John Fields
On Thu, 07 Apr 2005 13:52:12 -0600, learning@learning.com wrote:
So, now that you've given up and you want to blame all of your
failures on someone other than yourself, you want to die blamelessly?
Fat chance... Your life was yours to do with what you chose from the
moment you were born, and if you're unhappy with the way it's turned
out, then _you_ were instrumental in that failure. If you knew
something was wrong when it was new and you didn't rail against it
then, what makes you think that mere complaints now will make it
right? Because you're older and wiser now, and just because of that
everyone will perk up and listen to you?
It ain't gonna happen.
Your rhetoric is self-serving and far from convincing. It seems, for
example, that you would prefer that everyone who hadn't prepared for
their future in the way which _you_ would prefer (which, by the way, I
don't think you've outlined clearly) would have no future, yet you
offer no concrete examples of how that brighter futurer could be
brought about.
Instead, you seem to prefer to grouse about what could have been and
why the sun is setting on you without deference to your majesty.
John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
---In <0k4b51t3t9gfocqpla7fcug83tpdpd6kar@4ax.com>, on 04/07/05
at 01:07 PM, Jim Thompson <thegreatone@example.com> said:
On Thu, 07 Apr 2005 12:20:44 -0600, learning@learning.com wrote:
No, I have paid all of my life, and will receive nothing. I believe that
is pretty obvious.
You keep saying that, and I don't understand.
WHY "...will receive nothing" ??
I deleted the long answer, and will try the shorter methodAfter
paying in all my life, the politicians kindly giving me back an IV style
drip, drip, drip in tiny amounts of cash which will barely sustain my
life, and not likely allow me to even keep my home, is nothing.
Putting the money where I wanted to put it, investing it, or even paying
off my home ahead of schedule is something useful, and worth working for.
Being in control of my destiny is my idea of living. Tying my hands,
stealing my income, and then giving it back, in little tiny increments,
long after I could have put it to good use, is nothing.
That ain't living. That's nothing.
Being forced out of the workplace, and into "sit on your ass and barely
live" retirement was not ever a goal of mine. Some people work all their
lives so they can enjoy their "golden years" I wanted to enjoy ALL of my
life, not just the last ten, which I may not even live to see anyway.
I would rather have had the tens of thousand of dollars I paid in just
during the booming 90s, to invest, and to improve my life for those ten
years when I was happy healthy, young, trying to be a good parent, and
funding all kinds of activities in my families life. Instead, it was taken
from me, and given to someone else, and maybe later, if I live long
enough. I can have it back, but not with those incredible interest rates
that could be had during the dot com boom days. If I die tomorrow, its not
me they stole from, but my children who lost out on a lot of things
because 15% of my income was stolen from me.
When considering my position and attitude towards SS, it is important to
add in the costs of of the program to all of our society, for all that it
impacts, not just the 15% of the money I earned. It stole from the people,
and gave power to a domineering government who beats us over the head with
it every time they want to get us back in line. SS is nearly a weapon of
mass destruction against the citizens. If it was not a tool of power and
fear mongering for politicians, I could probably get along with the basic
premise, but not only do they steal our money, when we could be making the
best use of it, but then they turn around and abuse us with it, and that
turn us from free people, into wards of the state. It is the entire
system/process that turns my stomach, and makes me long for a day when men
had character, and were willing to stand up and fight for what is right,
even if it means losing that cell phone, the boat or the SUV, and the HDTV
connection. Stealing from the next generation is a gutless thing to do.
That is who I am and the older I get, the more convinced I am, that I am
right, and also alone in that mindset. <shrug
So, now that you've given up and you want to blame all of your
failures on someone other than yourself, you want to die blamelessly?
Fat chance... Your life was yours to do with what you chose from the
moment you were born, and if you're unhappy with the way it's turned
out, then _you_ were instrumental in that failure. If you knew
something was wrong when it was new and you didn't rail against it
then, what makes you think that mere complaints now will make it
right? Because you're older and wiser now, and just because of that
everyone will perk up and listen to you?
It ain't gonna happen.
Your rhetoric is self-serving and far from convincing. It seems, for
example, that you would prefer that everyone who hadn't prepared for
their future in the way which _you_ would prefer (which, by the way, I
don't think you've outlined clearly) would have no future, yet you
offer no concrete examples of how that brighter futurer could be
brought about.
Instead, you seem to prefer to grouse about what could have been and
why the sun is setting on you without deference to your majesty.
John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer