John Larkin
On Wed, 26 Jun 2019 07:37:32 -0500, John S <Sophi.2@invalid.org>
Crabby lately, I guess. But this extended teasing is getting boring.
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
lunatic fringe electronics
On 6/25/2019 9:05 AM, John Larkin wrote:
On 24 Jun 2019 23:19:47 -0700, Winfield Hill <winfieldhill@yahoo.com
John Larkin wrote...
The progressive-railing thing would be as good
as the parts you care to buy. 0.1% should be
OK, precision railing to say 1%, OK. But at
the highest gains, the fixed-value input-stage
feedback resistor, and the input offset ...
Explain that for us.
Is this an electronics discussion or a book promotion?
John, you are usually not so unkind.
Crabby lately, I guess. But this extended teasing is getting boring.
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
lunatic fringe electronics