John Doe
NATO is a MILITARY organization.
But it\'s true, not all countries have been invaded by NATO, and the
leadership of some of those have decided to join NATO. But the idea NATO
membership is all \"the will of the people\" is hilarious.
\"If the prosecutor is not fired, you\'re not getting the money... Well son of a bitch, he got fired!\"
But of course (with a straight face), Joe wanted the prosecutor fired
because he WASN\'T investigating the company his son was working for...
That\'s sillier than the \"oceanfront property in Arizona\" stuff.
whit3rd <whit3rd@gmail.com> wrote:
But it\'s true, not all countries have been invaded by NATO, and the
leadership of some of those have decided to join NATO. But the idea NATO
membership is all \"the will of the people\" is hilarious.
\"If the prosecutor is not fired, you\'re not getting the money... Well son of a bitch, he got fired!\"
But of course (with a straight face), Joe wanted the prosecutor fired
because he WASN\'T investigating the company his son was working for...
That\'s sillier than the \"oceanfront property in Arizona\" stuff.
whit3rd <whit3rd@gmail.com> wrote:
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Subject: Re: OT: Henry Kissinger on Ukraine
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On Friday, March 11, 2022 at 1:01:22 PM UTC-8, John Doe wrote:
Then, shortly before the invasion, Zelensky was demanding NATO admittance.
Apparently Kamala Harris made a careless statement of approval too, but I
haven\'t been able to find a record of that. Apparently the same happened
with Georgia.
It\'s no secret. Many Americans and others have warned about it. NATO has
been expanding towards Russia\'s border since the Cold War supposedly
ended. It\'s naked aggression. They want a first strike capability.
False. Ukraine\'s Lviv (formerly Lvov, Poland) was first invaded by Stalin, who
later turned that city (and its Jews) over to Germany. Another, recent invasion
from Russia was in Crimea. This is a third \"first strike\" from Russia.
NATO can, and has, kept borders intact regardless of Russian agressions.
NATO has not conquered any territory, all NATO nations are self-governing.
I suspect many inhabitants of Ukraine prefer to be self-governed, and
whether they speak Russian or not, do not expect good rule from military
governors and/or Moscow. NATO as an alternative to Moscow or unelected puppets
is thus an attractive prospect.
Ukraine\'s history with Russian rulers includes the \'collectivation of agriculture\' episode
which claimed millions of lives. How many, history may never know, but... Ukraine