Paul Burridge
Hi all,
I got home a bit the worse for drink last night (as you do) and
switched on the telly, only to find that the usual diet of 3rd rate
'celebrity' quiz shows and adverts for Boxing Day sales had been
replaced by some incongruous images of choirboys and joyful carolling
by thronged multitudes. Then I dimly recalled that Christmas started
out as some sort of religious festival before it evolved into the
stuffing, drinking, gorging and feasting period of the year we know
and love today. So the obvious question is: should we not dispense
with the religious aspects of this ancient holiday altogether and
simply concentrate on the material delights it brings?
Oh, and "Merry Christmas Everyone" :-|
"What is now proved was once only imagin'd." - William Blake, 1793.
I got home a bit the worse for drink last night (as you do) and
switched on the telly, only to find that the usual diet of 3rd rate
'celebrity' quiz shows and adverts for Boxing Day sales had been
replaced by some incongruous images of choirboys and joyful carolling
by thronged multitudes. Then I dimly recalled that Christmas started
out as some sort of religious festival before it evolved into the
stuffing, drinking, gorging and feasting period of the year we know
and love today. So the obvious question is: should we not dispense
with the religious aspects of this ancient holiday altogether and
simply concentrate on the material delights it brings?
Oh, and "Merry Christmas Everyone" :-|
"What is now proved was once only imagin'd." - William Blake, 1793.