Michael Terrell
On Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 9:50:13 AM UTC-5, Tom Gardner wrote:
Of what? That someone is forging post with my name and email address on other groups where it says much worse things about me?
It was medicine for Diabetes, and Edema. My legs swelled up so bad that the skin was tearing. I couldn't wear my diabetic shoes, without them popping off my swollen feet. How would you like to take a step and have a shoe fly almost 20 feet away as you land face first on Asphalt? How would you like to go without Insulin?
The doctor also canceled the Wound Care supply prescriptions for things that I can't buy over the counter. The last time most of my prescriptions arrived the same day, it was enough to fill two kitchen sized trashcans.
On 16/01/20 13:30, Michael Terrell wrote:
Look. I've told you that I'm not letting a queer like you wrap your diseased
mouth around it. Go back to your street corner and look for your johns...
Of what? That someone is forging post with my name and email address on other groups where it says much worse things about me?
OTOH I don't how I'd react if I couldn't get enough analgesia.
It was medicine for Diabetes, and Edema. My legs swelled up so bad that the skin was tearing. I couldn't wear my diabetic shoes, without them popping off my swollen feet. How would you like to take a step and have a shoe fly almost 20 feet away as you land face first on Asphalt? How would you like to go without Insulin?
The doctor also canceled the Wound Care supply prescriptions for things that I can't buy over the counter. The last time most of my prescriptions arrived the same day, it was enough to fill two kitchen sized trashcans.