On Mon, 13 Oct 2014 06:50:18 +1100 "Rod Speed" <rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com>
wrote in Message id: <ca04doFb4aeU1@mid.individual.net>:
Only one I've found that does do that is Bsplayer, but it's not free.
You right click on the video and select "add bookmark". Then you can use
the right click again to select the bookmark you want to go to.
I wish VLC would add this feature...
wrote in Message id: <ca04doFb4aeU1@mid.individual.net>:
Main thing nothing still does properly is keep track of where
you have got to in each piece of media so that you don't have
to watch it in its entirety and can come back to it again later.
Almost everything except the Adobe reader does that
with ebooks, but almost nothing does that with videos.
Only one I've found that does do that is Bsplayer, but it's not free.
You right click on the video and select "add bookmark". Then you can use
the right click again to select the bookmark you want to go to.
I wish VLC would add this feature...