Pooh Bear
Terry Given wrote:
Are these guys just on holiday ?
bet GCHQ Cheltenham knew better.
Errr.... Quite !Pooh Bear wrote:
Jim Yanik wrote:
Planes need flight plans,clearance to enter the US.
Unknowns get intercepted by the military.
So buy an existing small operator. That'll give you more planes too.
One hopes that the 'intelligence' services are looking for this kind of thing.
based on their performance to date, they wouldnt notice it happening if
*they* sold the damned plane(s).
I heard that the CIA's office in Pakistan didn't have single local language speaker.If I was a USian, I'd be mighty pissed about the piss-poor results
obtained from the insane quantities of money spent on intelligence,
followed by defense (what, hundreds of billions a year, and they havent
got enough armour? wtf?). What a waste of taxpayers money.
Are these guys just on holiday ?
You mean the 'phoney Iraq briefing' ? That was Downing Street's spin on things. INZ's intelligence agencies are likewise fucking morons, but at least
ours are 10,000 times cheaper.
And the UK has shit all over its face, too.
bet GCHQ Cheltenham knew better.
Toujours la meme chose.Actually, I think this all proves a point NASA so impressively
demonstrated - problems you dont look for are problems you dont find.
Hiding things from scrutiny mostly just allows fuckups to continue