPlow's apology letter?

Or did William Malone Griffith, Jr. forge the witness signatures,
which would indicate some level of insincerity in the apology?

If William Malone Griffith, Jr. did indeed forge the witness
signatures, is his family cognizant of him using them in this way?

Who is Deborah Ann Griffith?

Who is Sherri Renee Christie, William D. Christie (age 54) and Lillie
L. Christie, and how are they associated with William Malone Griffith,

1345 Bison St. NW
Massillon, OH 44647
330-833-5313 (Sherri)
330-837-4967 (William)

2524 Meadows Ave NW
Apt. 4
Massillon, OH 44647

PO Box 36221
Canton, OH 44735


It's time for a digital enema to flush this turd named William Malone
Griffith, II out of the system.

The exit is -.
.---. .-----. |
| | '---. | |
'-. `-----|-' |
| '---'
"Gareth Magennis" <> wrote in message
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message

"Gareth Magennis"

As per my post, I suspect, like you, this was a "wrong PSU used numpty
error", though any info on the hazards of PAT testing is welcome.

**Another, bloody pathetic, WOFT troll.

.... Phil

What a charming man.

He was raised by dingoes.
Ian Field wrote:
"Gareth Magennis" <> wrote in message

"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message

"Gareth Magennis"

As per my post, I suspect, like you, this was a "wrong PSU used numpty
error", though any info on the hazards of PAT testing is welcome.

**Another, bloody pathetic, WOFT troll.

.... Phil

What a charming man.

He was raised by dingoes.

Then he ate them. Alive they were, as he chewed on them!

It's easy to think outside the box, when you have a cutting torch.
On Fri, 29 Jul 2011 16:57:24 +0200, MonkeyNutz wrote:

Meat Plow <> wrote in>:

On Thu, 28 Jul 2011 21:39:28 +1000, Phil Allison wrote:


We know

We know
Aw...poor baby gotta change its posting nym hourly now because your
Alein,s,e,d,c,f,r,v,t,g,b,h,j,u,i,o,p nym got shot down just like you.

Make you pretty fucking mad don't it :)

Live Fast Die Young, Leave A Pretty Corpse

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