Kevin Aylward
John Woodgate wrote:
Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
Yep he is. He's a serious fruitcake.I read in sci.electronics.design that Rich Grise <null@example.net
wrote (in <sRg6d.4274$8H1.2979@trnddc08>about '[OT]: Memes Vs. Free
Will', on Tue, 28 Sep 2004:
Take, for example, an ameba.
How does it know what to eat and what to run away from?
If you've ever looked at one under a microscope, you'd know that it
eats anything that doesn't repel it chemically, and it doesn't run
away from a predator, only harmful chemical gradients.
Everything that has electric currents has magnetic fields.
Your thoughts are contained in the interplay of electric fields.
Your feelings are contained in the interplay of magnetic fields.
You cannot be serious!
Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.