On 6/3/2022 12:25 AM, rbowman wrote:
\"Hitler was aware of Röhm\'s homosexuality. Their friendship shows in
that Röhm remained one of the few intimates allowed to use the familiar
German du (the German familiar form of \"you\") when conversing with Hitler.\"
The old saw \"With friends like these, who needs enemies\" would seem to
On 06/02/2022 02:03 PM, bitrex wrote:
He seems to be a homosexual fascist too which is a peculiar type but
there\'s historical precedent for that, homosexuality & fascism have had
an uncomfortable relationship for a long time, Ernst Rohm was a
well-known example:
The Third Reich knew when to cut their losses.
\"Hitler was aware of Röhm\'s homosexuality. Their friendship shows in
that Röhm remained one of the few intimates allowed to use the familiar
German du (the German familiar form of \"you\") when conversing with Hitler.\"
The old saw \"With friends like these, who needs enemies\" would seem to