Jonathan Kirwan
On Wed, 01 Sep 2004 11:52:50 -0500, John Fields <jfields@austininstruments.com>
To me, politics should be about finding a set of mutually agreed compromises
that allow us to live __in peace__ amongst each other. Those who work for or
even gleefully strive for a "winner take all" approach, without any intent on
listening or respecting the opinion of others to help better find a common
ground, almost always do more damage than good.
....as well as his willingness to capitalize on it and encourage people to "loseO'Rourke seems to be able to invoke anger in some of us with his
biting commentary, which may say more about us than we'd like to hear.
To me, politics should be about finding a set of mutually agreed compromises
that allow us to live __in peace__ amongst each other. Those who work for or
even gleefully strive for a "winner take all" approach, without any intent on
listening or respecting the opinion of others to help better find a common
ground, almost always do more damage than good.