Winfield Hill
Adobe is shutting down service for users in Venezuela
in order to comply with a U.S. executive order. This
is not the first time something like this has happened.
It's foolish and short-sighted for the Trump govt. to
behave this way, because it sends the message that if
one places their operational reliance on a U.S. based
supplier, they can be summarily shutoff and damaged,
without recourse; it's safer to use non-U.S. products.
- Win
Adobe is shutting down service for users in Venezuela
in order to comply with a U.S. executive order. This
is not the first time something like this has happened.
It's foolish and short-sighted for the Trump govt. to
behave this way, because it sends the message that if
one places their operational reliance on a U.S. based
supplier, they can be summarily shutoff and damaged,
without recourse; it's safer to use non-U.S. products.
- Win