Michael Terrell
On Saturday, January 11, 2020 at 11:28:55 PM UTC-5, mpm wrote:
Rick would freak out if free charging stations were outlawed, and a lengthy process to obtain a special license to own an EV were put into place. Some weapons cost a small fortune just for the right to own, and you pay that tax every year even if the weapon can't be fired. Like too many liberals, it's OK to demand that others give up their rights, since they don't exercise them. My definition of an assault weapon is one that can empty the entire magazine with one pull of the trigger. That results in 'Spray and Pray' that you actually hit anything.
The early M16 that I was issued in the US Army had three modes. Single shot, three rounds or full auto. The third option was eliminated because it just wasted ammunition, and the enemy could pick you off while you changed the 20 round magazine.
The machine gun served a different purpose. It was for battle on a large open space. Night fire had tracer rounds to let you see where the bullets were going. As the barrel heated up, the path changed. Too many fools believe old war movies of some moron holding a machine gun and running with it while firing. They quickly get too hot to hold, and continuous fire destroys the barrel. Our biggest problem is that the ACLU went to the courts to have the insane asylums shut down. All that did was put the nutcases out into the streets and make it harder to get them the help that they needed. No normal human would pick up any weapon to go on a killing spree.
It is amazing that supposedly grown men are terrified of a little piece of inert metal.
On Saturday, January 11, 2020 at 10:44:15 PM UTC-5, Rick C wrote:
I think you may have totally missed my point about all guns being LETHAL.
Which of course, is their entire reason to exist.
That is their purpose. It matters not how it is done, what you call it, or how it looks and feels.
Whether someone is killed with a .22 or 380 small caliber compact handgun, or a 338 Lapua Magnum precision, long-distance competition rifle, makes no difference. That person is still DEAD.
Anti-gunners want to ban entire "classes" of firearms based on features OTHER than the one that should really matter: How safe is the gun in the right hands, and does it do the job intended? Beyond that - you need to look at the person behind the gun, not the scary black plastic gun components or features.
You do know that the deadliest mass school shooting in America was committed with only HANDGUNS, right. Not "assault rifles".
And you know what, I don't even believe the entire field of "gun violence" is a big deal. It's actually been on the decline for decades, even as total gun ownership (as % of population), and total firearms in private ownership (raw #'s) has skyrocketed. And the population has grown significantly as well.
(That's another way to say if gun ownership were the problem, you'd KNOW IT! - There would be zero doubt.)
The TRUTH is the number of deaths appropriately attributed to gun violence is declining, and far less than a lot of other aspects in daily life: medical malpractice, texting and driving, assault other than with firearms (including someone's bare fists, BTW!).
Subtract suicides, police action, and gang-on-gang violence, and the numbers are even less demanding of a solution. Any solution. It's just not a big deal.
Of course, school & church shootings grab the headlines, and a public outcry ensues (Note: Both are "gun free zones" in many jurisdictions.) And everybody's got a solution - but none of them are proven to work (in fact, most are proven to NOT work), because they don't focus on the actual problem - the crazed, murdering individual. (who I guarantee you could care less about gun-free zone laws, and what color plastic the gun is made from.)
It truly is like outlawing spoons to prevent diabetes.
Maybe if we just outlaw the scary black plastic spoons?
Personally, I agree tweaks to the system could benefit all, but it's never going to happen when basic gun ownership in under attack. Give an inch, take a mile, sort of thing. For example, the current system relies upon felony record prohibition - practically guaranteeing that the "first time felon" will never be denied a weapon. And some felonies are not violent (i.e., white collar crime), and I'm not sure those should rise to the level of forever forfeiting one's 2A rights.
No. None of that matters.
For the typical anti-gunner, it's encroach, encroach, encroach, until the 2nd Amendment is meaningless, or so unworkable under a bewildering patchwork of laws as to be impossible to enjoy.
You can do what you want, and believe what you want.
But if you can imagine yourself in a really ugly life-and-death situation, say a violent felony assault against your person, would you rather have the means to defend yourself (and those you love), or do you think you could negotiate a "time-out" with your attacker to allow enough time to call "911", and then wait for the police to arrive? (who may or may not help)
In reality, the tens of millions of citizens who carry a firearm daily will never find themselves in situations where deadly force against an attacker will be needed. But you never know. Watch the nightly news - bad thing happen even in the best of neighborhoods. (BTW: Something to consider - when you're carrying, you actually go out of your way to avoid confrontation.. Your attitude changes. Even if you're in the right to pull a weapon in self-defense, that's not going to stop the subsequent, expensive legal process, or civil lawsuits. But it's something that often gets overlooked until it hits home. Responsible gun owners don't go looking for trouble.)
The problem is sick individuals.
No amount of regulation on law-abiding citizens is ever going to fix that..
And as far as Virginia - we'll see. I wouldn't read too much into it.
It could just as easily be explained by conservatives (Republicans) kicking themselves not getting out the vote, especially in a midterm election - happens all the time. We might see a backlash, 180 turnaround next election, or people flocking to the gun stores for their first time purchases.
Rick would freak out if free charging stations were outlawed, and a lengthy process to obtain a special license to own an EV were put into place. Some weapons cost a small fortune just for the right to own, and you pay that tax every year even if the weapon can't be fired. Like too many liberals, it's OK to demand that others give up their rights, since they don't exercise them. My definition of an assault weapon is one that can empty the entire magazine with one pull of the trigger. That results in 'Spray and Pray' that you actually hit anything.
The early M16 that I was issued in the US Army had three modes. Single shot, three rounds or full auto. The third option was eliminated because it just wasted ammunition, and the enemy could pick you off while you changed the 20 round magazine.
The machine gun served a different purpose. It was for battle on a large open space. Night fire had tracer rounds to let you see where the bullets were going. As the barrel heated up, the path changed. Too many fools believe old war movies of some moron holding a machine gun and running with it while firing. They quickly get too hot to hold, and continuous fire destroys the barrel. Our biggest problem is that the ACLU went to the courts to have the insane asylums shut down. All that did was put the nutcases out into the streets and make it harder to get them the help that they needed. No normal human would pick up any weapon to go on a killing spree.
It is amazing that supposedly grown men are terrified of a little piece of inert metal.