On Fri, 18 Jun 2010 07:39:54 -0400 Tim Schwartz <tim@bristolnj.com> wrote
in Message id: <4C1B5B0A.9060908@bristolnj.com>:
in Message id: <4C1B5B0A.9060908@bristolnj.com>:
First hit on Google. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PAT_TestingOn 6/17/2010 4:20 AM, Arfa Daily wrote:
"Phil Allison" <phil_a@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
"Arfa Daily"
re: JVC midi size hi-fi system.
I would be interested in knowing if I'm on my own on this one, or if
anybody else involved professionally in service work - or indeed
anyone who carries out PAT testing - has any similar experience, or
opinions on this.
** Why on earth would a unit like that have to be PAT tested ????
No requirement exists here in Australia for low risk items used in non
hazardous work environments to be regularly tested.
.... Phil
Well, to some extent, this is my point. I'm no expert on the regs, and
it's my feeling that items such as this should not be subject to the
high voltage tests for the very reasons that I suspect that it may cause
damage to them. Possibly, they are not strictly speaking required to be
tested, but several of the places that I do work for, have local
authority customers, so care homes, schools, that sort of thing, and
every item that I see from such establishments - including fully plastic
cased boom-boxes - always has a "tested" sticker on it, with a date for
the next test, so it's my belief that a shotgun approach for every item
that runs off the mains, and is not bolted down, is being applied. And
probably by the general maintenance man, who just has an automatic
tester as part of his kit box, and a general mandate to use it ...
As someone in the USA who has no idea of what you are speaking of,
could you enlighten me as to what a PAT (particularly annoying
test?)test is? Is it required of consumer goods?