George Herold
On Feb 8, 3:46 pm, default wrote:
in the ocean, the goverment, charity, church, local school,...
George H.
Personally I don't care where the money goes. you can throw my shareOn Mon, 7 Feb 2011 19:48:02 -0800 (PST), George Herold
gher...@teachspin.com> wrote:
it cost $0.01 to send an email? This is meant to reduce spam.
Perhaps the cost is too high?
George H.
No that's not too high. BUT where does the money go? and who controls
the cost? I seem to remember first class postage costing 2 cents...
Give governments a revenue source and they will milk it - then how
about a penny or two to download a megabyte?
Where does it end?
in the ocean, the goverment, charity, church, local school,...
George H.