OT:Whats with the Gallop Poll?

Tom Seim wrote:
Is that Mental Illness 101 at the local community college? Maybe you can
apply your great genius to making a Mental Illness detector- on sale now
at WalMart for...........$14.99. I can't say I have learned much by
wasting my time on someone as dull as you.

Come clean sissy-how can you not rise to this challenge? You know so
much about what these recent high school graduate kids should do to
defend your greedy, corrupt, and criminally materialistic way of life.
Now please tell us what legacy you left for them- tell us what you did
to secure their world.
Tom Seim wrote:
You failed to answer this question. Why?

Unlike yours, my "core beliefs" are not to be found on a church pamphlet

I realize that you are
suffering from something. Maybe a good airing of what makes a misfit
like you so unhappy and full of rage would be good therapy.


Come clean sissy-how can you not rise to this challenge? You know so
much about what these recent high school graduate kids should do to
defend your greedy, corrupt, and criminally materialistic way of life.
Now please tell us what legacy you left for them- tell us what you did
to secure their world.
Tom Seim wrote:
Fred Bloggs <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in message news:<4179DD35.1060002@nospam.com>...

Tom Seim wrote:

You failed to answer this question. Why?

Unlike yours, my "core beliefs" are not to be found on a church pamphlet

I realize that you are
suffering from something. Maybe a good airing of what makes a misfit
like you so unhappy and full of rage would be good therapy.



Come clean sissy-how can you not rise to this challenge? You know so
much about what these recent high school graduate kids should do to
defend your greedy, corrupt, and criminally materialistic way of life.
Now please tell us what legacy you left for them- tell us what you did
to secure their world.

We won the Cold War, fredfraud.
Nah- it's more like you and a few tens of millions of other people
cashed in on the Cold War- that would be the more accurate description.
You think all you have to do is scream national security and watch those
floodgates to the national treasury swing open- well those days are
over. And this goes a long ways towards explaining the situation today-
you scum are still looking for a sugar daddy so you invent this inflated
global war on terror. You're just a filthy little inconsequential parasite.
In article <6c71b322.0410232017.1319975f@posting.google.com>,
Tom Seim <soar2morrow@yahoo.com> wrote:
We won the Cold War, fredfraud.
No, the other side lost.

kensmith@rahul.net forging knowledge
Tom Seim wrote:
kensmith@green.rahul.net (Ken Smith) wrote in message news:<clgm7o$6u6$5@blue.rahul.net>...

In article <6c71b322.0410232017.1319975f@posting.google.com>,
Tom Seim <soar2morrow@yahoo.com> wrote:

We won the Cold War, fredfraud.

No, the other side lost.


Goes down for a "W" for our side - oh, what a coincidence!
Not really- one of the reasons for our ever weakening economic position
is the Cold War.
In article <6c71b322.0410242036.4a38288b@posting.google.com>,
Tom Seim <soar2morrow@yahoo.com> wrote:
kensmith@green.rahul.net (Ken Smith) wrote in message
In article <6c71b322.0410232017.1319975f@posting.google.com>,
Tom Seim <soar2morrow@yahoo.com> wrote:
We won the Cold War, fredfraud.

No, the other side lost.


Goes down for a "W" for our side - oh, what a coincidence!
Yes, just like in baseball, where it would be a 9-0 win.

The USSR's economy was destroyed by its internal problems. If the USSR
was running the Sahara, after the first 5 year plan there would be a sand

kensmith@rahul.net forging knowledge
On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 17:28:59 GMT, "Clarence" <no@No.com> wrote:

"Jonathan Kirwan" <jkirwan@easystreet.com> wrote in message
On 19 Oct 2004 07:06:55 GMT, rolavine@aol.com (Rolavine) wrote:

The Gallop Poll has been high for Bush all along. Are they being paid by the

Gallop is no longer owned by the Gallops. Yes, new ownership is hauling for
Republicans, now. Remember reading a story about this, some time ago.


Typical BS..... No value here!
Other than an example of an actual moron, what's of no value here is

John Fields
kensmith@green.rahul.net (Ken Smith) wrote in

In article <6c71b322.0410242036.4a38288b@posting.google.com>,
Tom Seim <soar2morrow@yahoo.com> wrote:
kensmith@green.rahul.net (Ken Smith) wrote in message
In article <6c71b322.0410232017.1319975f@posting.google.com>,
Tom Seim <soar2morrow@yahoo.com> wrote:
We won the Cold War, fredfraud.

No, the other side lost.


Goes down for a "W" for our side - oh, what a coincidence!

Yes, just like in baseball, where it would be a 9-0 win.

The USSR's economy was destroyed by its internal problems. If the
USSR was running the Sahara, after the first 5 year plan there would
be a sand shortage.
Part of the reason the USSR's economy had "internal problems" was the fact
that it's military took up so much of it's resources,in an effort to
counter the West's technological edge by force of numbers.They also put a
lot of resources into stealing technology they could not obtain normally.

Jim Yanik
Product developer wrote:
Fred Bloggs <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in message news:<41767AC2.8090003@nospam.com>...

Product developer wrote:

The internals dictate the outcome.

The "internals"?

You don't know what an "internal" number is in a poll? I'll refrain
from calling you a dumb ass. A poll is a series of questions that the
pollster aggregates into a final number.
Really? And what final number is that?

These questions are called

When you examine the key or critical questions, again
"Internals" on such issues as the war on terror and the economy Bush
trumps Kerry in margins that tend to indicate that those being
questioned may have answered other less important questions in an
unfavorable way towards a candidate that they prefer him to the
alternative choice.
That's a very interesting sentence structure there. Let's try to figure
this out:

"When you examine the key or critical questions...Bush
trumps Kerry in margins that tend to indicate that those being
questioned may have answered other less important questions in an
unfavorable way towards a candidate [that they prefer him to the
alternative choice]"

I don't care /how/ you look at that crap of bs sentence, it just doesn't
make any sense. So in addition to being a deceitful swine, you are an
irrational idiot. And what is all this crap with "tend" - "less
important"- those sound like pollster judgment calls to me. Whatever the
hell you're talking about, it has nothing to do with science. I don't
know what bs right wing crap you're reading, but in the real world a
question like: Will you vote for a) Kerry, b) BuSh, c) undecided, is an
indisputable way of predicting the outcome of the election. Now what
kind of "internals" could possibly be used to adjust that answer,
lamebrain? How do the "internals" of : who is more likable, who will you
trust to do a better job at this or that, affect the answer and polling
statistics of the more direct question of who will you vote for?

This is how polls can be skewed. Load the poll
with questions that favor the democrat the democrat wins and vice
Oh geez- thnx for that brilliance, idiot. Looks to me like your thinking
process can only aspire to be skewed, because right now you are a
verminous airhead.

Granted, all the generic polls will
show Bush ahead and as the election grows near,

"generic polls"?
Okay- so once more- "generic polls"?

the gap will widen
with Bush pulling further ahead.

"further" ahead?
Once again- "further ahead'?

The real determining factors however
are... who is trusted to fight the war on terror and who is trusted to
run the economy. Bush is hands down favorite by huge margins in all


Demographics? Ever do any marketing? Let me guess. None of your
designs make it to market.
Hmmm- you seem to have marketing and the measure of the success of that
marketing confused. You do know that the purpose of a /scientific/ poll
is to achieve a representative sample? You do know what representative
means? You do know about something call proportions? So it sounds like
you have been reading about a bunch of Bush scheming to attack
vulnerable demographic groups.

other than blacks who for some reason think the demorats give a
damn about them. Some day they will realize that they were just played
like a fiddle but that could be a decade or two away.

Haha- Cheney voted against civil rights and has publicly slandered
Martin Luther King as a Communist agitator. Your Bush "fairy" campaigned
for the segregationist Winton Blount and his Alabama senate campaign
that year he was A.W.O.L. from the National Guard.
I repeat again- who is playing who "like a fiddle"? Why don't you answer
this question, shit-for-brains?

All the mindless bantering by the kooks here will be just more mental
masturbation as the election will go to Bush for the reason I gave
long ago.

"mental masturbation"? "kooks"?

See all your posts and those by the rest of the twit brigade. They do
have their comic value but they reach too few an audience to get the
word out that you guys are the new Democrat Party.
Yeah- but what exactly is "mental masturbation"?

In a time like this, no one in their right mind would
appoint an empty suit, resume building, wishy washy liberal from New
England to the highest office in the land. Alfred E. Neuman would have
been a better candidate than Kerry.

You do know *Newman* was a cartoon character?

Hey you almost nailed this one. You misspelled his name however. It is
He the lead charactor from MAD Magazine who first appeared in issue
number 21 back around the late 50's. I could go look when I get home.
I own one of the only intact collections in the world including the
first edition on, all in sealed UV protected sleaves.
Looks like your the one who doesn't know much- Neuman was a play on a
much older Newman that had been used much earlier. Alfred E. Newman was
a legendary "what me worry?" about 100 years before MAD arrived.

The big question is, how long will the demorats as a party be so
detached from reality and mainstream America? Who will come forth from
the rubble and finally declare that the party has been hijacked by
socialist extremists and that there needs to be a rebuilding of the
party to reflect the values it once held when decent patriotic
pro-America men ran it.

Why don't you tell us what you actually *do*
[..snip more of that incredible self-advertizement...]

- other than shoot your

fucking blowhard mouth off- that could convince anyone you are decent,
patriotic, pro-American and/or a "man".

I donate a few hundred hours a year working with kids and as a
professional private Soccer Goalkeeper Trainer I take average to
better than average Rec, Club, Highschool, and college players and
make them not just stars on the field but in their own eyes. There is
no greater high then training a child or young adult and getting them
to realize their own potential.
You do know you fit the profile of a pedophile?

At age 47 I can still play with some of the best the best from Europe
and Latin countries in my age group of course, and power dive post to
post and come out and take down a 40 MPH driven shot. I have an NFL
better than average average hang time of 4 to 5.5 second punt that
lands near the opposite 18 yard line or effectively 80 yards in the
air. Sorry I digress. This is my real passion, the world's favorite
sport, the sport of gentlemen, Futbol, Footie, Soccer!
It seems to me that it takes a special kind of brain damage to run
around a field and chase down a ball so you can kick it.

O.K. Bloggsy go ahead. I have my flame retardent suit on.

O.K. now your turn. What in your core beliefs produces such vitrolic
hatred and discontent that drives you to a fit of rage in all your
Product developer wrote:
Fred Bloggs <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in message news:<41771A4A.2020607@nospam.com>...

Product developer wrote:

Fred Bloggs <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in message news:<41767AC2.8090003@nospam.com>...

Snip no time to teach an ignorant fool about polls or sampling

Yeah- but what exactly is "mental masturbation"?

It's what you and a couple other idiots do here day in and day out.
Yeah- but what exactly is it.

In a time like this, no one in their right mind would
appoint an empty suit, resume building, wishy washy liberal from New
England to the highest office in the land. Alfred E. Neuman would have
been a better candidate than Kerry.

You do know *Newman* was a cartoon character?

Hey you almost nailed this one. You misspelled his name however. It is
He the lead charactor from MAD Magazine who first appeared in issue
number 21 back around the late 50's. I could go look when I get home.
I own one of the only intact collections in the world including the
first edition on, all in sealed UV protected sleaves.

Looks like your the one who doesn't know much- Neuman was a play on a
much older Newman that had been used much earlier. Alfred E. Newman was
a legendary "what me worry?" about 100 years before MAD arrived.

Here is yet another example of how you bluff your way through a topic
that you have no knowledge of whatsover. Do you make up all this as
you go thinking that no one will question your little creations?

"Alfred E. Neuman" was a created name by someone at MAD. The name has
no history beyond that. End of story. The gap-toothes Face of the
character bearing the name was used in a Dental ad at the turn of the
century to promote dental care. There is no debate on this but I know
you will concoct some bullshit story to cover your ass again.
Nah- you're full of shit- Alfred E. Newman was an actual person on an
earlier radio show. Several copyright infringement suits were brought
against MAD. The image goes back to the 19th century.

The big question is, how long will the demorats as a party be so
detached from reality and mainstream America? Who will come forth from
the rubble and finally declare that the party has been hijacked by
socialist extremists and that there needs to be a rebuilding of the
party to reflect the values it once held when decent patriotic
pro-America men ran it.

Why don't you tell us what you actually *do*

[..snip more of that incredible self-advertizement...]

- other than shoot your

fucking blowhard mouth off- that could convince anyone you are decent,
patriotic, pro-American and/or a "man".

I donate a few hundred hours a year working with kids and as a
professional private Soccer Goalkeeper Trainer I take average to
better than average Rec, Club, Highschool, and college players and
make them not just stars on the field but in their own eyes. There is
no greater high then training a child or young adult and getting them
to realize their own potential.

You do know you fit the profile of a pedophile?

This comment is the cornerstone of what separates you and I and the
new post Clinton Democrat party from Republicans.
Nah- it is a learned observation- time and again we see these pillars of
community recreational activism being arrested for child molestation.

I am a self-made man
with everything anyone could ever want in life.
You keep saying that but offer no actual proof; instead you offer plenty
of evidence that you are lying about your accomplishments.

You are a miserable
failure and a pathological liar so full of pain and hatred that you
have turned this site into a trash can.
Nah- you are the pathological liar- I just caught you trying to bullshit
your way through that poll explanation- you never have rebutted that.
You do seem to know something about "pain and hatred" though- and as for
the trash can remark- well if the shoe fits...

Here I share some of my passions in life and my genuine heart-felt
love for helping kids and your response is to infere that I am a
You seem a bit too well-versed in your ready self-aggrandizement for any
reasonable person to think it anything other than a scam. Do you also
introduce those "boys" to the Lord?

What happened to you in life that your heart is so empty
and void of any decency?
There you go with that evangelical "heart" crap...and that absolutism
with the "decency" crap. I think everyone knows enough about where
you're coming from, racist bastard and crook.

What kind of souless biped could say such a thing?

You are the poster child for your party. A bitter failure of a little
man that can't relate to decency because he himself is without of any
to call his own.
There you go again calling everyone who disagrees with you a "failure"-
makes one wonder about all that creativity you claim to have applied to
making yourself such a success story.

At age 47 I can still play with some of the best the best from Europe
and Latin countries in my age group of course, and power dive post to
post and come out and take down a 40 MPH driven shot. I have an NFL
better than average average hang time of 4 to 5.5 second punt that
lands near the opposite 18 yard line or effectively 80 yards in the
air. Sorry I digress. This is my real passion, the world's favorite
sport, the sport of gentlemen, Futbol, Footie, Soccer!

It seems to me that it takes a special kind of brain damage to run
around a field and chase down a ball so you can kick it.

In your world of spending all day and night in a dark room waiting for
your next pearl of wisdom to post here, I can see where any sport
would be out of the question for an anti-social shut in. You would
probably drop dead.
Nah- I am much more fit than you could ever hope for- you don't have the
hormone endowment to keep up.

O.K. Bloggsy go ahead. I have my flame retardent suit on.

O.K. now your turn. What in your core beliefs produces such vitrolic
hatred and discontent that drives you to a fit of rage in all your

You failed to answer this question. Why?
Unlike yours, my "core beliefs" are not to be found on a church pamphlet

I realize that you are
suffering from something. Maybe a good airing of what makes a misfit
like you so unhappy and full of rage would be good therapy.

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