On Sunday, May 21, 2023 at 6:15:53â¯AM UTC-4, Cursitor Doom wrote:
If you can\'t argue facts and actual history, then falling back to insulting the intelligence of those posting fact is all that\'s left.
On Thu, 18 May 2023 10:04:54 -0700 (PDT), Guy Patterson
str0...@aol.com> wrote:
On Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 9:17:04?AM UTC-4, Cursitor Doom wrote:
I thought it was a principle under civil law that when someone has
been wronged and compensation deemed appropriate, the money is taken
from those who have become unjustly enriched and given to those who
have suffered as a result of that wrongdoing. But that\'s not what\'s
being contemplated here. The persons who committed the original wrongs
are all long dead, as are those who suffered at their hands. I don\'t
see how one can justly apportion blame among those alive today. They
have done no wrong and the people who it is proposed to compensate
have suffered no wrong either.
What are we supposed to do? Just shrug and resign ourselves to saying
California\'s different? Are they really going to go ahead with this?
Ah yes, the foul stench of white liberals falling over themselves to show how evolved they are. Fork over money, but don\'t let us in your neighborhoods. Pay and look away.
Nothing has ruined our prospects more than \"good\" intentions doing far more harm than good. In America, black children are now born to single mothers at more than twice the rate of the 1960s and at a far higher rate than white families, and this is directly because of policies that allow welfare payments if there the father doesn\'t live with the child. Single mother and no father? Sign here thank you.
If whitey is the one with the privilege, why do formerly disadvantaged groups like Asians and Indians/Pakistanis now exceed whites in education and family income? Liberals say all the right things but they don\'t believe down deep that we are equals. They are actually the racists but will never recognize this.
There will now follow a stunned silence whilst white liberal racists
try to come to terms with the consequences of their policies. Or more
likely, they\'ll just come up with some more dogma in an effort to
cover their tracks.
If you can\'t argue facts and actual history, then falling back to insulting the intelligence of those posting fact is all that\'s left.