Robert Baer
Rick C wrote:
Once upon a time, (not so long) a time ago, i HAD all of my folders
the same: Details, zero Type column width..various window sizes as need.
Then it all changed a bit here, a bit there, ranDUMBly.
And it is shit now.
Again, is it unreasonable to expect a given folder attribute to
REMAIN constant (until manual change)?
Yea, but..On Sunday, October 20, 2019 at 4:55:47 AM UTC-4, Martin Brown wrote:
On 20/10/2019 06:59, Robert Baer wrote:
   Initially, I always have to set each folder the way i want:
details, and type column zero.
   So, why do i have to (ranDUMBly) fiddle with a previously set folder?
   Most of the time, the type column is fairly wide; sometimes the
whole folder is in the thumbnails or tiles mode.
   Is it unreasonable to expect a given folder attribute to remain
constant until changed?
They generally do on my system. Though it is so long since I last used
XP I can't be sure there are not circumstances like a folder full of
JPEGs where it will helpfully give you thumbnails by default.
Somewhere there is a setting so that new subdirectories inherit the
properties of their parent and that is usually good enough.
My previous machine was Windows 8 and before that Windows Vista. In one of those two I was able to set a default for all folders through the folders settings. I don't recall the details other than I set a folder the way I liked it and then set a control to make those settings the default for all folders. I think a few did not pick up the default such as "pictures" (or was it "my pictures") and a couple others like that. It worked well enough.
Under Windows 10 I have not found a control to say "this folder settings should be the default", so I just mess with each folder as I encounter it and try not to be quite as anal about things like column widths. Let them be flexible and adjust according to the need of the moment. After all, the first column is the file name and they vary a great deal. In other words, give in and let Windows wash over you like an ocean wave.
Life is too short to spend time fighting your computer.
Once upon a time, (not so long) a time ago, i HAD all of my folders
the same: Details, zero Type column width..various window sizes as need.
Then it all changed a bit here, a bit there, ranDUMBly.
And it is shit now.
Again, is it unreasonable to expect a given folder attribute to
REMAIN constant (until manual change)?