Richard Henry
"John Woodgate" <jmw@jmwa.demon.contraspam.yuk> wrote in message
He got so excited thinking about it that he couldn't type straight.I read in sci.electronics.design that Kevin Aylward <kevindotaylwardEXTR
ACT@anasoft.co.uk> wrote (in <9DZac.1120$Ny4.595@newsfep3-gui.server.ntl
i.net> about 'OT: Why are Engineers snookered by Creationism ?', on
Thu, 1 Apr 2004:
Indeed. If reality was truly conscious created, then I would be able to
materialise a big tilted, long legged blond,
Only Aylward Idiosyncratic Orthography could produce that!
You want a tall, fair-haired man with one leg shorter than the other?
Whatever turns you on, baby! (;-)