Terry Pinnell
I wonder if the new Pope has changed his mind in 9 years about the
meaning of AC/DC?
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Speaking yesterday [1996] at a Mass marking the feast of St Cecilia,
the patron saint of music, Cardinal Ratzinger agreed that there were
many good things in modern pop music, but added that there was also a
great deal that "endangers the human soul". He urged heavy metal bands
in particular to "purify themselves".
Vatican officials identified some of the "worst offenders" as Alice
Cooper, Black Sabbath and AC/DC, whose initials they claimed referred
not to alternating current or even bisexuality, but to the satanic
phrase "Anti-Christ, Death to Christ".
Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK
meaning of AC/DC?
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or http://tinyurl.com/cdzc9
Speaking yesterday [1996] at a Mass marking the feast of St Cecilia,
the patron saint of music, Cardinal Ratzinger agreed that there were
many good things in modern pop music, but added that there was also a
great deal that "endangers the human soul". He urged heavy metal bands
in particular to "purify themselves".
Vatican officials identified some of the "worst offenders" as Alice
Cooper, Black Sabbath and AC/DC, whose initials they claimed referred
not to alternating current or even bisexuality, but to the satanic
phrase "Anti-Christ, Death to Christ".
Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK