Anthony William Sloman
On Saturday, May 13, 2023 at 1:37:32â¯AM UTC+10, John Larkin wrote:
Not in any useful way.
> The cool thing about chaos theory is that you can conjecture most any causality (today\'s news: brush fires in South Africa four years ago caused the drought (now floods) in California) and you\'re right.
If you are ignorant enough to think that chaos theory can be used to link any random event in the past with a-hard-to-predict event happening at moment, you\'ve definitely found a \"get out of thinking\" card.
Playing that card does have the downside that it identifies you as a self-deluding dimwit, but John Larkin has been doing that for years.
Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Fri, 12 May 2023 11:09:13 -0400, bitrex <us...@example.net> wrote:
On 5/11/2023 5:23 PM, John Larkin wrote:
Personally, I\'m happy that the Romans colonized England and that
England colonized Ireland next. If none of that had happened, I
wouldn\'t exist, and then where would I be?
Yeah it\'s one of those angels-on-the-head-of-a-pin style questions that I imagine sometimes preoccupies people who view all of history as being just prologue to their own unique life.
Of course it is. And my existence does preoccupy me; it affects me almost every day.
Not in any useful way.
> The cool thing about chaos theory is that you can conjecture most any causality (today\'s news: brush fires in South Africa four years ago caused the drought (now floods) in California) and you\'re right.
If you are ignorant enough to think that chaos theory can be used to link any random event in the past with a-hard-to-predict event happening at moment, you\'ve definitely found a \"get out of thinking\" card.
Playing that card does have the downside that it identifies you as a self-deluding dimwit, but John Larkin has been doing that for years.
Bill Sloman, Sydney