OT hiding from web email mining robots

On Tue, 16 Mar 2004 19:29:57 GMT, Jan Panteltje wrote:

On a sunny day (Tue, 16 Mar 2004 07:03:34 -0800) it happened "Richard Henry"
rphenry@home.com> wrote in <eHE5c.11017$uh.9762@fed1read02>:

My "anonymous" email-address is pomerado at hotmail dot com.

Can you (presumable human) read those?
But then you could also make a small .jpg or .gif with the email in it,
and embed it in the website.
I think those scanning programs do not yet do OCR?
Having to type in an addy from an image is an inconvienience. Like
registering to get a data sheet. You can however put the image in a
table cell and write an onClick() handler with a little obfuscation
thrown in if you really want the image of the addy there.

There's also a non-free app (HTML Obfuscator, IIRC) that turns your
page into one giant JS script and "encrypts" the whole thing except
the bare minimum required to load the page and run the JS function.
YMMV, though. I don't know if the JS was written to be supported by
all browsers.

Best Regards,
On Mon, 15 Mar 2004 21:11:20 -0000, "anthony wooldridge"
<arwooldridge_spamfree@genie.co.uk> wrote:

I remember a thread a while ago on this newsgroup
about how to hide your mailto link in a web page
from email mining web bots.

I think it went along the lines that you use esc control codes in the mailto
and the mailto link works as normal but the bots can't mine it.

Does any know if this method works?

Anthony Wooldridge

Here's a perl script that does the decimalization trick...
(I use the perl interpreter from

# mailto.pl
# converts email addresses to html character entities to foil
# address harvesters.
# Peter Bennett Dec 2/01

$line = <STDIN>;

$cc = 2;
print STDOUT "<a href=\"mailto:";
for($i = 0; $i < length($line); $i++)
printf STDOUT "&#%03d;", ord( substr($line, $i, 1));
if($cc > 11)
$cc = 0;
print STDOUT "\n";
print STDOUT "\">\n";
$cc = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < length($line); $i++)
printf STDOUT "&#%03d;", ord( substr($line, $i, 1));
if($cc > 10)
$cc = 0;
print STDOUT "\n";
print STDOUT "</a>"

Peter Bennett, VE7CEI
peterbb (at) interchange.ubc.ca
new newsgroup users info : http://vancouver-webpages.com/nnq
GPS and NMEA info: http://vancouver-webpages.com/peter
Vancouver Power Squadron: http://vancouver.powersquadron.ca
On Mon, 15 Mar 2004 21:11:20 -0000, "anthony wooldridge"
<arwooldridge_spamfree@genie.co.uk> wrote:

I remember a thread a while ago on this newsgroup
about how to hide your mailto link in a web page
from email mining web bots.

I think it went along the lines that you use esc control codes in the mailto
and the mailto link works as normal but the bots can't mine it.

Does any know if this method works?

Anthony Wooldridge

I like the following method. Requires java script on the client side.
The document.write() statement should be on one line.

<script language=javascript>
//anti-spam email script
var link = "your name goes here"
var user = "arwool"
var domain = "genie.co.uk"

Regards, Mark
anthony wooldridge wrote:
I remember a thread a while ago on this newsgroup
about how to hide your mailto link in a web page
from email mining web bots.

I think it went along the lines that you use esc control codes in the mailto
and the mailto link works as normal but the bots can't mine it.

Does any know if this method works?

Anthony Wooldridge

Click the link in the sig to email me.
Depending on how your filters are set up, you may
stop at geocities or get forwarded to another site where
you can click the contact link. That one has the added
advantage of setting the Subject line to something that
can be filtered.
That method has been successful. Suppose the address can
be mined from the page, but not from the newsgroup.

Another interesting thing to do is have an email address with
the string "spam" in it. I set it up as a place to dump spam,
but it didn't collect any. Hmmm...now I post it freely.

Return address is VALID.
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On Tue, 16 Mar 2004 03:28:40 -0800, LioNiNoiL at NetScApE_DoT_NeT

That page emails you your encoding. They're probably selling the list.

Don't use it. Alicorna has an "E-mail Obfuscator" page with a CGI script
that does the encoding for you in real-time:

and hovering over the links at the bottom throws another JS error.


Best Regards,
hi would be "hi".
You have to preceed the number with the ampersand and pound sign
and terminate it with the semicolon.
Funny, I thought I used to be able to use hex numbers without the #,
but that isn't working I'll disable that button.
That's because it's not ASCII--it's Unicode.
It is a happy coincidence that ASCII and Unicode overlap in the range
Roman letters / Arabic numbers / common punctuation,
making them compatible (obviously, M$ had nothing to do with this).


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