Frithiof Andreas Jensen
"John Larkin" <jjlarkin@highSNIPlandTHIStechPLEASEnology.com> wrote in
message news:6h88m05a4cdg64srjp94dqbqrpf3hc4g9k@4ax.com...
wymmin anyway (at least until that other feller lumping the 200+ kg's of
Tiger Carcass along finally makes it to the camp);
That's how Politics evolved I.M.O. ;-)
message news:6h88m05a4cdg64srjp94dqbqrpf3hc4g9k@4ax.com...
Well - If you cannot do that, you can *lie about it* thus getting at theThe hero is the brave and clever one who brings back the tiger
as lunch meat.
wymmin anyway (at least until that other feller lumping the 200+ kg's of
Tiger Carcass along finally makes it to the camp);
That's how Politics evolved I.M.O. ;-)